听电影学英语-大学之旅 12(在线收听

  [00:03.40]# Mr. Big Stuff # # 大块头先生 #
  [00:06.00]# Who do you think you are? # # 你以为你是谁? #
  [00:07.64]# Mr. Big Stuff # # 大块头先生 #
  [00:11.44]# You're never gonna get my love # # 你从没得到过我的爱 #
  [00:13.12]# Mr. Big Stuff, tell me # # 大块头 告诉我 #
  [00:15.84]# Who do you think you are? # # 你以为你是谁? #
  [00:16.80]# Mr. Big Stuff # # 大家伙先生 #
  [00:22.76]- Can I help you?  - I need to see my daughter. - 有事吗?  - 我要见我女儿
  [00:25.08]- Who's your daughter?  - Melanie Porter. - 你女儿是谁?  - Melanie Porter
  [00:26.52]She's not a student here, she's just spending the night. 她不是这儿的学生 只是在这借住
  [00:28.04]- It will only take a minute.  - Who is she staying with? - 一会就好  - 她和谁呆在一起?
  [00:31.92]- Katie's sister.  - Katie's sister. - Katie的姐姐  - Katie的姐姐
  [00:35.12]Yeah. 好的
  [00:36.80]I'm gonna need a little more than that. 我还要多点信息
  [00:37.76]Ma'am, it's okay. I'm a police officer. 夫人 好的 我是警官
  [00:41.28]Oh, thank goodness. Where's your badge, officer? 哦 谢天谢地 你的证件呢 长官?
  [00:45.76]It's back at my mom's. 掉在我妈妈那儿了
  [00:46.12]You still live with your mom. That's nice. 你还和你妈妈生活在一块 太好了
  [00:47.72]Oh! 哦!
  [00:52.20]Look, I know what this sounds like. 我不知道这意味着什么
  [00:55.76]Sounds like you're not getting in my sorority. 意味着你不能进入我们女生宿舍
  [00:58.36]- Bye-bye, now.  - Melanie! Melanie! - 再见  - Melanie! Melanie!
  [01:00.76]Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. 哦 耶 哦 耶
  [01:04.72]Melanie! Melanie!
  [01:13.00]Fight! Fight! 打架了! 打架了!
  [01:18.84]Mel! Don't touch her! Mel! Mel! 别碰她! Mel!
  [01:30.64]I've got you! Daddy's coming, baby! Daddy's coming. 我来救你了! 爸爸来了 宝贝! 爸爸来了
  [02:20.84]Oh, my goodness, you guys. 哦 天哪
  [02:41.16]- Mel, should I get my hair highlighted?  - That could be pretty. - Mel 把我头发弄靓点怎么样?  - 肯定很漂亮
  [02:46.60]Do you think I should get color contacts? 我认为我染发怎么样?
  [02:51.00]That could be pretty. 肯定也很漂亮
  [02:53.48]- Think I should get sparkly lip gloss?  - That could be pretty. - 想下我用的闪亮唇油的效果吧?  - 肯定很漂亮
  [02:56.52]I am so glad we had this talk. 很开心我们能这样谈话
  [03:04.08]Wow, you actually talked to your dad? 喔 你真的和你爸谈过了?
  [03:08.20]I talked to him about everything, my whole plan. 我什么都跟他说 全盘托出
  [03:12.48]Major in political science, minor in American history 主修是政治学 兼修美国历史
  [03:15.96]and then to the Cooper Program for Japan. 还有做日本的交换生计划
  [03:19.24]Wow. 哇
  [03:20.64]He was actually excited to hear about it. 他听这个真的很兴奋
  [03:24.20]I think I might've misjudged him this whole time. 我想 可能我一直在误解他
  [03:27.76]It's the first time I remember us having a real conversation. 这是我能记得的第一次真正的交流
  [03:29.24]He listened to me. He treated me like an adult. 倾听我的心声 把我当成大人一样
  [03:37.32]I know he's done a lot of crazy things in the past, 我知道他以前做了很多疯狂的事
  [03:40.68]but on the bus, it was different. 但是这次在公车上 完全不一样
  [03:41.96]He changed. 他变了
  [03:47.84]I think he actually trusts me to be on my own and make my own decisions. 我想 他相信我能自立 做出自己的判断了
  [04:02.92]- Georgetown!  - Georgetown! - Georgetown!  - Georgetown!
  [04:32.68]No, no. I'm a father! Listen, calm down! 不 停下 我是一名父亲! 听我说 镇静!
  [04:36.64]I knew it. 我就知道
  [04:40.16]No, this... This ain't what it looks... 不 这... 这不是你看的那样...
  [04:50.56]Where is he? Still no answer. We're gonna miss our flight. 他在哪? 还没有消息 我们就要误航班了
  [04:52.72]You gotta line up the colors. 你把魔方弄好了
  [04:58.92]Hello? Yes, this is she. 喂? 是的 我就是
