听电影学英语-致命伴旅 09(在线收听

  [00:14.60]I think you need it more than I. - "Thank you" (speaking spanish) - 你比我更需要清醒一下 - 谢谢
  [00:20.28]"You're welcome" (speaking spanish) 别客气
  [00:23.78]Smoke? 抽烟吗?
  [00:28.83]No? 不要?
  [00:43.84]Now, you wish to report a murder? - No. - 你要报谋杀案? - 不
  [00:48.93]Some people tried to kill me 有人试图杀我
  [00:51.73]I was told you are reporting a murder. 我听说你要报谋杀案
  [00:54.14]Attempted murder. 谋杀未遂
  [00:57.73]That's not so serious. - No, not when you downgrade it from murder. - 不怎么严重啊 - 你从谋杀降级下来是不严重
  [01:03.95]But when you upgrade it from room service, it's quite serious. 不过你要是跟房间服务比呢 可就严重多了
  [01:06.74]So is assaulting a Police Officer. - That was an accident. - 你袭警不也一样么 - 那是意外
  [01:11.16]The Officer feels differently. 那位警官可不这么认为
  [01:15.62]...With all due respect, sir 恕我冒昧 先生
  [01:18.38]...I think maybe I should be talking with someone 我觉得我应该跟个
  [01:23.30]...Someone not Italian. 不是意大利人的谈谈
  [01:27.80]Like the Embassy, or Interpol. - Interpol? <scoffs> - 比如大使馆的 或者国际刑警 - 国际刑警?
  [01:31.68]I'm an American citizen. 我是美国公民
  [01:34.69]What does that mean? - I do not know. - 那怎么了 - 我不知道
  [01:36.85]But I was involved in something here and no offense, this is not a local issue. 冒昧的提醒一下 既然我在这出了事 就不归本地管辖了
  [01:41.53]What is it you think you're involved in? 你觉得你出什么事了
  [01:48.20]It all started when I met a woman on the train from Paris 那要从我在巴黎的火车上 遇到一个女人说起
  [01:52.99]This already good! - No, no. - 不赖嘛 - 不不
  [01:55.75]She took me to her hotel. 她带我去她酒店了
  [01:57.62]Ah, wonderful! - No, no. - 啊 太棒了 - 不是
  [01:59.17]...she's involved with another man, I think she's in love... 她跟一男的有瓜葛 我觉得她正恋爱呢
  [02:03.51]Sorry to hear that - I know - 那很遗憾 - 我知道
  [02:08.05]...Anyway 反正...
  [02:09.97]This man, whatever his story is. Some people are obviously trying to kill him. 这男的 不管是干嘛的吧 显然有人要杀他
  [02:17.69]How do you know this? - Because they tried to kill me. - 你怎么知道的 - 因为他们要杀我
  [02:22.61]They tried to kill you? - Yes! - 他们要杀你? - 是啊
  [02:24.86]Because they must have thought that I was him. 因为他们肯定把我当成他了
  [02:34.70]I like you Mr. Tupelo - I like you too, sir - 我喜欢你 Tupelo先生 - 我也喜欢你 先生
  [02:39.92]But surely you understand how strange this all sounds. 可你自己听听你编的这乱七八糟
  [02:47.80]Come with me 跟我来
  [02:57.64]Where are you taking me? 你要带我去哪
  [03:04.44]Oh!  You're going to lock me in there? 啊? 你要把我关起来?
  [03:13.74]Please don't do this. Sir, I've done nothing wrong 别这样 先生 我没犯错啊
  [03:21.25]Please! - It's only until I check some facts - 求你了 - 等我去核实几件事
  [03:30.05]Hi. 嗨
  [03:43.77]Your facts checked out. We have to leave. 你的情况都弄清了 咱们得离开这
  [03:48.86]You're not safe here - I don't understand - 你在这不安全 - 我不明白
  [03:53.57]This has to look right. 这事得装的像点
  [03:58.62]Come on 走
  [04:03.00]The man you're talking about is called Alexander Pierce 你说的那个男人叫Alexander Pierce
  [04:06.25]...who stole big money from a gangster. 他从一个黑帮那偷了一大笔钱
  [04:09.51]They came to Venice to find him 他们来威尼斯找他
  [04:12.68]They think you are him 把你当成了他
  [04:15.35]They placed a... how do you say... bounty on your head. 他们开了...该怎么表达... 他们悬赏要你的脑袋
  [04:23.02]That's why you're not safe. 所以你不安全
  [04:33.70]Wait here for a moment 在这等会
  [05:00.56]You've come to buy a key? 你们来买钥匙?
