听电影学英语-后天 17(在线收听

  [00:03.74]Man, this storm is everywhere. 兄弟  这次到处都是风暴
  [00:07.22]It’s hit the entire Northern Hemisphere. 它席卷了整个北半球
  [00:10.62]Europe is buried under 1 5 feet of snow... 欧洲被埋在十五英尺厚的积雪底下...
  [00:12.54]...and they say it’s gonna get just as bad here. ...他们说这里的情况也会一样
  [00:16.78]I mean, I don’t think your dad’s gonna make it. 我是说  我想你爸爸到不了这里了
  [00:22.18]No, he’ll make it. 不  他会来的
  [00:29.54]He’ll make it. 他会来的
  [00:34.30]The White House has ordered a national disaster alert... 白宫已经对于所有北部的州...
  [00:37.34]...for all Northern states. ...发布了全国灾难警报
  [00:40.62]Continued exposure to the approaching storm is deadly. 持续暴露在风暴中是有致命危险的
  [00:43.22]Remain indoors and take all measures to stay warm, burning any fuel sources... 留在室内  想尽一切办法取暖 使用所有可能的燃料...
  [00:47.90]...until the storm is over. Roads are impassable across New York State... 直到风暴结束 从纽约州一直到宾夕法尼亚州...
  [00:51.38]...as far south as Pennsylvania.... ...所有街道都无法通行...
  [00:52.26]Where are we? 我们在哪?
  [00:56.14]Looks like we’ re just north of Philadelphia. 看起来我们只走到了费城北部
  [01:02.70]Look out! 小心!

  [01:08.58]You guys okay? 你们怎么样?
  [01:10.34]-Yeah. -Yeah. 还好 还好
  [01:19.10]-Once again, roads across the.... -Sorry, boss. 再说一次  所有经过的道路... 对不起  老板
  [01:22.82]Unpack the snowshoes. 穿上雪鞋
  [01:24.10]We’re walking from here. 我们从这里开始步行
  [01:29.14]Come on, ma’am. Let’s get up and get going. 来  女士 我们起来继续前进
  [01:33.14]We’ve only made it to Brooklyn. Maybe we should just turn back. 我们只到了布鲁克林 也许我们应该走回去
  [01:36.62]Why? Half the city’s frozen under water. There’s nothing to go back to. 为什么?半个城市已经被冻住了 没有回去的理由了
  [01:39.70]Time to get up and keep moving. 到了起床赶路的时候了
  [01:40.66]What we should’ve done is stayed in the library. 也许我们应该待在图书馆里面
  [01:46.42]Okay, guys, let’s get moving. 好了  伙计  咱们继续走吧
  [01:59.50]Wake up. 醒醒
  [02:17.74]What are you doing? 你在干什么呢?
  [02:21.26]Insulating. 隔绝热量散失
  [02:22.86]Newspaper’s best, but this’ll do. 报纸是最好的  但是这个也可以
  [02:24.94]You know, you spend some years on the streets and you learn how to keep warm. 你知道  你要是在大街上过上几年 你就会学会取暖
  [02:29.70]Hey. 嘿
  [02:37.14]Thanks. 谢谢
  [02:41.14]I got one. 我想到一个
  [02:43.70]Your favorite vacation. 你最难忘的假期
  [02:46.78]Besides this one? 这个不算?
  [02:49.54]All right. 好吧
  [02:52.38]I went to Greenland with my dad on one of his research trips a few years ago... 几年前  我同我父亲一同去格陵兰 进行一项他的研究...

  [02:57.82]...and the ship broke down, and we got stuck. ...船出了故障  我们被困
  [03:05.26]And it rained constantly. 天总是在下雨
  [03:07.98]That sounds really boring. 听起来很没意思啊
  [03:12.86]But actually really nice, you know? 但是实际上很有意思  你知道吗?
  [03:14.54]Just me and my dad hanging out for 1 0 days. 只有我和我爸爸一起渡过了十天
