听电影学英语-罗马假日 15(在线收听

  [01:24.32]Hey, stop, come back. 别走,快回来
  [03:21.00]I'm going straight from now on. 从今天起我会循规蹈矩
  [03:22.68]I'm going straight from now on.
  [03:26.16]News Service? What did he mean? 记者?他是什么意思?
  [03:29.24]Oh, you say you're with the press and you can get away with anything. 自认是记者,那就无往而不利
  [03:34.60]Going to church to get married on a scooter! Joe's a wonderful liar. 开车赶去教堂结婚,你这大话精
  [03:47.92]Congratulations! 恭喜你们
  [04:03.24]Don't look so worried, I won't hold you to it. 别担心,我不会叫你娶我
  [04:04.44]Thank you very much. 感激不浅
  [04:06.32]Don't be too grateful. 别这么说
  [04:10.08]OK, I won't. 好了,我说错了
  [04:13.80]I'm a good liar too, aren't I? 我是个大话精,是吗?
  [04:16.16]- The best I ever met. - Thank you very much. 超级大话精  过奖了
  [04:22.56]Say... Come with me. 跟我来
  [04:30.28]The Mouth of Truth. 真实之口
  [04:33.84]The legend is, if you're a liar and you put your hand in there, 传说若你说谎,把手放进去的话
  [04:38.92]it'll be bitten off. 它会咬断你的手
  [04:39.84]- What a horrid idea. - Let's see you do it. 真可怕  你试试看
