听电影学英语-阿甘正传 16(在线收听

  [00:01.74]Now, that’s Lieutenant Dan. 那是丹中尉!
  [00:05.70]Lieutenant Dan! 丹中尉!
  [00:09.38]They gave you... 他们颁国会勋章给你
  [00:11.10]the congressional Medal of Honor.
  [00:16.18]Yes, sir. They surely did. 是,排长!不错!
  [00:18.22]They gave you, 他们颁给你这白痴、低能儿
  [00:19.82]an imbecile,
  [00:20.22]a moron who goes on television 在电视上当着全国人民…
  [00:22.22]and makes a fool out of himself
  [00:26.22]in front of the whole damn country, 出丑的智障儿…
  [00:29.38]the Congressional Medal of Honor. 给你国会勋章
  [00:32.46]Yes, sir. 是,长官!
  [00:36.26]Well...that-- that’s just perfect! 这么说真是绝妙透顶!
  [00:40.58]Goddamn bless America. 老天他妈的祝福美国
  [00:45.70]Hey, hey ! 上帝!
  [00:46.74]Oh, God, whoa!
  [00:51.66]Ow! Oh! Oh, God!
  [00:54.02]Lieutenant Dan! 丹中尉!
  [00:54.82]Lieutenant Dan said he was living in a hotel 丹中尉说他住在饭店
  [00:58.10]and because he didn’t have no legs, 因为他没有腿
  [01:01.10]he spent most of his time exercising his arms. 大部分时间都在练手臂
  [01:06.26]Make a right. Take a right! 右转!…
  [01:11.14]Hey !
  [01:12.14]Ah, ah!
  [01:14.22]What do you do here in New York, Lieutenant Dan? 丹中尉,你来纽约做什么?
  [01:17.18]I’m living off the government tit. 我在吸政府的奶水,吸干它
  [01:22.66]Hey, hey, hey, are you blind? -你瞎眼了,我在走路! -你回家去免得自己送死
  [01:25.22]I’m walking here ! 别挡路!快走!…
  [01:28.22]Come on. Go, go, go!
  [01:29.70](Singing Silent Night)
  [01:36.58]I stayed with Lieutenant Dan 我陪丹中尉过圣诞节和新年
  [01:39.26]and celebrated the holidays.
  [01:45.58]God bless you.
  [01:52.30]Have you found Jesus yet, Gump? 阿甘,你找到耶稣没有?
  [01:55.58]I didn’t know I was supposed to be looking for Him, sir. 我本来不知道我应该寻找他
  [02:05.10]That’s all these cripples down at the V. A.-- 荣民医院那些残废
  [02:10.26]That’s all they ever talk about. 都说要寻找耶稣
  [02:12.14]Jesus this and Jesus that. Ha. 开口闭口都喊耶稣
  [02:17.34]Have I...found Jesus? 我找到耶稣没有?
  [02:19.62]They even had a priest come and talk to me. 他们甚至派人来向我传教
  [02:24.66]He said God is listening, 他说上帝听祷告但我得先自救
  [02:26.18]but I have to help myself.
  [02:29.18]Now, if I accept Jesus into my heart , 我若是心中接受耶稣
  [02:32.22]I’ll get to walk beside Him in the kingdom of heaven. 就会随他一同走进天国
  [02:38.22]Did you hear what I said? 你听到没有?
  [02:40.26]Walk... 随他一同走进天国
  [02:41.70]beside Him in the kingdom of heaven.
  [02:46.26]Well...kiss my crippled ass. 放他妈的残废屁
  [02:47.26]God is listening? 上帝听祷告
  [02:49.26]What a crock ofshit. 胡说八道!
  [02:54.30]I’m going to heaven, Lieutenant Dan. 丹中尉,我会进天国
  [03:09.70]before you go... why don’t you 你进天国之前先到那个转角

  [03:10.10]get your ass down to the corner -去给我买一瓶便宜酒 -是,长官!
  [03:14.30]and get us more Ripple?
  [03:15.26]Yes, sir. 我大约是在纽约市第45街
  [03:16.66]45th Street in New York City at One Astor Plaza. 在亚士都广场,饭店旧址
  [03:20.34]This is the site of the old- -
  [03:22.34]What the hell is in Bayou La Batre ? 拉巴特有什么玩意?
  [03:26.34]Shrimping boats. 捕虾船!
  [03:26.38]Shrimping boats? Who gives a shit about shrimping boats? 捕虾船?谁在乎捕虾船?
  [03:31.38]I got to buy me one 等我有点钱 我就要买艘捕虾船
  [03:33.38]soon as I have some money . 我曾在越南答应过巴布
  [03:35.38]I promised Bubba in Vietnam
  [03:35.42]that as soon as the war was over, we’d be partners . 仗一打完我们就合伙
  [03:40.42]He’d be the captain and I’d be his first mate. 他当捕虾船长,我当大副
  [03:42.42]But now that he’s dead, I got to be the captain. 他死了,我就是船长
  [03:45.46]A shrimp boat captain. 捕虾船长!
  [03:47.46]Yes, sir. A promise is a promise, Lieutenant Dan. 是,长官,说话要算数!
  [03:54.22]Now hear this! 注意听了!
  [03:56.22]is gonna be a shrimp boat captain.
  [04:00.22]Well, I tell you what, Gilligan. 笨大副,你若是当捕虾船长
  [04:02.22]The day that you are a shrimp boat captain,
  [04:05.26]I will come and be your first mate. 我就做你的大副
  [04:08.26]If you’re ever a shrimp boat captain,
  [04:11.26]that’s the day I’m an astronaut! 我就是太空人
  [04:13.30]Danny, what are you complaining about? 丹尼,你发什么牢骚?
  [04:15.30]Danny, how you doing, huh? 火轮先生,你的朋友是谁?
  [04:18.30]Who’s your friend? 我叫弗勒斯,姓甘!
  [04:21.30]My name is Forrest. Forrest Gump.
  [04:22.46]This is cunning Carla 这是甜蜜卡娜,长腿蓝诺
  [04:26.46]and long-limbs Lenore .
  [04:28.46]So where you been, baby cakes, huh? 万人迷,你上哪去了?
  [04:30.34]Haven’t seen you around lately. 最近没见到你
  [04:32.34]You should have been here for Christmas, 你应该来过
  [04:33.38]’cause Tommy bought a free round 圣诞节那天 汤米请大家喝酒吃三明治
  [04:35.38]and gave everybody a turkey sandwich. 这…这…我…有朋友来
  [04:37.38]Well, well, I had, uh... company .
  [04:39.38]Hey! Hey, we was just there ! 我们刚才去过时代广场
  [04:41.38]That’s like Times Square .
  [04:43.42]Don’t you just love New Year’s? 新年可真棒
  [04:47.42]You can start all over. 一切从新开始
  [04:48.42]Everybody gets a second chance. 每人都可以重新再来
  [04:50.42]It’s funny... 说也奇怪
  [04:53.18]but in the middle of all that fun, 在欢乐的时刻我想起了珍妮
  [04:56.18]I began to think about Jenny,
  [04:57.78]wondering how she was spending her New Year’s night 不知她在加州是如何过年
  [04:59.82]out in California.
