听电影学英语—泰坦尼克号 19(在线收听

  [00:08.18]Did you see those guys' faces? 看到他们表情没?
  [00:18.98]When the ship docks... 等船靠岸…
  [00:24.38]I'm getting off with you. 我要跟你下船
  [00:25.98]I know. It doesn't make any sense. 我知道,这好像没什么道理
  [00:26.02]This is crazy. 这样太疯狂了
  [00:29.50]That's why I trust it. 所以要这么做
  [00:40.06](Quietly): Oh, yes. Here, look at this. 喂,你看
  [00:43.98]Oh, look at that, would you? 快看啊
  [00:46.02]- They're a bit warmer than we are. - Well, if that's what it takes 他们可比我们暖和
  [00:49.18]for us to get warmer I'd rather not, if it's all the same to you. 若要我们俩那样子取暖,我可不要
  [01:03.90]- Bugger me! - (Alarm Bell Clanging) 我的妈!
  [01:11.02]- (Phone Rings) - Pick up, you bastards! 快接啊,混蛋!
  [01:14.30](Phone Ringing)
  [01:16.58]- Is there anyone there? - Yes, what do you see? 有没有人在?
  [01:19.50]- Iceberg! Right ahead! - Thank you. 看见什么了?
  [01:23.98]Iceberg! Right ahead! Hard to starboard! 正前方有冰山
  [01:26.90]Crewman: Hard to starboard! 快左转!
  [01:31.42]- (Ringing) - Crewman: Turn, turn! Steady!
  [01:37.18]- (Ringing) - (Bell Clangs)
  [01:39.82]Full astern! 全速反转!
  [01:44.06]- Hard over. - Helm's hard over, sir. 转到底
  [01:47.90]- (Ringing) - Go, lads! Go!
  [01:54.26](Men Yelling Out Orders)
  [01:59.02]Shut all the dampers! Shut them! 节气阀全部关掉
  [02:02.66](Dampers Slamming)
  [02:05.90]Hold it. 等一下
  [02:06.74]Hold it! 等一下
  [02:10.86]Now, engage the reversing engine! 好,引擎反转!
  [02:15.74](Engine Stops)
  [02:23.30](Engine Restarts)
  [02:39.06]Why aren't they turning?! 怎么还不转向?
  [02:48.82](Softly): Come on, come on, come on. 快点…快转
  [03:02.86]Yes. 对了
  [03:07.86]It's going to hit! 要撞上了!
  [03:22.38]Jesus Christ. 天啊!
  [03:35.50](Glass Tinkling)
  [03:42.82]- (Softly): Jesus. - Hard to port! 天啊!
  [03:45.86]Crewman: Hard to port! 往右!
  [03:50.70](Men Screaming)
  [03:56.90]Get back! 退后
  [04:15.22]- (Hissing) - (Screams)
  [04:25.98]- (MetaI Doors Closing) - Come on, let's go!
  [04:27.82]Get out the door! They're closing the doors! Get out!
  [04:32.38]Get out! Get out! Get out! 快出去!
  [04:38.46]Get out the door! Go on! 快!
  [04:39.42]Go on! Come on, lads! Go, lads, go! 快!大家快走!
  [04:49.38]Get out!
  [04:56.86](Doors Slamming)
