听电影学英语-食品公司 18(在线收听

  [00:02.24]The food crisis has already brought down one government. 食物危机已经导致了一个政府倒台
  [00:04.40]Pollan: A month doesn’t go by 几乎每个月
  [00:08.56]where there isn’t a story in the news 我们都能看到
  [00:11.24]that peels back the curtain 揭露工业化食品生产内幕
  [00:11.60]on how that industrial food is made. 的新闻报道
  [00:15.28](mooing pitifully) 悲惨的呻吟
  [00:15.96]Man: Downer cows-- too ill or lame to walk-- 因患病而不良于行的牛
  [00:18.80]being brutalized to get them to their feet for slaughter. 被强迫着站起来以便运到屠宰场
  [00:21.64]Woman: Millions of gallons of concentrated hog manure 数以百万吨计的猪粪
  [00:24.48]flushing their contents downriver. 集中被倾倒了河流里
  [00:26.00]Woman #2: Government’s food czar reported 受政府保护的食品独裁者们说
  [00:30.32]the origin of the latest salmonella outbreak. 最近的这次沙门氏菌爆发的源头
  [00:34.20]Pollan: Every time one of these stories comes out, 每一次这种(揭露)报道的播出
  [00:39.20]America learns a little bit more-- 美国人就能了解多一点
  [00:41.72]what’s going on in the kitchen where their food is being prepared. 比如(能够了解到)处理食物的厨房里 到底发生了什么(肉类加工真相)
  [00:44.72]And every time they turn away in revulsion 还有每当消费者们(了解了真相)厌恶地扭过脸去
  [00:47.40]and start looking for alternatives. 从而开始寻求替代食品
  [00:57.12]Hirshberg: The irony is that the average consumer 讽刺的是
  [00:59.44]does not feel very powerful. 普通消费者总觉得自己没什么力量
  [01:01.64]They think they are the recipients 他们觉得自己像个“收件人”
  [01:05.32]of whatever industry has put out there 被动地接受食品公司
  [01:05.48]for them to consume. 所生产的供他们消费的产品
  [01:08.80]Trust me, it’s the exact opposite. 听我说,情况恰恰相反
  [01:11.84]When we run an item past the supermarket scanner, 当我们在超市里选购食品的时候
  [01:17.84]At Wal-Mart, we made a decision about a year ago 在一年前,沃尔玛决定
  [01:19.72]to go through a process of becoming rBST-free in our milk supply. 只采购不使用"重组牛生长激素"生产的乳制品 "重组牛生长激素"——rBGH,孟山都的:杰作"
  [01:24.04]We made that decision based on customer preference. 我们是根据顾客的偏好而作出这个决定的
  [01:25.04]Hirshberg: Individual consumers 每个消费者的微薄力量
  [01:28.40]changed the biggest company on earth 加起来可以改变世界上最大的公司
  [01:30.92]and in so doing, 通过这样做
  [01:32.08]probably put the last nail in the coffin 可能为"合成生长激素"
  [01:36.60]for synthetic growth hormone. 钉上最后一块棺材板
  [01:37.44]Pollan: To eat well in this country costs more 在这个国家,为了吃得好而付出的钱
  [01:40.28]than to eat badly. It will take more money 比吃得差多得多,要很多钱
  [01:44.48]and some people simply don’t have it. 一部分人都负担不起
  [01:45.32]And that’s one of the reasons 所以我们必须
  [01:48.80]that we need changes at the policy level, 在政策层面上作出改变

  [01:50.64]so that the carrots are a better deal than the chips. 好让胡萝卜比炸薯片卖的更好
  [01:53.00]Schlosser: People think "These companies are so big 人们会想"这些食品公司规模庞大"
  [01:55.52]and so powerful, how are we ever going to change things?" "实力雄厚,我们怎么能改变他们呢?"
  [02:00.68]But look at the tobacco industry. 看看烟草业吧
  [02:02.20]It had huge control over public policy 它曾经有能力左右公共政策
  [02:03.20]and that control was broken. 但现在又怎么样?
  [02:06.40]The battle against tobacco is a perfect model 和烟草业的斗争
  [02:11.24]of how an industry’s irresponsible behavior 就是改变某个行业不负责任的经营行为的
  [02:13.40]can be changed. 极佳榜样
  [02:15.24](people talking)
  [02:18.60]Salatin: Imagine what it would be if, as a national policy, 你可以想像一下
  [02:21.12]we said we would be only successful 要是我们的全国性政策规定
  [02:24.80]if we had fewer people going 如果每年就医人数比上一年少
  [02:28.32]to the hospital next year than last year. 我们才可以算是有进步
  [02:31.00]How about that for success? 那会怎么样?
  [02:34.00]The idea then would be to have 那时候,我们的食物
  [02:36.16]such nutritionally dense 就会变得营养丰富
  [02:36.68]unadulterated food 没有掺杂
  [02:39.68]that people who ate it actually felt better, 人们吃了就会感觉更好
  [02:42.04]had more energy, 更有精神
  [02:43.72]and weren’t sick as much. 而不会得病
  [02:48.56]Now see, that’s a noble goal. 现在你知道了吧,这是一个高尚的目标
  [02:50.40]Kowalcyk: I can’t change the fact that Kevin’s dead. 凯文的死已经无法挽回
  [02:54.76]When you tell somebody you’ve lost a child, 当我告诉别人我失去了孩子
  [02:58.44]I really don’t like that look of pity 我不喜欢看到
  [02:59.08]that comes into their eyes, 他们眼神里流露出的同情
  [03:00.60]that they feel sorry for me. 以及怜悯
  [03:05.80]I can have a pity party all by myself very well, 我获得的同情和怜悯已经够多了
  [03:06.64]thank you. I don’t need it from other people. 谢谢,我不需要更多的同情
  [03:10.64]What I need them to do is listen 我希望他们做的是聆听
  [03:12.48]and help me effect a change. 然后和我一起促成这个变革
  [03:16.68]Roush: You have to understand that we farmers, 你必须记住一个事实
  [03:19.16]we’re gonna deliver to the marketplace what the marketplace demands. 农民们的生产一定是以市场的需求为依据的
  [03:23.36]If you want to buy $2 milk, 要是你愿意付2美元买牛奶
  [03:23.52]you’re gonna get a feedlot in the backyard. It’s that simple. 你喝到的牛奶就会好得像养在 自家后院的牛挤出来的,就是这么简单
  [03:27.56]People have got to start demanding 只要人们开始
  [03:31.24]good, wholesome food of us. 对更好的食物有需求
  [03:34.88]And we’ll deliver. I promise you. 我们就能生产,我保证
  [03:35.56]We’re very ingenious people. We’ll deliver. 我们也是很有才能的,我们会满足需求的

  [03:38.24]That’s all I had to say. 这就是我要说的话
  [03:44.08]你可以每天3次投票 来改变这个官僚系统 (通过我们的网站)
  [03:54.48]购买那些用“尊重”对待 工人、动物以及环境的公司的产品
  [04:08.00]当你去超市的时候 选择应季蔬菜瓜果(不要吃反季节食品) 购买有机食品 了解你所吃的食物里都含有什么(成份) 阅读食品标签
  [04:24.60]通常肉类从农场到超市要经历1500英里的“长征” (尽量)购买本地生长出产的食品 (最好)到“农贸市场”去填满购物袋 自己开辟一个菜园(哪怕很小)
  [04:49.00]每个人都有选择健康食品的权利 确保你“农贸市场”的食品有合格印章 要求地方教育委员会提供健康的学校午餐
  [05:02.00]FDA和USDA理应保护你和家人(的健康) 告知议会公布实施"食品安全标准" 并且再次(向他们)介绍"凯文法案"
  [05:43.20]如果你做饭前祷告 那么就请求食物令我们以及这个星球更加健康
