听电影学英语-日落之前 02(在线收听

  [00:01.20]Everything that he needs. But that doesn't matter... 他应有尽有 但那无足轻重...
  [00:06.48]...because what he wants is to fight for meaning. ...因为他想要的是为价值而战
  [00:10.40]You know? Happiness is in the doing, right? 知道吗?幸福源于奋斗,不是吗
  [00:11.16]Not in the getting what you want. 关键不在你得到了什么
  [00:15.16]So he's sitting there, and just that second... 所以他一直坐在那儿 就在那时...
  [00:18.00]...his little 5-year-old daughter hops up on the table. ...他5岁的小女儿爬上桌子
  [00:23.60]And he knows that she should get down, because she could get hurt. 她不应该爬上来的 因为她会摔到的
  [00:25.60]But she's dancing to this pop song in a summer dress. 但是她正穿着裙子 伴着流行歌曲翩翩起舞
  [00:31.96]And he looks down... 他低下头看...
  [00:34.76]...and all of a sudden, he's 1 6. ...突然,他变成了十六岁
  [00:36.12]And his high-school sweetheart is dropping him off at home. 他的中学恋人开车送他回家
  [00:43.68]And they just lost their virginity, and she loves him... 他们刚刚第一次做爱 而且她爱他...
  [00:46.64]...and the same song is playing on the car radio. ...接着同一首歌从车载广播中响起
  [00:51.56]And she climbs up and starts dancing on the roof of the car. 她爬了上来开始在车顶上跳舞
  [00:52.24]And now he's worried about her. 现在他开始为她担心了
  [00:56.08]And she's beautiful, with a facial expression just like his daughter's. 而且她很漂亮,脸上的 表情和她女儿一样
  [00:59.60]In fact, maybe that's why he even likes her. 实际上,也许那就是 他更喜欢她的原因
  [01:03.08]You see, he knows he's not remembering this dance... 看,他现在知道自己 并不记得那个舞蹈了...
  [01:06.64]...he's there. He's there, in both moments, simultaneously. ...同一个时刻 他在这儿,也在那儿
  [01:10.24]And just for an instant, all his life is just folding in on itself. 那一瞬间 他的生活自己消散了
  [01:12.80]And it's obvious to him that time is a lie. 很明显对他来说时间是个谎言
  [01:17.84]That it's all happening all the time... 而那无时无刻不在发生...
  [01:19.36]...and inside every moment is another moment... ...内心深处此时即是彼时...
  [01:25.72]...all happening simultaneously. ...同时进行
  [01:27.84]Anyway, that's kind of the idea. Anyway. 无论怎样,我有那样的想法 就是这样
  [01:30.48]Our author has to be going to the airport soon... 我们的作家要尽快赶往机场...
  [01:34.88]...so thank you all very much for coming over this afternoon. ...非常感谢今天下午你们的光临
  [01:35.44]And a special thanks to Mr. Wallace for being with us. 特别感谢华莱士先生的光临
  [01:40.32]Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢,谢谢
  [01:40.60]We hope to see you here again with your next book. 期待下次您带着新书再次来到这里
  [01:50.84]Thank you all. How much longer before I have to go to the airport? 谢谢大家。我去机场 之前还有多长时间
  [01:55.96]Oh, you should leave at 7:30-- 哦,你7:30就应该出发了--
  [01:57.44]-Seven-thirty at the very latest. -Okay. -最迟不能超过7:30 -好的
  [02:03.20]-Hi. -Hello. -嗨 -你好
  [02:08.96]-How are you? -Good, and you? -你还好吗 -还好,你呢
  [02:14.96]I'm good, yeah, I'm great. I'm.... 我还好,是的,我很好 我...
  [02:17.40]Do you wanna, maybe, get a cup of coffee? 你想要,也许 一杯咖啡好吗
  [02:20.68]Didn't he just say you have a plane to catch? 他刚刚不是说你要赶飞机吗
  [02:25.68]Yeah. But, I mean, I have a little time. 是呀,但是,我是说 我还有点儿时间
  [02:26.92]-Okay. -Yeah? All right, well, let me.... -好吧 -是吗?好的,嗯,我...
  [02:31.92]I'll meet you outside. Okay. 我在外面等你。就这样
  [02:35.28]Excuse me. I'm just gonna go get a cup of coffee. 抱歉。我想去喝杯咖啡
  [02:36.68]-I'll be back at 7:1 5. -Did you sign all these? -我7:1 5回来 -这些都签过名了吗
  [02:40.28]-Yeah, I sure did. -Get your driver Philippe's card... -是的,签过了 -跟司机菲利普要张名片...
  [02:42.64]...so you can call his cell if you're running late. ...这样如果你迟了 可以打电话联系他
  [02:44.56]We'll put your bags in the car so you're not late. 我们把你的行李放进 车里,你就不会晚了
  [02:49.64]-All right, thanks for everything. -Thank you. -好的,谢谢你所作的一切 -谢谢你
  [02:54.12]Which one's Philippe? 谁是菲利普呢
  [03:13.80]-I can't believe you're here. -I live here in Paris. -真不敢相信你会在巴黎 -我住在这儿

  [03:17.76]Are you sure you don't have to stay? You're not supposed to talk more? 确定你可以离开了吗 你是不是不能谈太久了
  [03:22.92]They're sick of me. I spent the night here. 他们已经厌倦我了 我一晚上都在这儿
  [03:28.80]-How are you? This is so weird. -I'm fine. -你还好吗?这真不可思议 -我很好
  [03:30.20]-It's good to see you. -It's good to see you. -见到你很高兴 -见到你很高兴
  [03:36.52]-So you want to go to a cafe? -Yeah. -不是要去喝杯咖啡吗 -是的
  [03:38.04]Okay. There's one a little further that I like. 好的,稍远处有一家 我很喜欢那儿的
  [03:42.20]I thought I was gonna totally lose it in there when I first saw you. 我刚看到你的时候,简直有点不知所措
  [03:46.60]How did you know I was gonna be here? 你怎么知道我要来这儿的呢
  [03:48.36]It's my favorite bookstore in Paris. You can sit down for hours and read. 我最喜欢巴黎这家书店了 你可以坐下来看数小时的
  [03:51.64]I love it. There's fleas, but, you know.... 我很喜欢,虽然这儿有跳蚤 但是,你知道...
  [03:54.32]I know. I think a cat slept on my head last night. 我知道。我想昨晚有 只猫在我头上睡觉
  [03:55.44]I saw your picture on the calendar about a month ago... 大约一个月之前我在日历 上看到了你的照片...
  [04:00.68]...and that you were going to be here. ...知道你要来这儿了
  [04:00.88]It's funny, because I read an article on your book... 真有趣,因为我 看过一篇关于这本书的书评...
  [04:04.16]-...and it sounded vaguely familiar. -Vaguely? Yeah. -...而且有点儿似曾相识的感觉 -似曾相识?是的
  [04:09.64]But I didn't put it all together until I saw your photo. So.... 但直到我看了你的照片才明白过来 所以...
  [04:13.64]Did you have a chance to read it? 你真的看过了吗
  [04:14.12]Yes, l.... 是的,我...
  [04:17.52]I was really, really surprised, as you can imagine. 我真的,真的很奇怪 你可以想象得到
  [04:19.20]I mean, I had to read it twice, actually. 我是说,实际上,我要看两边
  [04:21.56]-Yeah? -Yeah. -是吗 -是的
  [04:26.44]No, I liked it. It's very romantic. 不,我很喜欢 真的很浪漫
  [04:28.52]I usually don't like that, but it's really well-written. 我通常不那样的 不过你写的太好了
  [04:31.12]-It's well-written. Congratulations. -All right. Thank you. -真的写的太好了,祝贺你 -好的,谢谢你
  [04:35.76]-Wait. -What? -等等 -怎么了
  [04:38.16]Before we go anywhere, I have to ask you.... 我们过去之前 有件事一定要问你...
  [04:40.64]Sure. What? 当然可以。什么事呢
  [04:44.56]Did you show up in Vienna that December? 那年十月你去维也纳了吗
  [04:49.08]-Did you? -No, I couldn't. But did you? -你呢 -没有,我去不成。但是你呢
  [04:52.20]-I need to know. It's important to me. -Why, if you didn't? -我要知道。这对我很重要 -你又没去,有什么重要呢
  [04:55.16]Well, did you? 那么,你呢
  [04:57.84]No. 没
