听电影学英语-傲慢与偏见 15(在线收听

  [00:03.18]and my sister to its derision for disappointed hopes. 害我姐姐的希望落空
  [00:03.50]And involving them both in misery of the acutest kind? 并让他们两人伤心欲绝
  [00:05.86]I do not deny it. 我并不否认
  [00:09.86]How could you do it? 你怎么能这么做?
  [00:11.02]Because I believed your sister indifferent to him. 我认为你姐姐不在乎他
  [00:12.54]Indifferent? 不在乎他?
  [00:14.06]I watched them most carefully 我仔细观察过
  [00:15.70]and realise his attachment was deeper than hers. 她没向他表白
  [00:16.06]That's because she's shy. 那是因为她天性害羞
  [00:17.38]Bingley, too, is modest 宾利也觉得她并不爱他
  [00:18.74]and was persuaded she didn't feel strongly for him.
  [00:19.22]- Because you suggested it. - I did it for his own good. - 那全是你说的 - 我完全是为了他好
  [00:21.74]My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me! 我姐姐都不会向我吐露心声
  [00:30.78]I suppose you suspect that his fortune had some bearing... 你一定认为她贪图他的钱
  [00:32.14]No! I wouldn't do your sister the dishonour! 我并不这么想
  [00:35.46]- Though it was suggested... - What was? - 但是有人说… - 说什么?
  [00:37.30]It was made perfectly clear that an advantageous marriage... 她是为了钱才想嫁给他
  [00:40.98]- Did my sister give that impression? - No! No! - 这是我姐给你的感觉? - 不
  [00:43.82]No. There was, however, 并不是 主要是因为你的家人
  [00:44.18]Our want of connection?
  [00:45.34]I have to admit, the matter of your family. 我们想攀龙附凤? 宾利自己都没这么想
  [00:45.66]Mr Bingley didn't seem to vex himself about that.
  [00:47.18]- No, it was more than that. - How, sir? - 不只是这样 - 那是怎样?
  [00:49.54]It was the lack of propriety 你妈、你的三个妹妹
  [00:50.86]shown by your mother, your three younger sisters,
  [00:51.54]even, on occasion, your father. 甚至你爸都很粗俗
  [00:55.06](THUNDER RUMBLING)
  [00:58.90]Forgive me. 请原谅我
  [01:01.74]You and your sister must exclude from this. 除了你和你姐姐以外
  [01:08.78]And what about Mr Wickham? 韦克翰先生的事又怎么说?
  [01:11.62]Mr Wickham? 韦克翰先生?
  [01:13.30]What excuse can you give for your behaviour towards him? 你为什么对他不屑一顾?
  [01:14.30]You take an eager interest in that gentleman's concerns. 你倒是很关心他嘛
  [01:16.30]He told me of his misfortunes. - 他跟我提过他的遭遇 - 是啊,他的遭遇很悲惨
  [01:17.98]Oh, yes, his misfortunes have been very great indeed.
  [01:21.30]You ruin his chances, and yet you treat him with sarcasm? 你毁了他一生,还要嘲笑他?
  [01:22.98]So this is your opinion of me. 你对我就是这种看法?
  [01:27.18]Perhaps these offences might have been overlooked had not your 如果你不是这么傲慢就不会…
  [01:27.50]Thank you for explaining so fully. 谢谢你让我知道
  [01:30.54]...in admitting scruples about our relationship.
  [01:30.70]- pride been hurt by my honesty... - My pride? - 我傲慢? - …被我说的实话伤害
  [01:34.02]Could you expect me to rejoice 我该为你低微的出身感到高兴?
  [01:36.38]in the inferiority of your circumstances?
  [01:39.38]And those are the words of a gentleman. 你说这种话算是君子吗?
  [01:40.74]your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain
  [01:41.22]From the first moment I met you, 你不但狂妄自大 而且完全不顾别人的感受
  [01:44.06]for the feelings of others 这让我确定一件事 我就算是死也不会嫁给你
  [01:45.74]made me realise that you were the last man in the world
  [01:48.74]could ever be prevailed upon to marry.
  [02:03.66]Forgive me, madam, for taking up so much of your time. 原谅我浪费了你这么多时间
  [02:14.70](SIG HS)
  [03:35.34](BIRDS CHIRPING)
  [03:49.22](DOOR CREAKING)
  [04:11.82]I came to leave you this. 我是来给你这封信
  [04:23.38]DARCY: I shall not renew the sentiments which were so disgusting to you, 我不会再提起让你厌恶的感情事
  [04:26.74]but if I may, I wlll address the two offences you have laid against me. 我只想解释你对我的两项指控
  [04:38.94]My father loved Mr Wickham as a son. 我父亲对韦克翰视如己出
  [04:42.78]In consequence he left him a generous living. 因此在遗嘱中安排他担任神职
  [04:45.78]But upon my father's death, Mr Wickham 但是在我父亲过世后
  [04:46.62]announced he had no intention of taking orders. 韦克翰却宣布他不想担任神职
  [04:52.66]and which he gambled away within weeks. 他很快就把这笔钱输光
  [04:59.18]He then wrote demanding more money, which I refused, 他又写信来要钱,我当然不肯
