听电影学英语-大学之旅 07(在线收听

  [00:13.44]- Come on, Albert.  - Dad, what are we gonna do with him? - Albert 过来  - 爸爸 你打算怎么处置他
  [00:16.44]I have the most important interview of my life, 我去参加的是一个关乎前途命运的重要面试
  [00:20.52]and I don't want Einstein and Porky along for the ride. 我可不想带着Einstein和这只猪一起去
  [00:21.08]What do you want me to do, Mel? We're in the middle of nowhere. Mel 你觉得呢? 前不见村 后不着店的
  [00:24.08]We could leave him in the woods and a nice family of wolves will adopt him. 我们可以把他留在树林里 说不定好心的狼群会收养他
  [00:29.88]- Dad, Dad!  - Oh! - 爸爸! 爸爸!  - 哦!
  [00:38.04]Thank you. 谢谢
  [00:49.44]Dad, what are you doing? 老爸 你在干嘛?
  [00:53.92]I'm just gonna rock this thing over, and we'll be on our way. 我要把车翻过来 然后我们再继续上路
  [00:57.32]I just need a little momentum. 只要再加把劲就得了
  [00:59.88]One! Two! 一! 二!
  [01:08.44]Something popped. 扭到了
  [01:11.04]Something popped. 扭到了
  [01:12.12]I thought that was Mom's. 那应该是妈妈才会穿的吧
  [01:12.60]Dad, do you need that man-girdle thing you wear? 老爸 你要不要穿个束腰带?
  [01:18.76]- Now, what's his problem?  - I think he hears something. - 它又怎么了?  - 他好像听到什么呢
  [01:21.88]What is it, Albert? Do you hear something? Albert 什么 你听到什么?
  [01:25.44]Is it trouble? 是不是有麻烦了?
  [01:28.24]Is it a fire? 着火了?
  [01:28.40]Is Jimmy stuck in the well? 那是Jimmy被困在井里了?
  [01:30.20]Jimmy! Jimmy!
  [01:35.56]He's been watching a lot of Lassie reruns. 他是看多灵犬莱西了吧
  [01:38.08]Albert says there's a road up ahead. Albert说前面有条路可以出去
  [01:39.76]I think I see a road over there. 我也看到了
  [01:43.60]Aha! Albert was right. 哈! Albert说得没错
  [02:06.68]See, Mel? Told you everything was gonna work out. Mel 看到了吧? 我早就跟你说过没事的
  [02:09.96]This place looks nice. 这地方真漂亮
  [02:11.28]Oh, no pets allowed. 噢 宠物不得入内
  [02:14.32]Looks like Albert has a problem. 看来Albert有麻烦了

  [02:15.76]But, Dad, Albert's a member of this family. 爸爸 Albert也是我们家的一份子
  [02:16.92]Not by blood. 血缘上来说不是的
  [02:18.60]Now, this is the only hotel for 30 miles. We don't have a car, and I'm tired. 这是三十英里以内唯一的旅馆 我们没有车 而且我累了
  [02:30.72]Okay. Do you have any ideas? 好吧 看看你有没有什么好办法?
  [02:33.92]I have a thought. 是有个办法
  [02:36.88]I am dumping a lot of coin on this wedding, 在这场婚礼上我可花了不少钱
  [02:37.72]and I was told that they'll be throwing rice at my little angel. 结果他们只向我宝贝撒米 而不是彩纸
  [02:42.20]Yeah. I know. 好的 我知道了
  [02:47.44]- Hi.  - Hi. How can I help? - 你好  - 请问有什么需要?
  [02:49.40]- Okay. How many are in your party?  - Just me, my two kids and the baby. - 好的 你们一共几个人  - 我 我的两个孩子还有一个婴儿
  [02:49.72]We'd like a couple of rooms for the evening. 我们要两间房 住一个晚上
  [02:55.16]- Oh! Somebody's getting hungry.  - I just gave you a bottle. Yes, I did. - 噢! 看来有人饿了  - 我刚才给他喂过奶呢
  [03:02.24]- I know. You did.  - Didn't I just give him a bottle? - 是的 你喂了  - 不是刚给他喂过奶吗?
  [03:02.44]That is a hungry baby. 这孩子真是好饿
  [03:05.56]Yes. He's kind of a pig. 是啊 他就像只贪吃的猪
  [03:12.56]Michelle Porter. Hey, James, baby. Michelle Porter 嗨 亲爱的James
  [03:16.44]Trey is where? 你说Trey在哪儿?
  [03:19.84]Congratulations on your dream home. I'll fax you the paperwork. 恭喜你们买到了理想的房子 我会把合同传真过来的
  [03:24.12]- It's for you.  - Could you take a message? - 找你  - 你不能帮我转达一下吗?
  [03:24.32]Put him on the phone! 让他接电话!
  [03:32.60]- Hello?  - You are in big trouble, mister. - 妈妈  - 你麻烦大了 小子?
  [03:34.96]I hope you know how to build a time machine, 你最好祈祷你会制造时光机
  [03:35.96]because you are not coming out of the house until the year 3000. 回来你就等着被禁足到3000年吧
  [03:38.72]I'll draw up some plans with Albert, but I can't promise anything. 我会跟Albert一起想想办法 不过不能保证一定成功
  [03:44.20]Trey! Trey!
  [03:46.12]This is the most dangerous thing you've ever done. 你这样做太危险了
  [03:49.56]I know you are, baby. Let me talk to your daddy. Love you. 亲爱的 我知道了 把电话给爸爸接 我爱你

  [03:49.80]I'm sorry, Mommy. 妈妈 我错了
  [03:55.12]- Hey, baby.  - So are all of you all right? - 嗨 亲爱的  - 大家都还好吧?
  [04:00.08]Baby, we just had some trouble with the car. 亲爱的 只是汽车出了点问题
  [04:02.28]No more tricks, James. And feed my kids! James 别耍花招啊 记得要让孩子们好好吃饭!
  [04:06.56]You know, Sigmund Freud said the best way to understand women Sigmund Freud曾经说过 了解女人的最佳方法
  [04:12.52]- is by listening to them.  - Yeah, but did he say anything - 就是听从她  - 没错 那他有没有说过
  [04:15.20]about understanding 10-year-olds? 怎样去了解10岁的孩子?
  [04:18.40]Because you and the pig is looping me. I'm confused. 你跟那只猪都已经把我搞的晕头转向了
  [04:21.28]Albert, go start the bath. Albert 该你去洗澡了
  [04:26.72]If you need us, we'll be playing chess. 有事找我再说 我们去下棋了
  [04:31.40]Albert, that's enough bubbles. Albert 不要玩泡泡了
  [04:36.20]Knight takes rook. 马吃车
  [04:38.68]Hmm. Interesting. 嗯 有意思
  [04:42.56]Use your bishop as a decoy. Smart. 现在走象 设个圈套 聪明
  [04:48.40]- What are you doing?  - Just fixing my hair, about to get ready. - 你这是在干嘛?  - 整理头发 做好准备啊
  [04:50.88]Look, Mel, I know you must be upset about missing the sleepover. Mel 错过彻夜狂欢 我知道你一定会很不开心
  [04:54.36]But for whatever it's worth, I was totally cool with it. 不管怎么样我觉得都值 我没事
  [04:59.48]Thanks, Dad. 爸爸 谢谢
