听电影学英语-阿甘正传 24(在线收听

  [00:01.18]I can’t believe it’s really you.
  [00:02.86]Now...for some reason, 因某种理由
  [00:05.86]what I was doing seemed to... 别人似乎认为我跑得有理
  [00:06.90]make sense to people.
  [00:10.30]It was like an alarm went off in my head. 我的脑子突然通了
  [00:13.30]I said, "Here’s a guy that’s got his act together. 我想这个人有人生目标
  [00:16.70]Here’s somebody who has the answer." 他有人生的答案
  [00:18.74]I’ll follow you anywhere, Mr. Gump. 甘先生,我要追随你跑天下
  [00:20.74]So I got company. 于是我有了伴
  [00:24.22]And after that, I got more company. 越跑伴越多
  [00:25.74]And then, even more people joined in. 后来有更多的人加入
  [00:32.90]Somebody later told me 后来有人跟我说 那带给人类希望
  [00:34.18]it gave people hope.
  [00:36.66]Now, I don’t know anything about that,
  [00:37.70]Now-- 这个我是一点也不知道
  [00:40.94]but some of those people asked me 有些人问我能否帮助他们
  [00:41.94]if I could help them out. 老兄,你能不能帮助我?
  [00:43.94]I was wondering if you might help me.
  [00:47.94]I’m in the bumper sticker business. 我是贴纸商 在思索好的口号
  [00:49.98]I need a good slogan, 你既然能启发那么多人
  [00:50.62]and since you’ve been so inspirational,
  [00:52.66]I thought you might be able to help me-- 也许你能帮我想…
  [00:57.34]Whoa, man! You just ran 你刚才踩到了狗屎
  [00:58.66]through a big pile of dog shit!
  [01:00.82]It happens. 这是常有的事
  [01:01.50]What, shit? 什么?狗屎?
  [01:05.22]Sometimes. 时常有!
  [01:08.18]And someyears later, I heard that that fella 几年后听说那个人想出了口号
  [01:12.30]did come up with a bumper sticker slogan
  [01:12.66]and made a lot of money off of it. 而且赚了大钱
  [01:17.02]Another time, I was running along. 又有一次跑步时
  [01:19.02]Somebody who’d lost all his money in the T-shirt business, 遇见做T血生意亏本的人
  [01:22.02]he wanted toput my face on a T-shirt,
  [01:27.06]but he couldn’t draw that well, 可是他画不好又没有相机
  [01:29.06]and he didn’t have a camera.
  [01:31.06]Here, use this one. Nobody likes that color anyway . 用这个 反正是没人喜欢的颜色
  [01:33.06](Horn Honks )
  [01:38.02]Have a nice day . 祝你愉快!
  [01:40.02]Someyears later, I found out 几年后我发觉那个人想出点子
  [01:42.06]that that man did come up with an idea for a T-shirt.
  [01:47.06]He made a lot of money. 靠T血赚了好多钱
  [01:50.06]Anyway, like I was saying, 总之正如我所说
  [01:52.10]I had a lot of company. 我有许多同伴
  [01:55.10]My mama always said, 妈常说要往前走得先忘掉过去
  [01:58.10]"You got to put the past behind you
  [02:01.10]before you can move on. "
  [02:02.14]And I think that’s what my running was all about. 我想那就是跑步的用意

  [02:08.46]I had run for three years... 我跑了三年二个月…
  [02:10.14]two months....
  [02:12.18]14days, and 16 hours. 十四天又十六个小时
  [02:30.30]Quiet. Quiet. He’s going to say something. 安静!他要说话了
  [02:44.34]I’m pretty tired. 我好累
  [02:48.06]Think I’ll go home now . 我想我要回家了!
  [03:08.14]Now what are we supposed to do? 现在我们怎么办?
  [03:14.46]And just like that... 就这样我跑步的日子结束了
  [03:17.22]my runnin’ days was over.
  [03:18.58]So I went home to Alabama. 就这样我回到阿拉巴马家乡
  [03:22.70](TV) Moments ago, at 2.:25 P.M. , 不久之前下午2点25分
  [03:22.90]as President Reagan was leaving the- - 雷根总统步出华盛顿的希尔顿
  [03:26.94](Gunshots) 不知名的刺客开了五、六枪
  [03:28.26]Five or six gunshots were fired
  [03:30.26]by an unknown, would-be assassin.
  [03:32.30]The president was shot in the chest- - 总统胸部中弹,刺客被制伏
  [03:36.30]I picked up the mail. 我取了邮件来
  [03:36.98]And one day, out of the blue clear sky, 有一天我忽然接到珍妮的来信
  [03:38.66]I got a letter from Jenny
  [03:41.70]wondering if I could come down to Savannah 问我能否去塞芬那看她
  [03:42.74]and see her, and that’s what I’m doing here .
  [03:47.74]Uh-huh. 她曾在电视上看过我跑步
  [03:48.74]She saw me on TV... running.
  [03:49.74]I’m supposed to go on the number 9 bus to Richmond Street 我应该在瑞奇蒙街搭九路车
  [03:56.06]and get offand go one block left 下车走一段左转亨利街
  [03:59.06]to 1947 Henry Street... 1947号,四号公寓
  [04:00.06]apartment 4.
  [04:02.42]Why, you don’t need to take a bus. 你不必搭公车
  [04:05.10]Henry Street is just five or six blocks... 亨利街离这里才五、六条街
  [04:09.10]down that way .
  [04:11.10]Down that way ? -往那边? -往那边!
  [04:14.10]Down that way .
  [04:18.46]It was nice talking to you. 跟你谈话很高兴!
  [04:21.14](Horn Honks ) 希望你万事如意
  [04:22.14]I hope everything works out for you!
  [04:30.18]Hey !
  [04:32.86]Forrest! 弗勒斯!
  [04:35.54]How you doin’? 你好吗?
  [04:36.86]Come in! Come in! 进来!…
  [04:39.86]I got your letter. 我收到你的信了
  [04:39.90]Oh, I was wondering about that. 我还在担心
  [04:43.22]This your house? 这是你家?
  [04:46.26]Yeah. It’s messy right now . 是,有点乱,我刚下班
  [04:46.90]I just got off work.
  [04:48.94]It’s nice. 很好,有空调
  [04:51.58]You got air-conditioning.
  [04:59.62]Thankyou. -谢谢你! -我吃些了
