听电影学英语-超完美男人 03(在线收听

  [00:03.60]Me, neither. 我也不喜欢。
  [00:06.12](all chattering) (大家都在聊天)
  [00:30.96](Gloria) lsn`t it big? (格劳丽雅) 很大,是吧?
  [00:32.32](Jean) lt`s gorgeous! lt`s so heavy. (简) 太耀眼了! 它太重了.
  [00:32.92]l need a crane to lift my finger. 我需要起重机才能抬起我的手指。
  [00:35.12]Well, baby, if he`s any good at all... 如果他一点也不好...
  [00:39.16]l`m so glad l listened to you. 我真高兴当时听了你的话。
  [00:39.32]you`ll never have to lift a finger again. 你就再也不需要抬起你的手指了。
  [00:43.20]He was a customer. 他是一个顾客。
  [00:44.76]Dolores coached me through the whole thing. 格劳丽雅指导我渡过了一切的难关。
  [00:46.64]When to give him an extra doughnut, when to hold back. 教我送他一个油炸圈饼,教我隐瞒。
  [00:47.84]You never told me that. (Dolores) l told you. 你从未向我提起。 (格劳丽雅) 我告诉过你。
  [00:50.04]You just didn`t want to listen. 你就是不想听。
  [00:54.24](Jean) So l`ve had a few bad relationships. (简) 所以我才会那一些不成功的恋爱。
  [00:55.60](Dolores) Honey, if ex-boyfriends were dollars... (格劳丽雅) 亲爱的,如果前男友是钱的话...
  [00:57.88]you`d be loaded by now. 你现在已经发财了。
  [00:59.16]Mom, what you gotta do is sign my enrollment form. 妈妈,你现在应该做的是在我的注册表格上签字。
  [01:01.36]4:00 already? 已经4点了?
  [01:04.12]Girls, this is my daughter, Holly. 女士们,这是我的女儿,郝莉
  [01:06.12]Look at you! All grown up. 瞧瞧你! 都长大成人了。
  [01:06.92]Hi. l`m going to get my purse. 嗨,我去拿我的钱包。
  [01:08.24]Got your little speed bumps and everything. 都发育成熟了。
  [01:12.80]Welcome to Brooklyn, Holly. 欢迎来到布鲁克林,郝莉。
  [01:14.00](Jean) See you girls tomorrow. (简) 大家明天见。
  [01:16.60]Don`t embarrass her. (Dolores) l`ve known her for so long. 别令她难堪。 (陶勒丽斯) 我认识她已经好多年了。
  [01:17.48]So, tell me. How was it? 告诉我,学校怎么样?
  [01:20.08]lt was good. (Jean) Tell me more. 很好。 (简) 再跟我说说。
  [01:20.92]Excuse me, real quick, l was just, l was over here. 对不起,真的很快,我刚刚在那里,
  [01:23.64]l was just wondering, did it hurt at all? 我只是想知道,会受伤吗?
  [01:27.08]When you fell. You know, from heaven. 当你落下来,从天堂。
  [01:28.28]Did what hurt? 什么会受伤吗?
  [01:32.16]`Cause l was just thinking with a face like that... 因为我刚刚看到你的脸就在想...
  [01:34.56]you gotta be an angel, right? 你一定是天使,对吗?
  [01:37.12]Has that line ever worked for you? 这招对你自己管用吗?
  [01:40.32]Well, l got you to laugh, right? That`s Step One. 我引你笑了,对吗?那是“第一步”
  [01:42.40]l`m Lenny Horton. l`m the bread manager. 我是莱尼·豪敦。 面包部经理。
  [01:45.28]l make, you know, the bread. 我是,做面包的。
  [01:46.60]We got ltalian bread, French bread, bulky rolls... 我们有意大利面包,法国面包,大面包卷...

  [01:48.80]different kinds of kaiser rolls, pita bread. 各种各样的德国面包,皮塔面包。
  [01:51.16]You like pita bread? l`m Jean. 你喜欢皮塔面包吗? 我是简。
  [01:53.76]This is my daughter, Holly. 这是我的女儿,郝莉。
  [01:55.12]Hey, how you doing, Holly? 嘿,你好吗,郝莉?
  [01:57.72]Great, and l think we gotta go before you learn Step Two. 很好,我认为在你知道“第二步”是什么之前,我们该走了。
  [02:00.20]∮∮(Givin’ up, Givin’ up playing) ∮∮(播放《放弃,放弃》)
  [02:05.96]Lenny, tell me you didn`t use the heaven line. 莱尼,告诉我你没有使用天堂的把戏。
  [02:11.04](Holly) First days at new schools always feel the same. (郝莉) 新学校的第一天总是感觉差不多。
  [02:12.12]Like suddenly you’re on a new planet, breathing a new atmosphere. 就好象突然你来到了一个新的星球上,呼吸着新的空气。
  [02:19.28]Can you scan this into Match.com? 你能把这个扫描到Match.com网站上去吗?
  [02:22.40]Mom, l`m busy. 妈妈,我现在在忙。
  [02:23.48]Doing what? 在忙什么?
  [02:25.24]Do you have to do this right away? 你现在必须马上就做吗?
  [02:26.96]Can`t you just wait this time... 这次你就不能等一等...
  [02:30.52]and see if you meet a guy the normal way? 看看是否能够通过正常途径认识一个男人?
  [02:34.52]Have you seen these lines? 你看到这些皱纹了吗?
  [02:35.60]l am in a race against time. 我在和时间赛跑。
  [02:38.60]Now get on in there and scan this thing. 现在快去帮我扫描照片。
  [02:39.36]Every second counts. Tick-tock, tick-tock. 以秒记数。 滴嗒,滴嗒。
  [02:45.76]lf a student brings a cell phone to school, it will be confiscated... 如果学生把手机带入学校,将会被充公,...
  [02:48.64]Excuse me. l don`t even know why we`re here. 对不起.。 我甚至不知道我们为什么会在这里。
  [02:49.72]regardless of how.... 不管....
  [02:52.28]lt`s not like they`re going to be my teachers four months from now. 好象他们四个月后不是我的老师似的。
  [02:54.76]That`s negative imaging, Holly. 那是消极的想法,郝莉。
  [02:57.28]Only winter hats will be permitted between the months of November... 只有御寒帽可以在案11月到2月间...
  [02:57.36](Campbell) ...are not permitted in the school building. (坎贝儿) ...不许进入教学大楼。
  [03:01.56]and February and kept in your lockers. 带到学校来,并且要锁在箱子里。
  [03:10.28]Dr. Charles Fitch. (boy #1) All right, Fitchy! 查儿斯·费奇教授。 (男孩A) 对,费奇!
  [03:13.68](boy #2) Hey, Fitch! (男孩B) 嘿,费奇!
  [03:16.96]Hey, Dr. Fitch! (Charles) Hey there, everyone. 嘿,费奇教授! (查儿斯) 嘿,大家好。
  [03:20.32]Let me tell you how l run the Guidance Department. 我来向大家说明我如何运作指导部的。
  [03:24.52]l have an open-door policy, which means you can stop by my office... 我有一套开门政策, 就是说你随时...
  [03:28.60]whenever you want. 都可以在我办公室门口停下。
  [03:30.16]l also have an open-mind policy. 我还有一个解放思想的政策。

  [03:33.52]There are no stupid questions. 没有什么问题是愚蠢的问题。
  [03:37.76]So please, if you have something on your mind, knock on my door. 所以如果你们有什么想法,都请来敲我的门。
  [03:42.76]Mom. 妈妈.
  [03:44.56]Or raise your hands. 或者举手也行。
  [03:48.48]Woman in the back. Go ahead. Hi. 后面的女士,请说。 嗨。
  [03:50.12]lnstead of once a year, have you considered a monthly forum where... 除了每年一次的, 你有没有想过每个月举行一次讨论会,...
  [03:54.12]students and teachers could exchange thoughts in an effort to enhance... 学生和老师可以交换各自的意见,以便增进...
  [03:59.92]communication and bridge gaps? 彼此间的交流和沟通?
  [04:02.00]That`s a great comment, Mrs.... 很棒的主意, ....夫人
  [04:03.76]That`s a... 那是个...
  [04:04.84]Miss Hamilton. 汉密儿顿小姐.
  [04:07.16]l also wondered if you`d thought of monthly mixers for single parents. 我还在想你是否会为单亲父母每月组织一次交流会。
  [04:14.92]Not that l don`t want to meet married parents as well. 并不是说我不想和有家庭的父母见面。
  [04:16.48]lt`s just that sometimes we single parents... 只是我们单亲父母所关注...
  [04:17.68]l would. 我希望的.
  [04:20.48]have different concerns than married ones. 的问题和有家庭的父母们有所不同.
  [04:23.96]Different priorities. lf you know what l mean. 不同的重点。你是否知道我所说的。
  [04:25.72]And by priorities l mean: 我所说的重点是指:
  [04:28.40]l need to meet a good man. 我想要遇到一个好男人。
  [04:34.88]ln that case, where do l sign up? 对于这个提案,我要到哪里去签字投票?
  [04:36.96](all laughing) (所有人都笑了)
  [04:40.52](Fitch) Okay, well, this was interesting. (费奇) 好吧,这个提议很有趣。
  [04:44.84]Where were we here? 我们前面说到哪里了?
  [04:48.80](water running) (水声)
  [04:51.88]So you`re just not going to talk to me for the rest of your life? 你打算余生都不跟我讲话了吗?
  [04:55.16]Come on, Holly. 别这样,郝莉。
  [04:55.96](gargling) (漱口声)
  [04:58.04]Every unmarried parent there appreciated the suggestion. 每个单亲家长都很感谢这个建议。
