听电影学英语-日落之前 11(在线收听

  [00:01.78]Why didn't we do that? 为什么我们不这么做?
  [00:05.14]Because we were young and stupid. 因为我们年轻,傻傻的
  [00:09.30]Do you think we still are? 你觉得我们现在也是么?
  [00:10.18]I guess when you're young you just believe... 我想年轻的时候, 你总会相信...
  [00:13.38]...there'll be many people you'll connect with. ...你会遇到很多知心爱人
  [00:17.18]Later in life you realize it only happens a few times. 然后在生活中你就会发现这很少发生
  [00:19.38]And you can screw it up, you know. Misconnect. 然后你就随便找一个凑合
  [00:22.74]The past is the past. It was meant to be that way. 过去了就是过去了
  [00:24.02]You really believe that? That everything's fated? 你真的相信命中注定?
  [00:29.38]Well, you know, the world might be less free than we think. 要知道这个世界不如我们想象的自由
  [00:31.06]Yeah? 是?
  [00:32.94]When given these exact circumstances, that's what will happen every time. 当环境确定好了后, 就一定会发生
  [00:37.34]Two part hydrogen, one part oxygen, you'll get water every time. 2部分氢元素加1部分氧元素, 你就会得到水
  [00:41.14]No, I mean, what if your grandmother had lived a week longer, you know? 不,我的意思是说如果你祖母在多活一个星期?
  [00:46.42]Or passed away a week earlier? Days, even? 或者早一个星期过世?
  [00:48.66]Things might have been different. 事情可能就都不一样了
  [00:49.58]-You can't think like that, it's-- -You shouldn't on most things, but.... -你不能这么想-- -你不能决定多数事....
  [00:55.22]It's just, on this one, it seemed like something was off, you know. 只是感觉在这件事上患得患失
  [01:00.02]In the months leading up to my wedding, I was thinking about you all the time. 在结婚前的数月,我还是一直在想你
  [01:03.62]Even on my way there, I'm in the car, a buddy of mine is driving me downtown... 即使在去教堂的路上, 坐在一个朋友的车里...
  [01:07.66]...and I'm staring out the window and I think I see you... ...我望着窗口,以为见到了你...
  [01:10.42]...not far from the church, right... ...就在教堂不远处...
  [01:13.74]...folding up an umbrella and walking into a deli... ...收起伞进了一家杂货铺...
  [01:15.42]...on the corner of 1 3th and Broadway. ...在百老汇13号
  [01:18.62]And I thought I was going crazy. But now I think it probably was you. 我以为自己疯了, 但我现在想有可能当时就是你
  [01:23.98]I lived on 1 1 th and Broadway. 我住在百老汇11号
  [01:25.58]You see? 你也知道了?
  [01:29.26]So, what is it like to be married? You haven't talked much about that. 对了,婚姻如何? 你还没有怎么谈你的婚姻呢
  [01:35.98]I haven't? How weird. 我没有么?好奇怪
  [01:40.10]I don't know. We met, you know, when I was in college. 我不知道, 我们在大学相遇,交往
  [01:41.66]And we broke up and got back together for a period of years, and then.... 我们分手,几年后又复合....
  [01:48.70]What? We were sort of back together and she was pregnant... 后来她怀孕了...
  [01:56.18]...so marriage. ...于是就结婚了
  [01:57.26]What is she like? 她怎么样?
  [02:00.06]She's a great teacher, a good mom. 她是个好老师,好妈妈
  [02:00.86]She's smart, pretty, you know. 聪明、乖巧
  [02:04.82]I remember thinking at the time... 我总是一直在想...
  [02:07.78]...that so many of the men that I admired most... ...我所欣赏的大部分人...
  [02:08.90]...that their lives were dedicated to something greater than themselves. ...他们都为某些事情做出了牺牲
  [02:16.34]So you got married because men you admired were married? 所以你结婚是因为你欣赏的人都结婚了?
  [02:18.82]No, no. It's more like I had this-- This idea of my best self, you know? 不,不,是我的主意?
  [02:23.58]And I wanted to pursue that... 我想做个高尚的人...
  [02:28.18]...even if it might have been overriding my honest self. ...即使不是自己的真实愿望
  [02:30.90]You know what I'm saying? 你知道我在说什么吗?
  [02:31.18]In the moment, I remember thinking it didn't much matter, the who of it all. 那一刻,我觉得是谁并不重要
  [02:35.26]I mean, that nobody is gonna be everything to you... 我的意思是说, 没有一个人可以意味着全部...
  [02:39.94]...and that it's just the action of committing yourself... ...只是自己的一种承诺...
  [02:43.10]...you know, meeting your responsibilities, that matters. ...自己应该负起的责任,这才是重要的

  [02:45.78]I mean, what is love, right, if it's not respect, trust, admiration? 就是说,爱难道不是尊重、信任、钦仰么?
  [02:48.98]And l-- I felt all those things. 所有这些我都感觉到了
  [02:52.94]Cut to the present, and I feel like I'm running a nursery... 回到现实, 我感觉自己是和以前的爱人...
  [02:56.10]...with somebody I used to date, you know. ...在开托儿所
  [02:58.42]I mean, I'm like a monk, you know. 就是说我感觉自己像修道士
  [03:00.42]I mean, I've had sex less than 1 0 times in the last four years. 我的意思是说这4年来我只有过不到10次性生活
  [03:07.06]-What, what? You laughing at me? -No. -什么,你在笑我? -不
  [03:09.02]-lt sounds pathetic? -What monastery do monks have sex--? -听起来很可怜是吧? -有哪家修道院的和尚可以过性生活的么--?
  [03:12.02]Okay, you're right, I'm doing better than most monks. 好,你说的对 我比修道士强多了
  [03:14.02]But I do, I feel like if somebody were to touch me... 但我真的感觉 如果有人上来碰我...
  [03:18.70]...I would dissolve into molecules. ...我会融化的
  [03:19.18]Well, we're here. We've gotta go. Come on. 好,我们到了, 要走了
  [03:21.94]Shit. 该死
  [03:37.46]-I'm sorry to hear that, you know. -What? -真遗憾 -什么?
  [03:41.02]You're not that happy with your marriage. 你的婚姻不美满
  [03:45.10]-This friend of mine, she's a shrink-- -How's she doing? -我的那个朋友,是个心理医生-- -她如何?
  [03:47.30]She's a mess, but.... 一团糟....
  [03:48.38]No, she said she's been dealing with couples that are breaking up... 不,她的几个病人和配偶分手...
  [03:53.10]-...for the same reason. -What reason is that? -...都是同一个原因 -什么原因?
  [03:53.34]They all expected, after a few years of living together... 他们都期望通过几年的相处...
  [03:56.06]...for the passion, that desire, to be the same. ...可以让激情与意向一致
  [04:00.06]-Yeah, right. -It's impossible. -对 -这不可能
  [04:00.62]And thank God... 感谢上帝...
  [04:03.62]...we'd end up with aneurysms in that constant state of excitement, right? ...我们是在感觉最美好的时候结束的?
  [04:07.22]We'd do nothing at all with our lives. 我们没有影响生活
  [04:09.10]Would you have finished your book if you were fucking every five minutes? 如果你每五分钟干一次, 你还有时间写完书么?
  [04:11.78]I might have welcomed the challenge, I mean.... 我倒是欢迎这样的挑战....
  [04:14.02]It's natural for your wife after the birth of your son... 孩子的出生...
  [04:16.62]-...to give all her love to the little one. -Of course. -...会让妈妈把更多的爱倾注给孩子,很正常 -当然
  [04:21.82]If she was obsessed with sex, riding you like a wildcat.... 如果她沉迷于性, 像野猫一样骑着你....
  [04:23.18]That wouldn't make any sense, right? 那可不理智,对吧?
  [04:24.78]Everything you're saying makes sense. It's not about sex. 你说的一切都理智, 但是不关性
  [04:30.86]No, I know. It's obvious. 我知道,这很明显
  [04:31.34]I.... 我....
  [04:36.30]You know, couples are so confused lately. 你知道, 夫妇们一直都很迷茫
  [04:37.78]I think it must be that... 我想一定是...
  [04:41.50]...men need to feel essential and they don't anymore. ...男人要有感觉存在的必要, 但他们没有
  [04:46.06]It's been imprinted in their head for so many years... 这些观念存在好些年了...
  [04:47.86]...that they had to be the provider. ...他们一定要成为供给者
  [04:49.46]Like, I'm a strong, independent woman in my professional life. 比如我是个独立的职业女性
  [04:52.82]I don't need a man to feed me... 我不需要一个男人来养我...
  [04:53.62]...but I still need a man to love me and that I could love. ...但我还是需要一个男人来爱我, 一个可以让我爱的男人
  [05:00.46]-So your driver's here. -Yeah. -你的司机在这了 -是
