听电影学英语-大学之旅 03(在线收听

  [00:03.64]That's why I can sleep at night. 所以我晚上才能睡觉
  [00:06.88]- Good night. All right.  - Good night, babe. - 晚安 好吧  - 晚安 宝贝
  [00:22.52]Babe! The pig! Hey, baby! Look! Look! 宝贝! 那只猪! 嘿 宝贝! 你快看! 你看!
  [00:26.96]There's nothing there. Go to sleep! 什么都没有 睡觉吧!
  [00:28.24]- That little Houdini... He was just...  - Do what you gotta do. - 那只有特异功能的猪 他刚刚...  - 做你该做的吧
  [00:41.40]Dad! 爸爸!
  [00:45.16]- Mom!  - Hold on! - 妈妈!  - 挺住!
  [00:49.12]Dad! Hurry up, please! 爸爸! 快来 快来!
  [00:52.04]Mom, Dad! Hurry! 妈妈 爸爸! 快来!
  [00:55.32]- I can't believe it!  - Mel! - 我不敢相信!  - Mel!
  [00:58.08]Melanie, what is it? Melanie 怎么了?
  [01:04.52]The Georgetown admissions committee 乔治敦大学招生处
  [01:04.68]Miss Porter, Judge Mahagian calling. Porter小姐 我是Mahagian法官
  [01:06.56]is interviewing a select few students from the waitlist. 从候选名单中挑选出几名学生面试
  [01:09.24]You'll need to be in DC this Monday at 4:00. 请在星期一四点到华盛顿
  [01:11.20]Congratulations, and have a lovely trip. 祝贺你 祝你旅途愉快
  [01:26.84]Little bro, what are you so excited about? 小弟 你兴奋什么劲?
  [01:28.48]I'm going to turn your room into a science lab! 我要把你的房间变成科学实验室!
  [01:30.92]For all of you who don't know, we live near Chicago. 你们不了解 我们住在Chicago附近
  [01:32.88]Georgetown is in Washington, DC. 乔治敦大学 在华盛顿政区
  [01:37.76]- Georgetown!  - Georgetown! - 乔治敦大学!  - 乔治敦大学!
  [01:37.84]That's 700 miles away from home. 那离家700英里远
  [01:41.32]- Happy dance!  - Happy dance! - 跳舞吧  - 跳舞吧
  [01:42.52]Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! 等等! 停! 停! 停!
  [01:46.72]- I said, "Whoa!"  - Oh, my goodness! You guys! - 我说 "停!"  - 哦 老天! 伙计们!
  [01:47.68]No way. He said Monday. That's in three days. 不行 他说星期一 只有三天了
  [01:51.24]You know what? We should drive there. 知道吗? 我们应该开车去
  [01:52.88]- We should make a trip of it.  - Yeah. - 我们应该来次旅行  - 对
  [01:55.76]- Oh, Monday!  - What? - 哦 星期一!  - 什么?
  [01:55.88]Trip? What trip? 旅行?  什么旅行?
  [01:59.92]Baby, I got two open houses this weekend. 宝贝 我周末有两套房要给客户看
  [02:01.92]Okay, no. But that's okay. That's okay. You know why? 哦 不 但是没关系 你知道吗?
  [02:05.60]Oh, my goodness. I could go with them. 哦 谢天谢地 我可以和她们一起去
  [02:08.36]They can drop me off. It's only a couple hours from DC. 我在半路下车 那里离华盛顿就两个小时
  [02:11.64]Perfect. Problem solved. I am so proud of you! 太好了 问题解决了 我真为你骄傲
  [02:14.12]Thank you, Mommy, thank you! 谢谢 妈妈 谢谢
  [02:19.00]I'm going to Georgetown! 我要去乔治敦大学了!
  [02:20.08]- Hey!  - Hey! - 嘿!  - 嘿!
  [02:23.68]Katie and Nancy. Katie和Nancy
  [02:26.16]All right, bye! Girls, be safe! 好的 再见! 女孩们 注意安全!
  [02:30.84]Georgetown, Georgetown! 乔治敦大学 乔治敦大学!
  [02:34.80]- Come on, baby. Come on.  - Perfect? - 来吧 宝贝 来呗  - 完美哈?
  [02:35.28]Problem solved? What happened to our big plan? 问题解决了? 我们的大计划怎么办?
  [02:38.96]We agreed on Northwestern. 我们说好了是去西北大学的
  [02:40.40]Did you even know she applied to Georgetown? 你早就知道她申请了乔治敦大学?
  [02:44.84]- I helped her fill out the application.  - What? Whose side are you on? - 我帮她填的表格  - 什么? 你到底站在哪边?
  [02:47.04]Both of yours. And put down that bat. 我两边都站 把那个棒球棍放下
  [02:52.20]Look, you can't be on both of our sides. 你不能两边都站
  [02:53.92]Baby, Georgetown is a great school! 宝贝 乔治敦大学是一所不错的学校!
  [02:57.36]We don't know anyone there. 我们在那没有熟人
  [02:57.76]How will she begin to take care of herself? 她怎么会照顾好自己呢?
  [02:59.48]Because you're an amazing father, and you showed her right from wrong 因为你是一位了不起的父亲 你教会她分辨对错
  [03:02.56]and you taught her how to think for herself and be strong. 你也教会她如何坚强
  [03:06.60]She's ready for this because of you! 在你的指导下 她已经准备好了
  [03:08.48]but you and I both know it's nothing nice out there. 但是你我都知道 外面的世界不安全

  [03:08.60]Nice try, Michelle, 说的不错 Michelle
  [03:12.40]I know this is hard for you, but she is not a little girl anymore. Okay? 我知道这对你来说不容易 但她不再是个小姑娘了 好吗?
  [03:17.76]You gotta relax. I'll see you at dinner. 你放松点 晚餐见
  [03:21.72]I'll show you relaxed. 我让你看看什么是放松
  [03:26.72]Are you sure you can't go out Saturday night? 你确定你周六晚上出不来吗?
  [03:28.00]and let me tell you this, the Wizard is the party master. 而且和你说吧 他是派对专家
  [03:28.88]My best friend from college is gonna be in town, 我大学最好的朋友要来
  [03:33.08]Party master? 派对专家?
  [03:35.36]Man, wasn't college the best? Total freedom to do whatever you want. 大学不是最美好的吗? 自由自在 想干什么就干什么
  [03:41.24]What? 什么?
  [03:42.88]I had my parents convinced I was an oceanography major 我骗爸妈要读一年的海洋学专业
  [03:44.40]for a whole year, just so they'd pay for spring break in Mexico! 结果我拿学费在墨西哥玩一个春假!
  [03:49.36]Mexico? 墨西哥?
  [03:51.04]Oh, man, when I think back to half the stuff I did in college, 是啊 我一想到我在大学做的事情
  [03:55.92]there's no way I'm letting my kid out of my sight 等我女儿上大学 我绝不让她离开我的视线
  [03:59.32]when she goes off to college. Not a chance. 绝对不会
  [04:07.84]- Everything okay, Chief?  - I got everything under control. - 你还好吧 头儿?  - 一切都在控制中
  [04:17.52]I'm taking three days off. 我要请假三天
  [04:17.60]Sure hope he doesn't do something crazy. 希望他别做出什么疯狂的事情
  [04:21.20]We're going on a road trip 我们要旅行了
  [04:23.76]A road trip, a road trip 旅行 旅行
  [04:30.20]You guys, I think we should start really early tomorrow, 伙计们 我们明天应该早早出发
  [04:32.60]because I cannot believe we're actually going. 不敢相信我们真的要去了
  [04:34.80]I can't believe your dad's actually allowing you to go. 没想到你爸同意让你去了
  [04:35.08]I've been working with him for 17 years, all right? 我已经和他相处17年了 好不好?
  [04:37.56]And he knows, 而且他应该知道
  [04:39.24]you can be Chief at the station, but you have to be Dad at home. 他在警局是局长 回家还是爸爸
  [04:44.76]- That's right. You tell him exactly that.  - Thank you very much. - 非常正确 你应该这么和他说  - 谢谢
  [04:45.72]Oh! 哦!
  [04:48.60]Surprise! 惊喜!
  [04:49.72]Road trip, road trip! Yeah! 旅行 旅行! 耶!
  [04:54.16]- Oh, no.  - Oh, no. - 哦 不  - 哦 不
  [04:56.04]Mom, this is crazy! 妈妈 这太让人受不了了
  [04:59.84]Have you seen the thing that we're driving in? 你看见他开进来的东西了吗?
  [05:00.36]It's gonna be like a thousand-mile ride-along. 这次旅行没盼头了
  [05:00.92]No, no. My life is a thousand-mile ride-along. 不 不 我的生活没盼头了
