听电影学英语-阿甘正传 18(在线收听

  [00:01.06]And just like that, 就这样我在陆军服役结束
  [00:03.06]my service in the United States Army was over.
  [00:11.10]So I went home. 于是我回家了
  [00:33.74]I’m home, Mama. 妈,我回来了!
  [00:34.14]I know. I know . 我知道!…
  [00:40.22]Now, when I got home, I had no idea, 我到家时 没想到来了各界的客人
  [00:43.26]but Mama had all sorts of visitors. 我们有各界的客人
  [00:47.26]We’ve had all sorts of visitors . 大家都要你用他们的乒乓球具
  [00:49.26]Everybody wants you to use their Ping-Pong stuff. 有个人留下二万五千元的支票
  [00:51.26]One man even left a check for $25,000
  [00:54.02]if you’d be agree able to saying you like using their paddle. 只要你说喜欢用他们的球拍
  [00:59.02]I only like using my own paddle. 妈,我只喜欢用自己的球拍
  [01:01.90]Hey, Forrest. 那个我知道!
  [01:02.06]Hi, Miss Louise. -露意丝小姐! -弗勒斯!
  [01:03.18]I know that, but it’s $25,000, Forrest. 可是有二万五千元!
  [01:06.06]I thought maybe you could hold it for a while, 也许你握一下看是否称手
  [01:11.10]see if it grows on you.
  [01:12.10]That Mama, shesure was right. 妈说得对,世事很奇妙
  [01:14.10]It’s funny how things work out.
  [01:16.42]I didn’t stay home for long 我在家没待多久,因为巴布
  [01:18.30]because I’d made apromise to Bubba, 我说话算数
  [01:22.30]and I always try to keep my promise, 所以我去拉巴特见巴布的亲人
  [01:23.30]so I went on down to Bayou La Batre
  [01:27.30]to meet Bubba’s family. 你是疯子还是呆子?
  [01:27.58]Are you crazy or just plain stupid?
  [01:33.46]Stupid is as stupid does, Mrs. Blue. 笨就是笨的作为,布鲁太太
  [01:34.70]I guess. 大概是吧!
  [01:35.70]And, of course, 我当然也去吊祭巴布
  [01:38.70]I paid my respect to Bubba himself.
  [01:39.86](班杰明布鲁,美国陆军) (越战烈士,1943-1967年)
  [01:44.06]Hey, Bubba. It’s me, Forrest Gump. 巴布,是我,弗勒斯甘
  [01:50.06]I remember everything you said, 我记得你每一句话
  [01:52.10]and I got it all figured out. 也都计划好了
  [01:55.22]I’m taking $24,562.47 我剩下24,562元47分
  [02:01.06]that I got, that’s left 我理过发、买了一套西装…
  [02:03.86]after a new hair cut and a newsuit
  [02:07.86]and to ok Mama out to a real fancy dinner, 请我妈吃了一顿大餐
  [02:10.90]and I bought a bus ticket, then three Dr. Peppers. 买了一张车票三罐饮料后剩的
  [02:13.62]Tell me something. 我问你
  [02:15.90]Are you stupid or something? 你是笨还是呆?
  [02:16.94]Stupid is as stupid does, sir. 笨就是笨的作为
  [02:18.98]That’s what’s left after me saying, 那是我讲句话赚来的钱
  [02:21.02]"When I was in China on the all-America Ping-Pong team,
  [02:24.86]“我代表美国 乒乓球队去大陆”
  [02:25.02]"I just loved playing Ping-Pong “我好喜欢用费力轻球拍”
  [02:27.02]with my Flex-O-Lite Ping-Pong paddle,"

  [02:29.82]which everybody knows isn’t true, 大家都知道不是 但妈说撒个小谎对人无害
  [02:31.86]but Mama said it wasjust a little white lie,
  [02:34.86]so it wasn’t hurting nobody. 于是我用那笔钱买汽油绳索
  [02:36.86]So anyway , I’m putting all that
  [02:40.86]on gas, ropes, and new nets
  [02:41.90]and a brand-new shrimping boat. 买新网和捕虾船
  [03:06.10]Now Bubba told me everything he knew about shrimping, 巴布对虾所懂的都告诉我了
  [03:11.14]but you know what I found out ? 可知我发觉什么?
  [03:15.14]Shrimping is tough. 捕虾很难!
  [03:18.18]I only caught five . 我只捕到五只虾
  [03:20.10]A couple more , you can have yourself a cocktail. 多两只可以弄个前菜
  [03:26.18]Hey, you ever think about naming this old boat? 你想过给船起名字吗? 船没有名字会倒霉
  [03:29.22]It’s bad luck to have a boat without a name.
  [03:32.22]I’d never named a boat before, 我从未给船起过名
  [03:36.22]but there was only one I could think of,
  [03:38.66]the most beautiful name in the wide world. 这世上最美丽的名字!
  [03:46.82]# Do a little dance #
  [03:50.10]# Make a little love #
  [03:52.22]# Get down tonight#
  [03:54.22]# Get down tonight#
  [03:54.70]# Do a little dance #
  [03:57.78]# Make a little love #
  [03:59.14]# Get down tonight#
  [04:01.62]# Get down tonight... ## 我已好久没有珍妮的消息
  [04:02.94]# Whoo#
  [04:04.10]Now, I hadn’t heard from Jenny
  [04:07.42]but I thought about hera lot.
  [04:07.94]in a long while, 不过我常常想起她
  [04:11.46]I hoped whatever she was doing made her happy. 希望无论她做什么 都使她快乐
  [04:15.14]# Oh, and the bird you cannot change #
  [04:22.02]# And this bird you cannot change #
  [04:28.10]# Lord knows I can’t change #
  [04:36.86]# Lord, help me, I can’t change ##
