[01:11.36]Your Royal Highness, 公主殿下
[01:14.28]twenty-four hours, they can't all be blank. 24小时不会一片空白
[01:21.32]They are not. 当然了
[01:23.68]What explanation am I to offer Their Majesties? 我该怎么跟国王、王后交代?
[01:28.40]I was indisposed. I am better. 我身体不适,现在好多了
[01:34.32]Ma'am, you must appreciate that I have my duty to perform, 殿下,你得体谅我要尽忠职守
[01:39.20]just as Your Royal Highness has her duty. 正如公主也有其职责
[01:40.68]Your Excellency, 大人
[01:44.20]I trust you will not find it necessary to use that word again. 我相信你不会再这么说
[01:48.16]Were I not completely aware of my duty to my family and my country, 若我不清楚自己对国和家的责任
[01:52.44]I would not have come back tonight. 今晚我就不会回来
[02:02.08]Or indeed, ever again. 该说永不会再回来
[02:10.80]And now, since I understand we have a very full schedule today, 我明白今天的工作会十分忙碌
[02:18.76]you have my permission to withdraw. 现在你们可以退下了
[02:37.96]No milk and crackers. 不吃饼干和喝牛奶
[02:46.40]That will be all thank you, Countess. 你可以回去休息了,女伯爵
[03:50.12]- Did you really get it? - What? 采访顺利吗? 什么?
[03:54.48]The princess exclusive. Did you get it? 公主的独家专访,完成了吗?
[03:57.88]- No, I didn't. - What? That's impossible. 不 什么?不可能
[04:01.56]- Coffee? - Don't hold out on me. 喝咖啡吗? 休想耍我
[04:03.36]- Who's holding out? - You are. I know too much. 谁在耍你? 是你,我才不笨
[04:08.52]First you ask about an exclusive on the princess, next you disappear. 是你说要做专访,然后不见人了
[04:12.32]Then I hear a rumour from the embassy that she's out on the town. 传闻公主从大使馆溜了出来
[04:16.28]Do you believe every rumour that comes your way? 你就是相信这些无聊的传闻?
[04:21.96]There's a lot of other rumours. About a shindig down by the river, 但传闻多多,河边的船上舞会
[04:26.84]and the arrest of eight secret service men from a certain country. 还有八个神秘的特工被捕
[04:28.52]Then she makes a miraculous recovery. It all adds up. 接着她突然康复,全都有迹可寻
[04:33.96]Don't think you'll raise the price, a deal's a deal. Now come on. 你休想坐地起价,我们早有协议
[04:42.00]- Where is that story? - I have no story. 专访呢? 没有专访
[04:48.80]- Now what was the idea... - Joe. 那你怎么解… 阿祖
[04:50.88]- Wait till you see these. - Irving. 有好东西看 艾荣
[04:55.12]Irving! 艾荣!
[04:55.44]Hi, Mr Hennessy. 你好,老韩
[05:00.80]- What's the idea? - You charge in, spilling things! 怎么了? 你闯进来打翻东西 |