听电影学英语-国王的演讲 06(在线收听

  [00:04.96]I’ll bet you,you can read flawlessly,right here,right now.  我跟你打赌 你此时此刻就能流利朗读
  [00:09.63]And if I win the bet,I get to ask you more questions.  如果我赢了 你必须回答我提的问题
  [00:12.92]And if I win?  如果我赢了?
  [00:14.23]You don’t have to answer them.  你就不用回答
  [00:16.43]One usually… wagers money.  一般…赌的是钱
  [00:20.54]A bob each to keep it sweet? Let’s see your shilling.  一注一先令? 你先下注吧
  [00:24.72]I don’t… carry money.  我不…带钱
  [00:28.16]I had a funny feeling you mightn’t.  我猜到了
  [00:31.19]I’ll stake you. And you can pay me back next time.  我替你下注 下次再还我
  [00:34.32]If there is a next time.  如果有下次的话
  [00:35.86]I haven’t agreed to take you on yet  我也还没答应要您治病
  [00:41.98]So please stand,and take a look at that,from there  请站起来 看这段 从这里开始
  [00:53.28]I can’t read this.  我读不了
  [00:54.92]Then you owe me a shilling for not trying.  那你就因为放弃而欠我一先令
  [01:02.72]“To..  生...
  [01:10.40]to..be or not to be,  生...存还是毁灭

  [01:14.38]That… is..”  这...是...
  [01:18.82]damn ***  该死的
  [01:21.25]I haven’t finished yet.  还没结束呢
  [01:33.52]I’m going to record your voice  我要录下你的声音
  [01:35.14]And then play it back to you on the same machine.  然后再用同一台机器播出来
  [01:37.60]This is brilliant. It’s the latest thing from America :a Silvertone.  这东西很妙  美国的最新发明 留声机
  [01:55.23]Pop these on?  把这个戴上?
  [01:58.67]There’s a bob in this,mate. You can go home rich!  一先令的赌注啊 伙计 您很可能满载而归啊
  [02:10.48]- You’re playing music. - I know.  - 你在放音乐 - 是的
  [02:13.55]How can I hear what I’m saying?!  那我怎么能听到自己的声音?!
  [02:15.44]Surely a Prince’s brain knows what its mouth is doing?  王子的脑瓜应该能控制嘴巴的吧?
  [02:19.64]You’re not well acquainted with Royal Princes,are you?  你对王子显然不够了解
  [02:32.40](to be or not to be.. that is the question)  (生存还是毁灭 这是个值得考虑的问题)
  [02:59.03]Hopeless. Hopeless!  毫无作用 毫无作用!
  [03:04.60]You were sublime.  您读得很好
  [03:07.14]Would I lie to a prince of the realm to win twelve-pence?  我会为了12便士去骗王子吗?
  [03:10.08]I’ve no idea what an Australian might do for that sort of money.  我可不了解澳大利亚的骗子是怎么赚钱的
  [03:15.01]- let me play it back to you - No.  - 我把录音播出来你听听 - 不用
  [03:19.06]Alright then,I’ll get to ask you the questions.  好吧 那我要问你问题了
  [03:21.46]Thank you Doctor,I don’t…  谢谢 医生 我不...
  [03:25.29]feel this is for me.  觉得对我有效
  [03:31.34]thank you for your time. bye  谢谢了 再见
  [03:37.26]Sir?  殿下?
  [03:44.36]The recording is free.  这个是免费的
  [03:46.52]Please keep it as a souvenir?  请收下做个纪念吧
  [04:02.29]No  不行
  [04:09.42]Ah well.  好吧
  [04:14.61]bugger  该死
  [04:18.73]King George V.Christmas Broadcast 1934,Sandringham House,Norfolk  诺福克郡 肯辛顿宫 1934年乔治五世的圣诞广播
  [04:20.60]For the present the work to which we are all equally bound,  目前我们共同努力的是
  [04:24.62]is to arrive at a reasoned tranquility within our borders,  举国上下的和平稳定
  [04:29.55]to regain prosperity in this time of depression without self-seeking  大萧条下不追求私利
  [04:35.43]and to carry with us those whom the burden of past years has disheartened or overborne.  铭记过往几年沮丧沉痛的教训
  [04:43.40]To all,to each,I wish a Happy Christmas.  我祝全国子民圣诞快乐
  [04:49.08]God bless you.  愿上帝保佑你们
  [04:52.34]And off air  停
  [04:57.37]Easy when you know how.  知道程序就简单了

  [04:59.44]Sir?  殿下? 
