听电影学英语-国王的演讲 04(在线收听

  [00:01.25]and asked a passing Mallard the way to Buckingham Palace.  他...问一个路过的勇士  怎么去白金汉宫
  [00:05.78]The Christmas broadcast –  圣诞广播演说
  [00:07.05]He swam up the Thames and out through the plughole,  他沿着泰晤士河一直游 然后... 从排水口出来
  [00:09.23]giving the cook mama and Mrs Whittaker quite a shock.  让...厨子 妈妈  还有惠特克夫人大吃一惊
  [00:10.79]I think that might be a mistake.  我觉得这不是个好主意
  [00:12.24]Don’t worry about that  别担心这个
  [00:15.11]When the girls heard all the commotion  公主们听到声音后
  [00:17.57]They run to the kitchen where they gave him  跑到厨房 给他...
  [00:20.58]a good scrub,a mackerel and a kiss.  擦擦干净 给他一只小鱼吃 还有一个吻
  [00:24.77]And as they kissed him guess what he turned into?  当她们亲吻他时 猜猜他变成了什么?
  [00:24.89]Plans for the Coronation. I think that’s an even bigger mistake.  加冕礼计划书 我觉得这主意更糟糕
  [00:29.96]A handsome prince!  一个英俊的王子!
  [00:31.58]A short-tailed Albatross.  一只短尾巴的信天翁
  [00:33.37]I’m not a King.  我当不了国王
  [00:34.27]With wings big enough that he could wrap them both around his two girls together  用他大大的翅膀 把他的公主们都搂在怀里
  [00:40.13]I’m a naval officer. That’s all I know  我是海军军官 我只会做那个
  [00:42.35]Now girls,time for bed. Come on  姑娘们 该睡觉了 快来
  [00:44.74]Take the horses to the stable  牵着马儿到马厩
  [00:45.45]I’m not a King,not a king.  我当不了国王 当不了国王
  [00:46.17]You have exactly a minute  一分钟内上床睡觉
  [00:47.94]Good night  晚安
  [00:48.29]- I’m sorry. I’m sorry. - No. Dear.  - 对不起 对不起 - 别这样 亲爱的
  [00:48.70]feed them brush them and to bed.  喂喂草梳梳毛然后去睡觉
  [00:52.21]Will Mrs Simpson be there?  辛普森夫人也会去么?
  [00:54.66]My brother’s insisting.  我哥哥坚持要她也去
  [00:57.31]Is he serious?  他当真?
  [00:57.84]Dear,dear man...  亲爱的 亲爱的...
  [01:00.65]About our coming to dinner?  要我们去赴宴?
  [01:02.48]No. About her!  不是 是对她!
  [01:02.79]I’m sorry.  对不起
  [01:04.92]You know,I refused your first two marriage proposals,  知道吗 我拒绝了你头两次求婚
  [01:06.82]A married woman? He can’t be.  对一个有夫之妇? 他不会的
  [01:08.91]She can. By the way I think I found someone rather interesting.  她会的 对了  我想我找到了一个非常有趣的人
  [01:10.49]Not because I didn’t love you,  不是因为我不爱你
  [01:13.35]but because I couldn’t bear the idea of a royal life  而是因为我无法忍受王室的生活
  [01:13.75]On Harley Street. A doctor.  在哈利街 是一个医生
  [01:15.30]Out of the question. I’m not having this conversation again.  没门儿 我不想再谈这个问题
  [01:16.73]Could bear the idea of a life of tours and public duties,  无法忍受那种时刻需要面对公众的生活
  [01:19.33]The matter’s settled.  就这么定了
  [01:21.13]His approach seems rather different....  他的方法似乎比较独特...
  [01:21.37]a life that no longer was really to be my own.  那种自己甚至无法掌控的生活
  [01:26.37]Now?  现在开始?
  [01:26.51]Then I thought...he stammers so beautifully...  但后来我想... 他的口吃如此美好
  [01:28.94]Now!  开始!
  [01:30.08]they’ll leave us alone.  他们不会纠缠我们的
  [01:36.08]STAND BY THE KING.GOD SAVE THE KING  支持国王 上帝拯救我们的国王
  [01:37.53]“Now is the winter of our discontent  “约克红日的照耀 (莎士比亚名剧"理查三世")
  [01:40.11]Made glorious summer by this sun of York.”  将那严冬般的宿怨化为融融夏景
  [01:45.10]“And all the clouds that lour’d upon our house  王室上空的片片愁云
  [01:47.63]In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.  已埋入海洋深处
  [01:50.80]Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths;  胜利的荣耀闪烁于我们的眉宇...

  [01:54.94]Thank you.  谢谢你
  [01:58.00]Waiting for a king to apologize,one can wait rather a long wait.  要等到国王的道歉 那个人需要有相当的耐心
  [01:59.55]Lovely diction,Mr...  措辞很好 这位...
  [02:02.25]Logue. Lionel Logue.  罗格先生 莱昂奈尔·罗格
  [02:03.58]Well,Mr Logue,  罗格先生
  [02:06.19]I’m not hearing the cries of a deformed creature yearning to be King.  我没有听出这是一个乖戾的 极度渴望成为国王的人在呐喊
  [02:07.52]I’m afraid we’re slightly late.  恐怕我们来得有点晚了
  [02:12.37]Nor did I realize Richard the Third was King of the Colonies.  也没有察觉到理查三世是大英帝国国王
  [02:12.49]This is home. Myrtle’s at bridge.  这是我家 默特尔在打牌
  [02:15.86]I’ve made sure the boys are out.  我确定我儿子他们已经出去了
  [02:17.95]It’s lovely. Absolutely lovely.  真贴心 非常贴心
  [02:20.45]I do know all the lines.  我的确知道所有台词
  [02:22.27]- May I sit down? - Yes,of course  - 我可以坐下吗? - 可以 当然
  [02:22.43]I’ve played the role before.  这个角色我以前演过
  [02:24.28]- Sydney? - Perth.  - 在悉尼演过? - 在珀思(澳大利亚城市)
  [02:26.29]- Major theater town,is it? - Enthusiastic.  - 那里有很多剧院 是吧 - 百花齐放
  [02:30.51]- Ah. - I was well reviewed.  - 哦 - 我在那儿的评价不错
  [02:32.17]Would you like some tea,Ma’am?  您要喝茶吗 夫人?
  [02:33.62]Yes. I’ll help myself.  好的 我自己来吧
  [02:35.39]yes...  是的...
  [02:35.40]Off you go now. Or must I knock your heads together?  你们俩去吧  还是要我帮你们调解一下?
  [02:37.48]well...Lionel,  呃...莱昂奈尔
  [02:39.64]I think our dramatic society is looking for someone slightly younger  我觉得我们剧团是想找个 有点皇室气质的
  [02:40.49]Here’s your shilling  这是我欠你的先令
  [02:47.13]and a little more regal.  年轻一点的演员
  [02:52.99]I.. understand what you were trying to say,Logue.  我... 我明白你之前的意思 罗格
  [02:58.84]I went about it the wrong way. I’m sorry.  我言语欠妥了 对不起
  [03:03.01]You have to shut that one first.  你得先把那个关上
  [03:05.07]So here I am.  但... 现在我即位了
  [03:05.64]Close that one first,that  先关那个 那个
  [03:07.50]Is the nation ready for two minutes of radio silence?  这个国家准备好接受 广播里两分钟的沉寂了吗?
  [03:09.88]Where did you find this...physician?  你在哪儿找的这个...医生?
  [03:12.82]Classifieds,next to “French model,Shepherd’s Market”.  这是机密 在牧人市场的"法国模特"旁边 (当时以色情业闻名)
  [03:12.86]Every stammer always fears they will fall back to square one.  每个口吃的人都很担心会回到原点
  [03:16.89]I don’t let that happen.  我不会任其发生的
  [03:16.91]He comes highly recommended.  他的口碑不错
  [03:18.24]Charges substantial fees in order to help the poor.  要价很高 有点劫富济贫的意思
  [03:18.57]If I fail in my duty... David could come back.  如果我不能胜任... 大卫就可以回来接管
  [03:21.09]Oh dear,perhaps he’s a Bolshevik?!  哦 天啊 难道他是共产党?!
  [03:23.32]I’ve seen the placards  我看到那些海报了
  [03:25.93]He has no receptionist. He likes to keep things simple.  他没有接待员 他不喜欢搞得太复杂
  [03:26.71]“God Save Our… King!”  "上帝救救我们的... 国王吧!"
  [03:30.95]They don’t mean me.  他们说的不是我
  [03:33.40]The Johnsons.  约翰逊夫妇来了
  [03:33.83]Every other monarch in history succeeded someone who was dead,  历史上每一位君主的王位都是从另一位病危的
  [03:41.52]Or about to be.  或者已逝的君主手中接过的
  [03:46.05]You can go in now,“Mr. Johnson”.  您可以进去了 约翰逊先生
  [03:46.18]My predecessor is not only alive,but very much so.  我的前任不仅或者 而且还很年轻
  [03:50.03]Lionel says...wait here if you wish,Mrs Johnson.  莱昂奈尔说 夫人若不介意的话 可以在这里等候

  [03:54.87]Or,it being a p-pleasant day,  或者 既然天...天气不错
  [03:55.87]Bloody mess! I can’t even give them a Christmas Speech.  真见鬼! 我连个圣诞演讲都说不好
  [04:01.33]- Like your Dad used to do? - Precisely.  - 像你父亲那样? - 没错
  [04:04.78]He’s not here anymore.  他已经不在了
  [04:05.28]p-perhaps take a stroll.  您也...也可以出去走走
  [04:08.92]Was that alright...Lionel?  我说对...了吗? 莱昂奈尔先生
  [04:09.58]Yes he is. He’s on that shilling I gave you.  不 他在  他就在我给你的那个先令上面
  [04:14.25]Easy enough to give away.  要解脱很容易
  [04:14.96]Marvellous,Willy  太棒了 威利
  [04:16.42]You don’t have to carry him around in your pocket.  你不必永远活在他的阴影下
  [04:16.93]You can stay here and wait for your mum.  你可以在这里等妈妈来接你
  [04:19.51]Or your brother.  还有你的哥哥
  [04:20.04]Mrs Johnson.  约翰逊夫人
  [04:22.21]You don’t need to be afraid of things you were afraid of when you were five.  你不用再恐惧自己五岁时害怕的东西
  [04:22.70]Mr.Johnson,do come in.  约翰逊先生 您请进
  [04:33.04]You’re very much your own man,Bertie.  你就是你 伯蒂
  [04:37.16]Right  是呀
  [04:42.86]Your face is next,mate.  下次硬币上印的就是你了 朋友
  [04:44.36]Would you like a sweetie  吃糖吗?
  [04:45.03]Lionel? Dear?  莱昂纳尔? 亲爱的?
  [04:46.09]He’s a good lad,Willy.  威利是个好孩子
  [04:46.97]Myrtle!  默特尔!
  [04:48.10]He could hardly make a sound,you know,when he first came to me.  要知道他刚来的时候 一个字都不敢说
  [04:48.51]- Is this your wife? - Yes.  - 是你老婆? - 是的
  [04:52.11]Bertie,come here  伯蒂 过来吧
  [04:55.36]- Are you alright,Logue? - Yes.  - 你没事吧 罗格? - 是的
  [05:00.20]My boys made those. Good,aren’t they.  那些是我儿子们做的 还不错吧
  [05:00.50]Shall we go through?  我们可以过去了吗?
