听电影学英语-超完美男人 09(在线收听

  [00:01.44]What? 什么?
  [00:03.04]l got a letter. 我收到一封信。
  [00:06.20]What kind of letter? 什么样的信?
  [00:09.20]lt`s a love letter. 是一封情书。
  [00:09.40]What does it say? 上面写些什么?
  [00:14.08]One second. 等我一下。
  [00:18.12]Hey, you! Give me that! 嘿!你还给我!
  [00:20.80]``My dearest Jean. “我最亲爱的简,
  [00:24.52]``The letters J-E-A-N used to spell out just another word for denim.`` “字母J-E-A-N 从前常常拼成另外一个单词,意思是粗斜纹棉布。”
  [00:27.08]This guy is great, Mom. 妈妈,这个家伙很棒。
  [00:30.28]``But, since l found you, l hear those four-letter words... “但是自从遇见了你,我听到这四个字母...
  [00:33.32]``and all l think about is another four-letter-word: “但是我所想到的全是另外四个字母:
  [00:36.20]``love. L-O-V-E.`` “LOVE(爱), L-O-V-E.``
  [00:39.48]Love? Yeah. 爱? 对。
  [00:41.56]He loves you? That`s what he said. 他爱上你了。 他是这么说的。
  [00:48.24]Zoe, he`s trying to be romantic. 周,他正尝试浪漫的东西。
  [00:51.32]``Being near you is like standing on a triple word score.`` 站在你身边,就好象站在三个字母的空格上。
  [00:55.40]He plays Scrabble. 他玩拼字游戏。
  [00:56.32]``Everything matters three times as much. “每样东西都变成了3倍。
  [00:59.80]``The sun shines three times as bright... ``阳光有3倍的明亮...
  [01:01.40]``and l am three times as happy.`` “而我拥有3倍的快乐”
  [01:02.48]What`s this? 这是什么?
  [01:06.92]He gave you a present? l like him now. 他送你礼物。 我现在开始喜欢他了。
  [01:09.92]Smart, witty, romantic. 智慧,小聪明,浪漫。
  [01:14.80]You can`t still think this guy is Lenny, right? 你不可能还认为那是莱尼吧,对吧?
  [01:16.48]lt is kind of hard to picture Lenny playing Scrabble. 很难想象莱尼玩拼字游戏的场景。
  [01:20.36]∮∮(l will Learn to Love Again playing) ∮∮(播放《我还要再爱一次》)
  [01:33.16]Come on, Mom, let`s dance. 来吧,妈妈。我们来跳舞。
  [01:40.96](Jean whooping) (简喊叫)
  [01:42.32](Zoe) You go, Mom! (周) 你去吧,妈妈!
  [01:43.00](giggling) (咯咯的笑声)
  [01:51.20]Mom. 妈妈。
  [01:52.96](shouting) (尖叫声)
  [01:56.52]No! Come on. 不! 来吧。
  [02:28.04](Gloria) l can`t believe it. (格劳丽雅) 我不敢相信。
  [02:31.16]And he sent you a present, too? 他还送给你一份礼物?
  [02:32.64]Yeah, a CD of a band l`d never heard of, but l loved. 对,一张我从未听说过的乐队的CD,但是我喜欢。
  [02:35.40]lt`s like he knows me better than l know myself. 就好象他比我自己还了解我。
  [02:37.48]So why is he hiding? 那他为什么藏起来了?
  [02:44.68](woman) Excuse me? Can you help me? (女人) 对不起? 能帮我吗?
  [02:52.88](Zoe) Dinner`s ready. (周) 晚饭好了。
  [03:03.24]There must be something wrong with him. 他一定有些问题。
  [03:04.72]Who? Mr. Wonderful. 谁? 棒先生。
  [03:07.32]What? No, there`s nothing wrong with him. He`s perfect. 什么?他没有问题,他很完美。

  [03:12.92]Then why all the secrecy? 那么为什么那么神秘?
  [03:14.00]Why doesn`t he just come on over, show his face, and say hello? 他为什么不结束这些举动,现现身,然后打个招呼?
  [03:15.64]Like a normal person. 和一个正常人一样。
  [03:17.36](Holly) Listen to yourself. (郝莉) 听听你自己说的。
  [03:20.12]The man wants to be the least bit romantic... 这个男人希望至少能够浪漫些...
  [03:23.00]How do l know if he is? And if he is, what does he look like? 我怎么知道他是不是这样? 如果确实是这样,那他长的什么样?
  [03:23.72]and all of sudden you think he`s not normal. 所有突然的惊喜都是希望你不要把他看成是一个普通人。
  [03:27.08]ls he tall, is he short? 他是高是矮?
  [03:30.08]Does he have blond, curly hair, straight, black hair, what? 他是金色卷发还是黑色直发,什么?
  [03:32.08]l bet he has a big, fat wart on his nose. 我打赌他的鼻子上有个大瘤。
  [03:36.24](gasping) (惊讶声)
  [03:36.32]l bet that he`s really, really handsome. 我打赌他一定非常非常英俊。
  [03:42.12]He writes like he`s really handsome. 他的文笔显示他很英俊。
  [03:43.08]Honey, have you seen pictures of Shakespeare? Bald, skinny. 宝贝,你有没有见过莎士比亚的照片? 谢顶,瘦小的。
  [03:48.68]Does that even really matter? 那有什么关系吗?
  [03:48.96]Yes. Because you can`t have a relationship with a man... 对,因为你永远不会与你从未对过眼...
  [03:52.04]you`ve never laid eyes on. 的人谈恋爱。
  [03:55.92]Honey, l`ve got a party of 50 coming in a half an hour. 宝贝。一个半小时后我有一个50人的聚会要准备。
  [03:59.08]lt will only take a second. 我们只需要一小会儿。
  [04:02.32]Oh, You can take my picture. Just be sure to get my good side. 噢,你可以用我的照片。只是记得要拍漂亮的一面。
  [04:03.48]Over here, Brad Pitt. Over here, David Spade, not so cute. 这边是布拉德·彼特。 这边是戴维·斯贝得,没这么可爱。
  [04:06.96]No, l`m just swamped, l`m sorry. 不行,我现在忙的要死。对不起。
  [04:10.72]Hey, Uncle Ben, what`s that stuff you put on top of your spinach salad? 嘿,本叔叔,你放在菠菜沙拉顶部的是什么东西?
  [04:15.44]Parmesan what? Cheese. 意大利的干什么? 奶酪.
  [04:16.48](both laugh) (都笑了)
  [04:22.88]Ben. lt`s a nice name. 本。不错的名字。
  [04:24.68]Uncomplicated. Dependable. Ben. 不复杂,可靠,本。
  [04:28.56]And it`s way better than Lenny. And he`s way cuter than Lenny. 而且他比莱尼好,比莱尼可爱。
  [04:30.24]Don`t you be mean about Lenny. He`s a good egg. 不要对莱尼那么小气。他是个好人。
  [04:33.48]Just not the egg for me. 只是不是我的类型。
  [04:35.48]l like this egg. l want this egg to be my boyfriend. 我喜欢这个家伙。 我想让他,做我的男朋友。
  [04:37.76]When`s he coming over? As soon as he gets back. 他什么时候过来? 他一回来。
  [04:40.88]Well, where did he go? 他去哪里了?
  [04:41.56]He`s opening up a new restaurant in China. 他在中国开了一家新的餐厅。

  [04:45.84]And the phone lines there are impossible, evidently. 显然,和这儿通电话也不太可能。
  [04:48.72]So as soon as he gets back, he`s going to call. 所以他一回来就回打电话给我。
  [04:50.80]Cool. What else does the letter say? 真棒。他信里还写了些什么?
  [04:57.76](sighing) (叹气声)
  [04:59.76](Amy) China. (艾米) 中国。
