北师大九年级英语听力(全一册)--Unit 7-26-3(在线收听

[00:00.00]Then Goldilocks went upstairs to
[00:03.43]see the bedroom.
[00:05.11]She saw the bear's beds.
[00:07.67]"How nice!"she thought.
[00:10.67]She lay down on Father Bear's bed.
[00:13.81]She didn't like it because it was too hard.
[00:17.71]Then she lay down on Mother Bear's bed.
[00:20.96]She didn't like it because it was too soft.
[00:25.02]Then she lay down on Baby Bear's bed.
[00:28.27]It was very comfortable.
[00:31.22]In fact, it was so comfortable
[00:33.97]that Goldilocks fell asleep!
[00:46.29]Goldilocks was still sleeping in Baby Bear's
[00:49.04]bed when the three bears returned
[00:52.66]from their walk.
[00:54.65]They went into the kitchen to
[00:56.71]have their breakfast.
[00:58.65]An unpleasant surprise was waiting for them.
[01:03.81]"Look.Somebody has been eating my porridge!"
[01:08.09]said Father Bear.
[01:11.08]"Look.Somebody has been eating my porridge,too"
[01:15.43]said Mother Bear.
[01:17.62]"And look.Somebody has been eating my porridge"
[01:21.84]said Baby Bear,
[01:23.69]"And has finished it all!"
[01:26.85]Now the three bears knew
[01:28.79]that someone had come into their house.
[01:32.28]They went into the living room,
[01:34.69]where another surprise was waiting for them.
[01:38.97]"Look,Somebody has been sitting on my chair!"
[01:43.00]said Father Bear.
[01:45.88]"Look,Somebody has been sitting on my chair,
[01:49.75]too!"said Mother Bear.
[01:53.06]"And look. Somebody has been sitting
[01:56.24]on my chair,"said Baby Bear,
[01:58.99]"And has broken it!"
