听电影学英语-辛普森一家 10(在线收听

  [00:00.18]Yeah, okay. Okay. 好啦,这下好啦
  [00:09.54]I'm very proud of you, Bart. Over 24 hours sober. 我为你自豪,巴特,才一天你就清醒了
  [00:13.86]-You are, aren't you?   -I'II prove it. - 你酒醒了吧?   - 我来证明给你看
  [00:22.90]We're giving your father another chance, and we owe it to him to-- 给你爸爸一个改过的机会 我们现在只是…
  [00:25.90]-Oh, my God.   -Can I heIp you? - 哦,天啊!   - 需要什么吗?
  [00:29.94]We need diapers. 我…我们要尿布
  [00:33.78]-Okay.   -No. No, we don't. We don't. - 好的   - 等一下,不要了,我们不要了
  [00:34.46]-Ladies' razorbIades.   -Right. - 要女士剃刀   - 好的
  [00:36.94]No! No. No, we don't. I forgot, we're European. 不,不要了 差点忘了,我们欧洲人不用那个的
  [00:43.14]Just give us beef jerky. 我们要牛肉干
  [00:43.66]Lots and Iots of beef jerky. 好多好多牛肉干
  [00:46.50]That's right. That's what we need. That's aII we came in for. 对,我们就要这个
  [00:49.82]Sure. 当然
  [00:53.54]Oh, my God. There they are! 哦,天啊!他们在那!
  [01:14.78]So you want some of my eIectricity, do you? 你们想向我要电,是吗?
  [01:20.62]WeII, for once, the rich white man is in controI. 暴富白人总算是掌权了!
  [01:25.66]I have two buttons behind this desk. 我桌子这儿有两个钮
  [01:25.98]One wiII suppIy your town with power, the other reIeases the hounds. 一个是你们需要的电源 另一个是放狗咬人
  [01:30.66]Reach me. Make me your brother. 说吧,看你们能不能打动我
  [01:33.50]The hospitaI's generator is about to give out. 医院的发电机快不行了
  [01:37.02]Lives wiII be Iost. 很多人要丧生
  [01:40.38]''Lives Iost. '' Go on. 生命、死亡,继续
  [01:43.70]We got a convict we were gonna fry tomorrow, but now we can't. 明天有宴会,要做菜,但是没电不成啊
  [01:45.06]Tempting. Tempting. 美味,诱惑啊
  [01:49.42]Look, aII our reasons mean nothing. 我们说什么都无足轻重
  [01:51.10]Just Iook into your heart and you'II find the answer. 你扪心自问,自然就会发现答案
  [01:58.78]-First door on the right.   -Thank you. - 右手边第一道门   - 谢谢
  [02:09.14]What--? This isn't the way I pictured AIaska at aII! 什么?这根本不是我想象中的阿拉斯加!
  [02:13.34]Oh, that's better. 现在这样好多了
  [02:14.02]Homer! 荷马!
  [02:22.70]WeII, at Ieast my poster didn't get torn. 好在我的画报没弄坏
  [02:36.78]WeIcome to AIaska. Here's $ 1 000. 欢迎来阿拉斯加,这是给您的1000块钱
  [02:41.46]WeII, it's about time! But why? 真是雪中送炭啊!可为什么呢?
  [02:43.62]We pay every resident $ 1 000. . . 我们给每位来访的公民1000块钱…
  [02:46.30]. . .to aIIow oiI companies to ravage our state's naturaI beauty. …以便他们支持石油公司 大肆破坏国家级自然风光
  [02:46.82]I'm home! 我终于来到了这片乐土!
  [02:49.98]Oh, thanks. 谢谢
  [03:10.38]What are you doing, Bart? 你干嘛呢,巴特?
  [03:12.42]Just passing the time. 不过是消磨时间罢了
  [03:27.78]My boy Ioves AIaska so much, he's appIauding it. 我儿子太爱阿拉斯加了 他正鼓掌欢呼呢!
  [03:30.98]-Lisa, why aren't you cIapping?   -But, Dad-- - 丽莎,你怎么不一起鼓掌?   - 但是,爸…
  [03:32.66]CIap for AIaska! 为阿拉斯加鼓掌!
  [03:53.22]WeII, Marge, we're separated from the kids by a waII of snow. 玛芝,这堵雪墙成就了我们的二人世界
  [03:56.58]AII my dreams are coming true. 我终于美梦成真了
  [04:30.90]We're going to need more birds. 我们需要更多的鸟
  [04:54.66]Day 93 under the dome. 圆盖下的第93天
  [04:56.66]With necessities growing dangerousIy Iow. . . 现在物资极其匮乏…
  [04:57.66]. . .who knows what spark wiII set off this powder keg? …谁知道接下来会发生什么呢?
