听电影学英语-日落之前 05(在线收听

  [00:01.24]...so I called 91 1, and the cops came eventually. ...所以我打了911 最后警察终于来了
  [00:03.32]-Like three hours later. -Yeah, after I had been raped and killed. -是不是三个小时后 -是的,我已经被人先奸后杀了
  [00:07.72]No, but it was a man and a woman officer. 没有,来的是一男一女俩个警察
  [00:09.68]I was explaining what I had heard... 当我正在解释我听到 什么的时候...
  [00:12.48]...when the woman had to go move the police car. ...女警察说她有事 不得不回到车里去
  [00:13.36]I was left alone with the male cop. 留下我和那个男警察在一起
  [00:17.84]Right away he asked me if I had a gun, and I said, "No, of course not." 他立刻就问我有没有枪 我说,“没,我怎么会有枪?”
  [00:21.52]And he told me, "Well, you better think about getting one. 他告诉我,“好吧 你最好考虑搞一把”
  [00:24.80]This is America, not France. Okay? " “这儿是美国,不是法国,知道吗”
  [00:26.80]And I said to him, "l have no idea how to shoot a gun... 我告诉他,“我不会开枪..”
  [00:31.16]...and I have no interest in firearms whatsoever." “...我对任何武器都不感兴趣”
  [00:33.12]And that's when he pulled out his gun, like this, and he went: 那时他拔出了枪 就象这样,他说:
  [00:37.12]"Well, one day, you're gonna have something like this in your face... “好吧,有一天,有人会 拿枪这样对着你的脸...”
  [00:44.96]...and if you wanna have a long life... “...如果你想活的久点儿的话...”
  [00:47.68]...you're gonna have to choose between you or them." “...你必须在你和 他们之间作出选择”
  [00:52.16]And then they left. And the next morning I called for an application to get a gun. 然后他们走了,第二天我 就写了申请要搞一把枪来
  [00:55.48]Me with a gun. I mean, that's really scary. 我带着一把枪 我的意思是,真的很可怕
  [00:57.28]But then I realized something was wrong. 但是然后我就发现有些事错了
  [01:00.76]The way that cop had pulled his gun out, and everything, right? 是那个警察拔枪的方式 以及关于枪支的这一切吗
  [01:03.68]So I canceled my demand for the gun... 所以我撤回了要求 得到一把枪的申请...
  [01:05.72]...and I called the police and tried to complain about that cop. ...而且我打电话给 警局投诉那个警察
  [01:09.92]-What happened with that? -lt was so much paperwork... -那事后来怎么样了呢 -有那么多的手续...
  [01:11.88]...and then I got scared, with my shitty student visa-- ...然后我就怕极了,因为 我拿的是学生签证--
  [01:14.88]-Thought you'd get deported? -Exactly. I gave up... -害怕你被驱逐出境吗 -没错。我放弃了...
  [01:19.28]...and forgot about the whole thing. ...把这一切都抛在脑后了
  [01:21.28]-Well, I guess I never forgot. -Obviously. -不过,我永远忘不了 -很显然
  [01:24.36]But still, you know, I really enjoyed being there. 但是尽管如此,你知道 我在那儿真的很愉快
  [01:26.44]-There's lots of things I miss in the U.S. -Yeah? Like what? -我怀念在美国的很多事情 -是吗?比如说呢
  [01:31.88]Well.... 唔....
  [01:32.96]The overall good mood people have there. 那的人整体感觉良好
  [01:37.84]Like, "How you doing? " "Great." "How you doing? " "Great!" 就像,“你好吗?”“很好!” “你好吗?”“很好!”
  [01:37.88]Like, even if it can be bullshit sometimes. 虽然有时候也是胡说八道
  [01:41.64]"Have a great day!" “祝你过得快乐!”
  [01:45.92]I don't know. Parisians can be so grumpy. Have you noticed? 我不知道。巴黎人脾气很坏的 你注意到了吗
  [01:49.12]No, everybody seems pretty happy to me. 没,对我来说人人都很快乐
  [01:50.48]-They're not happy. No. -They're not happy? -他们并不快乐。不 -他们并不快乐吗
  [01:53.88]No, they are. I don't know. I just mean French men. They drive me nuts. 不,他们快乐。我不知道 我只是说法国男人,我都疯了
  [01:59.16]What is it? What about them? 怎么回事?他们怎么了
  [02:00.12]Well, they're very nice. They're great, you know, to be around. 唔,他们很好,有他们做伴很棒
  [02:03.92]They love food, wine, they're great cooks. 他们热爱食物,酒,都烧的一手好菜
  [02:06.28]Why? What do you mean? 为什么?你什么意思呢
  [02:06.60]But I've had really bad luck with them. 但是我运气不好
  [02:10.16]-Well, I guess they're not as-- -What? -呃,我猜他们不象-- -什么呢
  [02:13.96]What's the word? 那个词儿是什么来着
  [02:15.52]-Horny? They're not as horny. -Horny? -性欲旺盛吗?他们性欲不强烈 -性欲旺盛

  [02:20.52]Wait, listen to me on this one. In that regard, I am proud to be an American. 等等,这一点听我说,就这方面 来说,我为自己是个美国人而自豪
  [02:23.28]And you should be. In that regard only. 你应该自豪,只是在那方面而已
  [02:26.68]Have you ever spent time in Eastern Europe? 你去过东欧吗
  [02:30.56]Eastern-- No, I don't. Thank you. 东-- 不,没有 谢谢
  [02:32.72]I remember as a teenager I went to Warsaw... 我记得自己十多岁的时候去过华沙...
  [02:34.68]...when it was still a strict communist regime. ...那时候还是共产党专政
  [02:39.72]-Which I don't approve of at all. -Sure you don't. -我一点儿也不赞成这种体制 -你当然不赞成
  [02:41.16]-No, I don't. -I'm just kidding. -是的,我不赞成 -我只是开玩笑
  [02:43.68]But anyway, something about being there was very interesting. 但是无论怎样,去那儿真的很有趣
  [02:47.12]After a couple of weeks, something changed in me. 呆了几星期,有些事情改变了我
  [02:48.72]The city was quite gloomy and gray... 城里阴暗而郁闷...
  [02:53.20]...but after a while, my brain seemed clearer. ...但是,一会儿 我的脑子更清醒了
  [02:55.80]I was writing more in my journal... 我在日记里写的给更多了...
  [02:57.28]-...ideas I'd never thought of before-- -Communist ideas? -...有很多想法我以前从未有过-- -共产主义吗
  [03:01.76]-Listen, I'm not-- -I'm sorry, l-- -听着,我不是-- -抱歉,我--
  [03:02.36]-Okay. -Go on. -好的 -继续
  [03:04.24]Okay. I'll send you to a gulag later. 等会儿送你去古拉格集中营
  [03:09.20]No. But it took me a while to figure out why I felt so different. 经过一段时间,我才发觉我为什么感觉异样
  [03:11.76]One day, as I was walking through the Jewish cemetery... 一天,当我穿越犹太人墓地时...
  [03:14.08]...I don't know why, but it occurred to me there... ...现在也不知道为什么 但是它就在那儿发生了...
  [03:16.36]...I realized that I had spent the last two weeks away from most of my habits. ...我当时意识到过去 两周我的习惯都改变了
  [03:20.52]TV was in a language I didn't understand... 我不懂电视上的语言...
  [03:23.32]...there was nothing to buy, no advertisements anywhere... ...没什么可买的东西 哪儿都没有广告...
  [03:25.92]...so all I'd been doing was... ...所以我一直做的就是...
  [03:27.12]...walk around, think, and write. My brain felt like it was at rest... ...四处逛逛,思考一下,写点儿什么 好像我的大脑在休假...
  [03:31.88]...free from the consuming frenzy. It was almost like a natural high. ...远离强烈的暴躁 好像做爱时自然的高潮一样
  [03:35.12]I felt so peaceful inside. No strange urge to be somewhere else... 我内心是如此平静 没有去别的地方的冲动...
  [03:42.20]...to shop.... ...去购物....
  [03:42.32]It could have seemed like boredom at first... 也许起初会很无聊...
  [03:45.52]...but it became very, very soulful. ...但是热情会越来越高涨
  [03:47.60]It was interesting, you know? 那很有趣,你知道吗
  [03:48.56]Can you believe it was nine years ago we were walking around Vienna? 你能想象9年前我们在维也纳漫步吗
  [03:54.92]-Nine years? No, that's impossible. -No, it was. It feels like two months. -9年吗?不,那不可能 -是的,就是那样。感觉就象两个月
  [03:58.52]But it was summer '94. 但那是在94年夏
  [04:00.08]Do I look any different? 我看起来有没有什么改变
  [04:06.56]I do? 我有吗
  [04:07.56]I'd have to see you naked. 脱光了我才看的出来
  [04:08.12]-What? -I know, I'm sorry. -什么 -我知道,我很抱歉
  [04:10.76]Your hair was different back then. It was like-- 那个时候你的头发是在后面 就像是--
  [04:14.92]-It's the same-- Oh, down. -Yeah, take it down. -就是这样--哦,放下来 -是的,放下来
  [04:16.32]Down. Okay, it was down. Okay. 下来。好的,放下来了。好的
  [04:18.08]Well? Voila. 满意吗?瞧
  [04:21.80]So? 怎么样呢
  [04:23.96]Okay, come on. Tell me. 好了,来嘛,告诉我
  [04:30.84]Skinnier, I think. A little thinner. 更瘦了,我想,有点儿苗条
  [04:33.40]Did you think I was fat before? 你认为我以前有点儿胖吗
  [04:34.36]-No.... -Yeah, you thought I was a fatty. -不.... -是的,你认为我以前有点儿胖
  [04:37.88]No, you thought I was a fatty. You wrote a book about a fat French girl. 是的,你认为我以前有点儿胖 你写了本关于一个法国胖女孩儿的书
  [04:42.72]-No, listen. -Oh, no. -不,听着 -噢,不
  [04:45.24]Seriously, all right? You look beautiful. 认真的,好吗?你真漂亮

  [04:48.60]Do I look any different? 我有什么改变吗
  [04:48.92]No. Not at all. Actually, you have this line. 没。一点儿都没变 实际上,你有了皱纹
  [04:54.88]-I know. -It's like a scar. -我知道 -象一条疤痕
  [04:56.44]-A scar? Like a gunshot wound? -No, no, no. I like it. I'm sorry. -疤痕吗?象枪伤吗 -不,不,不象。我喜欢这样,抱歉
