新西兰英语 374 New Minister of Women’s Affairs(在线收听

  The Prime Minister, John Key, has chosen Hekia Parata to replace Pansy Wong. Ms Parata has also been given three Associate Minister positions: Associate Minister of ACC, Energy and Resources, and Community and Voluntary Sector.
  She has only been an MP for two years but the Prime Minister is very impressed with her. She stood as a National candidate in the Mana by-election and although she didn’t win, a large number of people voted for her. She said she will stand in the Mana electorate again in the next elections and thinks she will win next time. At the moment she is a list MP.
  She has an impressive background. She is Maori and comes from Ruatoria near Gisborne. She has a Masters degree from Waikato University and also studied at Oxford and Harvard universities. She is a successful business woman. In the past she has held many senior positions in the public service such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry for the Environment. She also finds time for long distance running and cycling.
  Pansy Wong and her husband will repay $237 each for their trip to China where they were involved in business. She has apologized for using taxpayer money for this trip. Do you think she should get another chance to be a Minister in the future?
  The Minister of the Community and Voluntary Sector is Tariana Turia. This is a new Ministry. What will this Ministry do?
