听电影学英语-傲慢与偏见 16(在线收听

  [00:03.54]after which he severed all acquaintance. 之后我们就断绝来往
  [00:04.70]He came back to see us last summer, 去年夏天他来我家找我们
  [00:07.38]at which point he declared passionate love for my sister 他向我妹妹表示爱意
  [00:12.06]whom he tried to persuade to elope with him. 甚至说服她跟他私奔
  [00:15.74]She is to inherit £30,000. 他知道她继承了三万英镑
  [00:17.42]When it was made clear 当他得不到一毛钱就消失无踪
  [00:19.94]he would never receive a penny of that inheritance,
  [00:22.10]he disappeared.
  [00:23.14]I will not attempt to convey the depth of Georgiana's despair. 我无法告诉你我妹妹有多伤心
  [00:26.62]She was 75 years old. 她当时才十五岁
  [00:31.98]As to the other matter, that of your sister and Mr Bingley. 至于你姐姐和宾利的事
  [00:38.34]Though the motives which governed me may to you appear insufficient, 虽然你也许会怀疑我的动机
  [00:41.34]they were in the service of a friend. 但是我只是想帮助朋友
  [00:44.70]Lizzie? 莉琪
  [00:49.22]Are you all right? 你还好吧?
  [00:52.42]I hardly know. 我也不知道
  [01:04.46]Lizzie, how fortunate you have arrived. 莉琪,你回来了真好
  [01:05.14]Your aunt and uncle are here to deliver Jane from London. 你阿姨和姨丈把珍送回来了
  [01:11.30]- How is Jane? - She's in the drawing room. - 珍还好吧? - 她人在客厅
  [01:16.66]I'm quite over him, Lizzie. 我已经忘掉他了
  [01:19.82]If he passed me in the street, I'd hardly notice. 在街上碰到也不会多看一眼
  [01:20.70]London is so diverting. 伦敦真的很热闹
  [01:23.18]- Jane. - It's true. 是真的
  [01:28.70]There's so much to entertain. 有太多好玩的东西
  [01:35.42]What news from Kent? 肯特郡怎么样?
  [01:39.94]Nothing. 不怎么样
  [01:44.94]Lizzie. Lizzie, tell Mama, tell her! 莉琪,你告诉妈
  [01:49.78]Oh, Kitty, stop making such a fuss. 凯蒂,别闹了
  [01:51.82]- Why didn't she ask me as well? - MRS BENNET: She probably can't afford it. - 她为什么不请我去? - 大概负担不起吧
  [01:54.50]- I've just as much right as Lydia. - MRS BENNET: If I could but go to Brighton. - 我跟莉蒂亚一样有权去 - 我能去布莱顿也想去
  [01:55.14]- Because I'm better company. - Kitty, what's the matter? - 因为我比较会做人 - 凯蒂,怎么了?
  [01:59.98]- Also because I am two years older. - Let's all go. 莉蒂亚要和福斯特夫妇去布莱顿
  [02:00.02]Lydia's been invited to go to Brighton with the Forsters.
  [02:03.70]A little sea- bathing would set me up very nicely. 日光浴对我的身体有益
  [02:05.02]shall dine with the officers every night. 我每天都会跟军官吃晚饭
  [02:07.70]Please, Papa, don't let her go. 爸,别让她去
  [02:09.22]Liddy will never be easy until she's exposed herself 莉蒂亚一定会在公众场合出糗
  [02:12.06]in some public place or other,
  [02:16.38]and we can never expect her to do it with so little inconvenience 让她在外地出糗比较不丢脸
  [02:19.06]as under the present circumstances.
  [02:19.74]If you, dear father, do not take the trouble to check her, 爸,要是你不好好管管她
  [02:22.26]as the silliest and most determined flirt
  [02:23.42]she will be fixed forever 她就会勾引一个野男人
  [02:25.62]who ever made her family ridiculous. 让咱们全家人丢脸
  [02:27.78]Lizzie, we shall have no peace until she goes. 不让她去我的耳根永远不会清静
  [02:28.10]And Kitty will follow, as she always does. 凯蒂也会跟随她的脚步
  [02:30.78]Peace. Is that really all you care about? 你只想要耳根清静吗?
  [02:38.50]Colonel Forster is a sensible man. 福斯特上校很懂得分寸
  [02:40.18]He will keep her out of any real mischief. 他不会让她出乱子
  [02:43.86]And she is far too poor to be an object of prey to anyone. 她太穷,不会被坏男人拐走
  [02:46.54]- Father, it's dangerous. - I am certain 爸,这还是很危险
  [02:49.70]the officers will find women better worth their while.
  [02:53.54]Let us hope, in fact, that her stay in Brighton 我只希望她去了布莱顿
  [02:59.22]will teach her her own insignificance. 就会知道她自己是井底之蛙
  [03:02.58]At any rate, she can hardly grow any worse. 反正她也不会再坏到哪里去
  [03:07.42]If she does, 要是她出事
  [03:07.62]We'd be obliged to lock her up for the rest of her life. 我们就把她关在家里一辈子
  [03:13.62](DOOR CLOSING)
  [03:21.34]Lizzie dear, you'd be welcome to accompany us. 莉琪,欢迎你一起来
  [03:22.82]GARDINER: The Peak District is not Brighton 德贝郡比布莱顿清静
  [03:24.86]and officers are very thin on the ground, 也没有那么多军官驻守
  [03:26.18]which may influence your decision. 也许你会比较喜欢
  [03:30.34]MRS GARDINER: Come to the Peak District with us, Lizzie, and get some fresh air. 跟我们一起去呼吸新鲜空气
  [03:34.06]MARY: The glories of nature. 享受大自然
  [03:34.70]What are men compared to rocks and mountains? 男人怎么比得上湖光山色?
  [03:37.38]Believe me, men are either eaten up with arrogance or stupidity. 没错,男人不是很蠢就是很傲慢
  [03:40.42]If they are amiable, they're so easily led 太随和了又容易被牵着鼻子走
  [03:41.74]they have no minds of their own whatsoever.
  [03:42.90]Oh, take care, my love, that savers strongly of bitterness. 你这话听起来酸溜溜的哦
  [03:54.14]I saw Mr Darcy when I was at Rosings. 我在罗辛顿庄园见到达西先生
  [03:56.82]Why did you not tell me? 你怎么没告诉我?
  [04:01.98]Did he mention Mr Bingley? 他有提到宾利先生吗?
  [04:05.50]No. 没有
  [04:13.86]ELIZABETH: No, he did not. 他没提到他
