听电影学英语-返老还童 31(在线收听

  [00:05.32]Good night, Daisy 晚安,黛丝
  [00:09.96]BENJAMIN; And as I knew I would... 我知道会有什么结果
  [00:12.16]...I watched her go 于是我看着她走
  [00:16.04]That’s the last thing he wrote 那是他写的最后一句话
  [00:19.92]Sometime after your father had passed... 你父亲过身一阵以后
  [00:25.00]...there was a call 我接到一通电话
  [00:32.08]DAISY; Hello 喂
  [00:34.12]Yes, speaking 我就是
  [00:37.04]I’m sorry, I don’t understand 抱歉,我不明白
  [00:51.84]Uh, it’s the corner house 转角那栋屋
  [01:15.12]WOMAN; Come on in 请进
  [01:22.04]-I’m Daisy Fuller. -I’m David Hernandez with... - 我是黛丝富勒 - 我是
  [01:23.04]...the Orleans Parish Department of Child Welfare Services 新奥尔良儿福局的何大卫
  [01:28.60]He was living in a condemned building 他睡在一栋废弃屋
  [01:30.80]The police found this with him 警方在他身上找到这个
  [01:35.20]This address. It’s got your name in it a lot 除了这个地址还有你的名字
  [01:38.84]He’s in very poor health. He was taken to the hospital 他病得不轻,被送进医院
  [01:42.52]He doesn’t seem to know who or where he is. He’s very confused 他不知道自己是谁或是在哪里 他意识不清
  [01:44.92]I was telling Mr. Hernandez that Benjamin is one of us 我跟他说班哲明是我们的家人
  [01:48.16]If he needs a place to stay, it’s all right, he can stay here 我也说他可以住在这里
  [02:22.36]Benjamin? 班哲明?
  [02:27.76]You play beautifully 你弹得很好听
  [02:31.12]He doesn’t like to be touched. He goes in and out of states of recognition 他不喜欢被别人碰 神智有时候不太清楚
  [02:36.80]Doctors say if they didn’t know any better, he has the beginnings of dementia 医生说他得了初期的失智症
  [02:42.96]Do you remember me? 你记得我吗?
  [02:48.52]I’m Daisy 我是黛丝
  [02:51.20]I’m Benjamin 我是班哲明
  [02:59.56]It’s nice to meet you, Benjamin 很高兴认识你,班哲明
  [03:01.76]Would you mind if I sit with you? 我能陪你坐吗?
  [03:05.44]I would love to hear you play 我很想听你弹钢琴
  [03:11.60]Do I know you? 我认识你吗?
  [03:18.72]DAISY; And every day, I would stop by to make sure that he was comfortable 我每天都会去确定他没事
  [03:19.88]BENJAMIN; I want some breakfast 我要食早餐
  [03:24.64]WOMAN 2; You just finished eating, Mr. Benjamin 你才刚食过饭
  [03:26.68]BENJAMIN; Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing. You’re all fucking liars 别以为我不知道你们在干嘛 你们都是大话精!
  [03:32.24]He doesn’t believe he just had his breakfast 他不信自己食过早饭
  [03:37.36]...why don’t we see if we can’t find something else for you to do, hm? 我们找别的事让你做,好吗?
  [03:37.44]Now... 乖
  [03:43.60]BENJAMIN; I have a feeling there’s a lot of things I can’t remember 我好像有很多事记不起来

  [03:48.20]Well, like what, sugar? 像是什么?
  [03:51.08]It’s like... 我好像
  [03:51.72]...there’s this whole life I had... 我过了完整的一生
  [03:56.64]...and I can’t remember what it was 只是完全不记得
  [03:59.72]It’s okay 没关系
  [04:03.96]It’s okay to forget things 忘记事情没关系
  [04:05.96]DAISY; Many times, he would simply forget who or where he was 他常忘记自己是谁或是在哪里
  [04:11.36]He’s up there on the roof 他在屋顶上面
  [04:12.04]It wasn’t easy 真的很辛苦
  [04:15.20]Benjamin 班哲明!
  [04:17.92]I can see everything. I can see the big river 我看得到一切!我看到大河!
  [04:19.48]That’s right, you can see everything 没错,你看得到一切
  [04:21.60]I can see the graveyard where Mama’s buried and all those other people 我看得到妈妈和其他人的坟墓
  [04:23.64]I want you to come down 我要你下来!
  [04:26.96]What if I could fly? 要是我会飞呢?
  [04:28.04]I knew a man who could fly 我知道一个人会飞
  [04:31.04]You come down and I’ll tell you all about him 你下来我就说给你听
  [04:39.08]Somebody go up there 快找人上去
  [04:47.76]He was 5 when I moved in 他五岁那年我就搬进去
  [04:48.04]Nearly the same age I was when I had met him 几乎是我第一次见到他的年纪
  [05:00.24]DAISY; "This is the picture of OId Man Kangaroo at 5 in the afternoon... 这是袋鼠老先生 下午五点钟的样子
