听电影学英语-后天 04(在线收听

  [00:01.66]Ridiculous. How can he fail you for being smarter than he is? 胡扯  他怎么能因为你比他聪明  就判你不及格呢?
  [00:03.70]That’s what I said. 我就是这么说的
  [00:08.78]You did? 你这么说了?
  [00:09.58]-How’d he take it? -He flunked me, remember? 他怎么说?他判我不及格  记得吗?
  [00:15.94]Oh, yeah. 喔  是的
  [00:19.22]Sam, I’m sorry. I jumped to conclusions. 萨姆  对不起  我太早下结论了
  [00:25.02]I’m gonna call this guy and have a word with him. 我会给他打电话  和他谈谈
  [00:27.58]We’ll straighten this out. 我们会把这搞清楚的
  [00:30.58]Hey, you can’t park there. 嘿  你不能停在这里
  [00:32.06]-Don’t worry about it. -Sam? 别担心 萨姆?
  [00:34.02]Sam. 萨姆
  [00:49.14]Parker, this is Houston. 帕克  这里是休斯顿
  [00:53.42]We’re seeing some bad weather over Canaveral. 卡那维拉尔角这里天气很糟糕
  [00:56.02]It doesn ’t look like you’re coming back this week. 看来你们这个礼拜回不来了
  [00:58.22]Your wife’s gonna give me an earful. 你老婆肯定要跟我发牢骚
  [01:01.18]Roger that. 收到
  [01:02.38]Hey, come take a look at this storm system. It’ s enormous. 嘿  来看看这风暴云团  太大了
  [01:38.54]You all right? 你还好吗?
  [01:44.30]He’s afraid of flying. 他害怕飞行
  [01:46.70]I’m fine. 我没事
  [01:55.82]Statistically, the chance of a plane going down because of turbulence... 据统计  飞机因为湍流 失事的几率...
  [01:59.70]...is less than, what, one in a billion? Or is it a million? ...小于  多少?十亿分之一? 还是百万分之一?
  [02:06.70]-I can’t remember if it’s a-- -Shut up, Brian. 我记不清是... 闭嘴  布莱恩
  [02:07.98]Listen, Sam... 听着  萨姆...
  [02:11.38]...don’t pay attention to him, okay? Everything’s fine. ...别理他  好吗? 没事的
  [02:11.66]They’re still serving drinks. 他们还在提供饮料呢
  [02:28.82]Folks, it appears we’re gonna have a bit of a bumpy ride for the next few minutes. 朋友们  可能飞机在下几分钟里 将会有点颠簸
  [02:34.02]Please fasten your seat belts and put your tray tables... 请系好您的安全带 把面前的餐盘合好...
  [02:37.82]...and seat backs in their upright positions until we get through this. Thank you. ...然后在座位上坐好 直到我们飞过气流为止  谢谢
  [02:41.06]Whoa! 喔!
  [02:43.94]Grab it. Watch out! 抓住  小心!
  [03:16.78]Sam? 萨姆?
  [03:18.74]Sam. 萨姆
  [03:23.62]Can I have my hand back? 能松一下手吗?
  [03:42.50]I can’t believe I’ll be alone with my mom. 我真不敢相信我要和妈妈单独在一起两周
  [03:46.10]Be patient with her. She’s been looking forward to this holiday. 对她耐心点 她一直在盼望着这个假期
  [03:47.58]I know. 我知道
  [03:48.66]I love you. 我爱你
  [03:53.86]I love you too. 我也爱你
  [03:55.34]Hey. 嘿
  [03:59.42]Hey, hello. Bye-bye. 嘿  你好  再见
  [04:00.58]The cause of this extreme weather remains a mystery, 这种恶劣天气的成因还是个谜

  [04:04.10]although some meteorologists... 虽然有些气象学者...
  [04:06.30]...believe sunspots are to blame. Hundreds are missing.... ...相信太阳黑子是罪魁祸首 上百人失踪...
  [04:06.74]This is very odd. There’ s a buoy registering 真奇怪  有一个浮标显示
  [04:12.34]a 1 3-degree drop in ocean temperature. 海洋温度下降了十三度
  [04:12.94]Oh, yeah, that’s right. That buoy malfunctioned the other day. 喔  对  是这样 那浮标那天就出故障了
  [04:18.18]I’ll see if there are ships near Georges Bank to get it. 我会查一下附近有没有船 去乔治岸把它运回来
  [04:21.46]This buoy isn’t in Georges Bank. It’s just off Greenland. 这个浮标不在乔治岸 就在格陵兰边上
  [04:22.66]What? 什么?
  [04:27.22]-What are the odds of two buoys failing? -Remote. 两个浮标出错的几率有多大? 非常小
  [04:38.78]Make that three. 现在是三个了
  [04:49.70]Just another typical day in New York City. Traffic jam, 1 0 blocks long. 纽约市又是平常的一天 交通堵塞  十条街那么长
  [04:55.66]Look here, Buddha. These people, and their cars, and their exhaust... 看这里  狗狗  这些人 他们的车  他们的排气管...
