听电影学英语-阿甘正传 01(在线收听

  [02:58.20]Hello. My name’s Forrest,Forrest Gump. 你好,我叫弗勒斯,姓甘
  [03:10.24]Do you want a chocolate? 要吃巧克力吗?
  [03:13.24]I could eat about a million and a half of these. 这玩意我可以吃150万粒
  [03:19.28]My mama always said 我妈常说
  [03:21.28]Life was like a box of chocolates. “人生像一盒巧克力”
  [03:24.64]You never know what you’re going to get. “你无法预知 会吃到什么口味”
  [03:34.68]Those must be comfortable shoes. 穿那双鞋一定很舒服
  [03:37.68]I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that 尽管你走一整天也不会痛
  [03:42.44]and not feel a thing.
  [03:47.12]I wish I had shoes like that. 真希望我也有一双
  [03:49.12]My feet hurt . 我的脚痛
  [03:53.12]Mama always said there’s an awful lot 我妈说从鞋子看人 可以看出很多事
  [03:55.12]you can tell about a person by their shoes.
  [03:59.16]Where they’re going, 知道他们要上哪去 去过哪里
  [04:01.16]where they’ve been.
  [04:08.20]I’ve worn lots ofshoes. 我穿烂过许多鞋
  [04:14.20]I bet if I think about it real hard 我若是拼命地想
  [04:17.24]I could remember my fi rst pair ofshoes. 也能想起我的第一双鞋
  [04:22.92]Mama said they’d take me anywhere . 我妈说那双鞋 会带我走遍天下
  [04:23.68](Gump) She said they was my magic shoes. 她说那是我的“宝鞋”
  [04:27.12]All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now . 好,弗勒斯 可以睁开眼睛了
  [04:37.16]Let’s take a little walk around. 我们来走走看!
  [04:47.92]How do those feel? 感觉怎么样?
  [04:52.92]His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump, 甘太太,他这双腿很强健 没见过这么有力的腿
  [04:53.40]as strong as I’ve ever seen.
  [04:57.44]But his back’s as crooked as a politician. 但是他的背跟政客一样歪曲
