听电影学英语-肖申克的救赎 11(在线收听

  [00:00.44]And by the weekend he was due back 在安迪出院前一周
  [00:02.36]we had enough rocks saved up to keep him busy till rapture. 石头多的够他刻一辈子
  [00:05.52]Also got a big shipment in that week. 同时到了一大批货
  [00:09.92]chewing gum 口香糖
  [00:10.56]Cigarettes 烟
  [00:11.84]sipping whisky 威士忌
  [00:12.52]playing cards with naked ladies on them. You name it. 裸女扑克牌
  [00:18.48]And of course, the most important item: 当然  最重要的是
  [00:21.36]Rita Hayworth herself. 丽塔·海华丝
  [00:47.80]欢迎归来  免费享用
  [00:58.32]Wake up 大家醒醒
  [01:01.04]Heads up. They're tossing cells. 小心  来查房了
  [01:04.92]Heads up. They're tossing cells! 小心  来查房了
  [01:07.16]119. 119房
  [01:11.48]123. 123房
  [01:13.72]Bible 圣经
  [01:23.28]On your feet. 起立
  [01:25.84]Face the wall. 面对墙
  [02:03.36]Turn around and face the warden. 转身面向典狱长
  [02:10.40]Pleased to see you reading this. 很高兴你念圣经
  [02:15.00]Any favorite passages? 你最喜欢哪一章节?
  [02:17.24]"Watch ye, therefore,for ye know not 所以你们要惊醒
  [02:18.48]when the master of the house cometh." 因为不知道家主何时来
  [02:22.96]Mark 13:35. 马可福音  13章35节
  [02:25.60]I've always liked that one. 我也一向喜欢它
  [02:27.80]But I prefer 但我更爱
  [02:30.36]"I am the light of the world. "我是世界的光"
  [02:33.68]Ye that followeth me shall have the light of life." 跟从我的  就不在黑暗里走  必要得跟着生命的光
  [02:35.72]John, chapter 8, verse 12. 约翰福音8章12节
  [02:38.32]I hear you're good with numbers. 听说你精通数字
  [02:41.24]How nice. 真好
  [02:44.20]Man should have a skill. 人应该有专长
  [02:47.08]Explain this. 这是什么?
  [02:49.88]It's called a rock blanket. It's for shaping and polishing rocks. 磨石毡  打磨石头用的
  [02:55.92]A little hobby of mine. 我的小嗜好
  [03:08.04]It's pretty clean. 很标准
  [03:08.84]Some contraband here, but nothing to get in a twist over. 无重大违规
  [03:17.60]I can't say I approve of this. 这我不大赞成
  [03:20.16]But I suppose 不过嘛
  [03:25.28]exceptions can be made. 破个例也无妨
  [03:35.80]Lock them up! 锁门
  [03:40.76]I almost forgot. 差点忘了
  [03:42.76]I'd hate to deprive you of this. 我怎能拿你的圣经
  [03:45.36]Salvation lies within. "得救之道  就在其中"
  [03:47.92]Yes, sir. 是的
  [03:56.36]Tossing cells was just an excuse. 查房只是借口
  [03:59.52]Truth is 事实是
  [04:02.24]Norton wanted to size Andy up. 诺顿要秤他斤两
  [04:18.84]My wife made that in church group. 我太太在教堂织的
  [04:23.84]Very nice, sir. 相当精巧
  [04:26.32]You enjoy working the laundry? 喜欢洗衣房的工作吗?
  [04:29.88]No, sir. Not especially. 不怎么喜欢
  [04:32.04]Perhaps we can find something more 也许我们可以
  [04:33.84]befitting a man of your education. 更加让你发挥才学
  [04:45.88]Hey, Jake. Where's Brooks? 小杰  老布呢?
  [04:45.96]I thought I heard you out here. 安迪  我听见你来了
  [04:51.96]I've been reassigned to you. 我转派给你
  [04:53.32]I know, they told me. 我听说了
  [04:57.00]Ain't that a kick in the head? 真想不到呀
  [04:57.08]Well, I'll give you the dime tour. 来个小小巡礼吧
