初中英语山东版八年级下--Unit 6(在线收听

UNIT 6 Where would you like to visit?
[00:09.20]I'd love to sail across the Pacific.
[00:12.59]Section 1 Before You Read
[00:17.46]1a Think of an example of a hope and a dream.
[00:22.31]Do you think hopes and dreams are the same?
[00:25.66]1b  Read slowly.Underline the information that
[00:31.14]you think is important to remember.
[00:34.88]Section 2 While You Read
[00:38.83]Learning strategy:
[00:43.51]1.Adjust the speed you read according to the
[00:47.80]amount of detail you need to take in.
[00:51.51]2.Underline key points as you read to remember
[00:56.18]what you read.
[00:58.39]3.Read faster the second time you read.
[01:03.03]I hope to do well in my school studies.
[01:06.73]My dream is to meet a famous person.
[01:10.52]I'd love to sail across the Pacific.
[01:14.12]We all dream about things that we would like to
[01:17.34]do and things we hope to achieve in the future.
[01:20.31]But are everybody's dreams the same?
[01:23.21]Here are some of the findings of a survey about
[01:25.55]hopes and dreams,
[01:27.26]in which thousands of students across China took
[01:31.57]What are the hopes of teenagers?
[01:34.96]We received several different answers to the
[01:37.34]question:what would you like to do after
[01:40.36]finishing your education?
[01:42.41]It seems some students would like to start work
[01:45.04]as soon as possible,
[01:46.48]so that they can help provide better lives for
[01:48.65]their parents.
[01:50.48]Other students hope to continue studying after
[01:53.02]finishing school and to go to university.
[01:56.86]Although money is important,
[01:59.04]many teenagers said they want to do jobs they
[02:03.19]According to the survey,the most popular choice
[02:06.33]of job is computer programming.
[02:10.29]What are the dreams of teenagers?
[02:13.05]Teenagers have all kinds of dreams.
[02:15.97]Some are more realistic than others.
[02:18.68]For example,many students said they would like
[02:21.46]to be volunteers at the 2008 Olympics,
[02:24.91]maybe working as translators or tour guides.
[02:28.56]And quite a few said they dream of going to the
[02:30.91]moon one day.
[02:33.51]According to the survey,less realistic dreams
[02:36.85]are also common,
[02:38.04]but many students reported that they were
[02:40.36]willing to work hard to achieve their dreams.
[02:44.24]Quite a few dream of becoming famous,
[02:46.79]perhaps famous sportspeople or singers.
[02:50.20]Some said they'd love to go on exciting trips;
[02:53.21]one student said she's love to sail across
[02:55.91]the Pacific Ocean.
[02:57.83]And then there are dreams that are impossible;
[03:00.49]three students said they'd like to be able to
[03:05.90]It was clear from the survey that teenagers have
[03:08.67]similar hopes.
[03:10.40]It seems that most students hope to have a good
[03:12.87]education and find a good job.
[03:15.99]On the other hand,students dream of very
[03:18.92]different things:good things,
[03:21.68]and even crazy things.
[03:23.45]It is very important to dream,
[03:26.05]so hold on to your dreams;one day they may just
[03:29.91]come true.
[03:33.55]Section 3 After You Read
[03:36.99]3a  Read only the parts you underlined.
[03:42.82]Do you get a clear picture of the content?
[03:45.98]If not,read if again slowly and underline more
[03:50.09]key points.
[03:52.38]3b  Read faster for the second time.
[03:56.51]How many of the questions can you answer without
[03:59.44]looking back at the reading?
[04:02.25]3c  Look at the reading and check your answers.
[04:07.46]3d  Discuss the following questions in small
[04:10.80]groups with reference to the reading.
[04:14.93]1.Is there anyone in the world who does not hope
[04:18.21]or dream?
[04:20.57]2.Might the dreams of Chinese teenagers be
[04:24.35]different from western teenagers?
[04:27.69]3.Can dreams come true?
[04:32.75]Section 4  Go For It!
[04:35.80]Write down a dream you have.
[04:38.70]Share you thoughts with a friend who might help
[04:40.97]you see how you could achieve this dream.
[04:43.79]Together list the small steps you could take to
[04:47.33]do so.
[04:50.48]Dream:I'd love to have my own company one day.
[04:55.34]I can achieve that:
[04:57.36]1.by working hard at school to learn as much as
[05:01.03]I can
[05:02.84]2.by finding out how successful people did it
[05:07.70]3.by choosing to study the right subjects at
[05:13.38]4.by having a "winner's" attitude:I can do this!
[05:18.27]If you have time!
[05:20.67]Improve your reading ability and learn more from
[05:23.78]what you read.
[05:25.50]Start today!Tell someone about something that
[05:28.97]you have read each day.
