听电影学英语-食品公司 01(在线收听

  [00:44.98]Michael Pollan: The way we eat has changed more in the last 50 years 我们吃的东西在过去50年里发生的改变
  [00:48.02]than in the previous 10,000. 比过去1万年还要多
  [00:52.54]But the image that’s used to sell the food, 但是代表美国农耕时期的形象
  [00:54.86]it is still the imagery of agrarian America. 仍然被用来推销食物的
  [01:07.26]You go into the supermarket and you see pictures of farmers, 在超市里,你在食物包装上看到农夫的图片
  [01:10.10]the picket fence, the silo, 农场的围栏,粮仓
  [01:12.10]the ’30s farmhouse and the green grass. 还有30年代风格的农舍,和绿油油的牧草
  [01:17.62]It’s the spinning of this pastoral fantasy. 这一切交织成了一幅田园风光的假象
  [01:29.50]The modern American supermarket 现在,美国的超级市场
  [01:29.66]has on average 47,000 products. 平均有47,000种商品
  [01:46.06]There are no seasons in the American supermarket. 这些商品已经没有季节性了
  [01:47.90]Now there are tomatoes all year round, 人们一年到头都能吃到西红柿
  [01:50.26]grown halfway around the world, picked when it was green, 这些西红柿在地球另一边种植,还是青绿色时就采摘
  [01:52.94]and ripened with ethylene gas. 然后用乙烯催熟
  [02:00.14]Although it looks like a tomato, 虽然它们看起来就是西红柿
  [02:00.82]it’s kind of a notional tomato. 但是,这只是一种表面现象
  [02:02.82]I mean, it’s the idea of a tomato. 我是说,它们只是在概念上还是西红柿而已
  [02:27.06]In the meat aisle, there are no bones anymore. 在肉类销售区,人们再也看不到骨头
  [02:35.26]this curtain, that’s dropped between us 像面纱一样挡在了我们
  [02:37.78]and where our food is coming from. 和食物的来源之间
  [02:41.78]The industry doesn’t want you to know the truth 食品工业不希望你知道
  [02:44.46]about what you’re eating, 各种食物背后的真相
  [02:44.66]because if you knew, you might not want to eat it. 因为一旦了解,你也许就再也不想吃了
  [02:53.18]Pollan: If you follow the food chain back 要是你追踪一下食物的供应链条
  [02:53.66]from those shrink-wrapped packages of meat, 例如那些用收缩薄膜包装的肉类
  [02:57.18]you find a very different reality. 你会发现出乎意料的真相
  [02:57.54]The reality is a factory. 这些食物都是在工厂里生产的
  [02:59.22]It’s not a farm. It’s a factory. 不是农场,而是工厂
  [03:01.70]That meat is being processed 这些肉类
  [03:03.70]by huge multinational corporations 是由大型跨国公司生产的
  [03:07.22]that have very little to do with ranches and farmers. 根本没有农场和农夫什么事
  [03:10.42]Schlosser: Now our food is coming from enormous assembly lines 现在,我们的食物来自庞大的生产线
  [03:15.94]where the animals and the workers are being abused. 这对动物和工人来说都是一种虐待
  [03:18.94]And the food has become much more dangerous 生产出来的食物也变得更危险
  [03:22.62]in ways that are being deliberately hidden from us. 但它们的危险性却被刻意隐瞒
  [03:24.62]Troy Roush: You’ve got a small group of multinational corporations 整个食品供应链

  [03:29.66]who control the entire food system. 已经被少数几个跨国公司掌握
  [03:34.18]From seed to the supermarket, 从种子到超级市场里的食物
  [03:35.18]they’re gaining control of food. 都逐渐被它们控制
  [03:39.18]Schlosser: This isn’t just about what we’re eating. 这已经不仅仅是关于我们吃什么了
  [03:40.86]This is about what we’re allowed to say, 更是关于我们被允许说什么
  [03:45.38]what we’re allowed to know. 和我们被允许知道什么
  [03:47.90]It’s not just our health that’s at risk. “正在冒险”的已经不只是我们的健康
  [03:48.58]Carole Morison: The companies don’t want farmers talking. 这些公司不想农民说话
  [03:54.42]They don’t want this story told. 它们不想真相曝光
  [04:15.66]How about a nice chicken club sandwich made with fresh cooked chicken? 来一个新鲜鸡肉制作的公司三明治怎么样?
  [04:19.34]You know, that’s a nice idea, 你知道,这是个好主意 ERIC SCHLOSSER:《快餐民族 FAST FOOD NATION》一书作者
  [04:21.18]but I think what I’d really like 不过,我想我最喜欢的还是
  [04:23.18]- is a burger. - All right. -来个汉堡 -好的
  [04:29.74]Schlosser’s voice: My favorite meal to this day 直到现在,我最喜欢的食物
  [04:31.74]remains a hamburger and french fries. 还是汉堡和炸薯条
  [04:36.42]I had no idea that a handful of companies 我完全不知道,某些公司
  [04:41.26]had changed what we eat and how we make our food. 已经改变了我们的食物,以及这些食物的生产方式
  [04:45.30]I’ve been eating this food all my life 我一直以来都在吃这些食物
  [04:47.30]without having any idea where it comes from, 既不知道它们从何而来
  [04:49.66]any idea how powerful this industry is. 也不知道食品工业有多大的力量
  [04:52.82]And it was the idea 就是这种想法
  [04:54.98]of this world deliberately hidden from us. 世界上有某些事情正被刻意隐瞒的想法
  [04:58.66]I think that’s one of the reasons why 我想,这就是我
