听电影学英语-后天 03(在线收听

  [00:03.34]temperature drop of 1 3 degrees. 显示温度降低了十三度
  [00:04.58]-Yeah? Where is 431 1? -Well, it’s.... 嗯?四三一一号在哪里?喔  在...
  [00:13.58]-Georges Bank. -It’s rough seas out there. 乔治海岸 那里是气候恶劣的海域
  [00:16.34]Must have knocked it about. 一定是出故障了
  [00:29.34]Kick that bloody ball. Come on! 踢那该死的球  快!
  [00:31.54]Come on, kick it now. Kick it! 快  现在踢  踢!
  [00:36.90]-Kick it! -Are the lads winning? 踢!小伙子们赢球了吗?
  [00:39.50]Hello, professor. How was lndia? 你好  教授  在印度玩的怎么样?
  [00:42.10]Oh, you know what these scientific gatherings are. 喔  你们知道那种科学会议是什么样的
  [00:44.06]All dancing girls, wine and parties. 舞女啊  美酒还有派队
  [00:53.46]东京都内发布台风,暴雨警告! 请大家尽快避难!
  [01:03.74]有困难么? 是的
  [01:06.42]不知道大家都在避难吗? 请快点去避难吧
  [01:07.06]请走好 谢谢
  [01:24.30]你还在喝酒吗? 怎么啦?
  [01:29.90]喂… 怎么了,没事吧?
  [02:02.22]喂?老公! 没事吧?老公!
  [02:30.82]The fury of Hurricane Noelani stunned weather experts yesterday... 昨天  诺娜莉飓风的危害 震惊了天气专家...
  [02:34.42]...slamming into the island chain with a cataclysmic force never before witnessed. ...以从未见过的风力横扫了群岛
  [02:40.26]Meteorologists already believe this to be the strongest hurricane ever recorded.... 气象学家认为这是有史以来 最强大的一次飓风...
  [02:44.14]Are you gonna get that? 你就不能接一下吗?
  [02:44.66]It will surely leave a wake of death.... 这肯定会造成巨大的人员伤亡...
  [02:48.02]-Hello? -I just saw that Sam got an F in calculus. 嗨?我刚看到萨姆微积分只拿了个F
  [02:51.58]I’m aware, Jack. I get a copy of his report card too. 我注意到了  杰克 我也接到了一份他的成绩单
  [02:56.46]Sam is a straight-A student. He doesn’t fail classes. 萨姆是全A的学生 他从来没有不及格过
  [03:00.38]I don’t have time to talk about this now. 现在我没空谈这些
  [03:03.46]Well, maybe you ought to make time. 喔  也许你应该抽点时间
  [03:03.62]Excuse me, I’m not the one who’s away for months and months at a time. 对不起  我可不是那位 一会儿就一走几个月的人
  [03:08.30]I just don ’t understand. 我只是不明白
  [03:09.90]I’ll let him explain it. Can you take him to the airport in the morning? 我会让他解释给你听的 你能明早送他去机场吗?
  [03:16.38]-Sam’s getting on a plane? -He joined the Scholastic Decathlon Team. 萨姆要坐飞机?他参加了学校百科知识问答队
  [03:20.14]-They’re competing in New York. -Sam joined a team? 他们在纽约比赛 萨姆参加了问答队?
  [03:22.54]-Yeah, I think there’s a girl involved. -Oh. 是  我想是因为有个女孩参加了  喔
  [03:26.70]Look, can you pick him up at 8:30? 我说  你能不能在早上八点半来接他?

  [03:28.98]I gotta go because I’m on call tonight. 我要走了  今晚要值班
  [03:32.30]Don’t be late. I don’t want him taking a taxi again. 你别晚了  我不想让他再去乘出租车了
  [03:34.94]All right. Okay. I’ll be there. Okay? I’ll be there. 好的  行  我会去的 我会到的
  [03:41.62]This morning’s weather staff meeting has been moved to level four, room B. 今早气象部门的会议被安排到 第四层  B室
  [03:48.78]Jack? 杰克?
  [03:53.94]I know you’re good at rubbing people the wrong way... 我知道你喜欢找碴...
  [03:59.30]...but why would you aggravate the vice president? ...但是为什么 为什么你要激怒副总统呢?
  [04:00.78]Because my 1 7-year-old kid knows more science than he does. 因为我十七岁的儿子知道的  科学知识都比他多
  [04:04.30]Your 1 7-year-old kid does not control our budget. 可能的确如此  但是你十七岁的儿子不控制我们的预算
  [04:06.66]-Who cares if he hates you. -My son doesn’t hate me. -谁管他恨不恨你  -我儿子不恨我
  [04:08.74]If Raymond Becker pulls our budget-- 如果雷蒙德·贝克撤掉我们的预算...
  [04:11.14]-Oh, shit! -Wait-- Will you--? Jack. 喔  糟糕!  等等...你...?杰克!
  [04:21.46]Oh, my God. 喔  天啊
  [04:30.14]-I’m sorry I’m late. -Dad, the cab’s already here. 对不起我晚了  爸爸  出租车已经来了
  [04:35.06]-What are--? -Here you go. 什么? 给你
  [04:38.26]I’m not angry. I’m disappointed. 我不生气  我感到失望
  [04:43.02]-Do you want to hear my side of it? -How can there be two sides? 你想听听我的解释吗? 这怎么可能有两个解释?
  [04:44.50]I got every question right on the final. Mr. Spengler failed me... 我答对了期末考试的每一道题   斯蓬勒却判我不及格...
  [04:51.10]-...because I didn’t write the solutions. -Why not? 只因为我没写过程  为什么不写?
  [04:54.38]I do them in my head. 我心算的
  [04:54.86]-Did you tell him that? -I did. He didn’t believe me. 你告诉他了吗? 告诉了  他不相信我
  [04:57.74]He said if he can’t do them in his head, I’m cheating. 他说既然他都不能心算  我肯定是在作弊
