听电影学英语-肖申克的救赎 27(在线收听

  [00:03.20]stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. 犯下重罪的小笨蛋
  [00:08.24]I want to talk to him. 我想跟他沟通
  [00:13.76]I want to try and talk some sense to him. 我试图讲道理
  [00:17.60]Tell him the way things are. 让他明了
  [00:21.72]But I can't. 但我办不到
  [00:24.28]That kid's long gone 那个少年早就不见了
  [00:28.08]and this old man is all that's left. 只剩下我垂老之躯
  [00:32.80]I got to live with that. 我得接受事实
  [00:35.12]Rehabilitated? 改过自新?
  [00:37.40]It's just a bullshit word. 狗屁不通的词
  [00:39.48]So you go on and stamp your forms,sonny, and stop wasting my time. 你盖章吧  别浪费我的时间
  [00:45.52]Because to tell you the truth 告诉你一句实话
  [00:46.92]I don't give a shit. 我他妈的不在乎
  [01:02.76]Approved 核准
  [01:59.80]Brook was here 老布到此一游
  [02:17.00]Here you go, miss. 谢谢你
  [02:19.36]Restroom break? 可以上厕所吗?
  [02:28.72]You don't need to ask me every time you need to go take a piss. Just go. 别要尿尿就来报告  要去就去  懂吗?
  [02:33.00]yes 是的
  [02:45.04]Forty years I've been asking permission to piss. 我报告了40年
  [02:48.68]I can't squeeze a drop without say-so. 没报告  一滴也挤不出
  [02:56.68]There's a harsh truth to face. 我得面对残酷的事实
  [03:00.04]No way I'm going to make it on the outside. 我根本混不下去
  [03:10.16]All I do anymore is think of ways to break my parole 我一心想违犯假释
  [03:13.16]so maybe they'd send me back. 也许能重返肖申克
  [03:22.88]Terrible thing, to live in fear. 活在恐惧中真是糟糕
  [03:24.20]Brooks Hatlen knew it. 老布体会过
  [03:28.68]Knew it all too well. 他看透了
  [03:30.84]All I want is to be back where things make sense. 我只想回到有意义的地方
  [03:34.20]Where I won't have to be afraid all the time. 不必整天担惊受怕
  [03:38.12]Only one thing stops me. 只有一件事阻止了我
  [03:44.36]A promise I made to Andy. 我向安迪做的承诺
  [04:07.04]There it is. 到了
  [04:18.00]Much obliged, sir. 非常感谢您
  [04:27.88]Buxton 巴克斯顿
