
  A: Welcome Mr and Mrs Carnwell, please take a seat.
  B: Thank you.
  A: So I understand that your family spending has skyrocketed and you want to start budgeting.
  C: Yes that’s correct.  Frankly speaking our household income is relatively high and we have never had any money problems, but I think this is the main reason as to why our spending has gone out of control.
  B: We have two kids and with allowances, paying their credit cards, ours and not to mention our  mortgage and car payments. With the recent economic downturn, my husband’s business has suffered and now we need some advice as to how we can prepare a family budget.
  A: I see. Well you have come to the right place. First what we need to do, is determine your cash flow. Knowing how much money is coming in will help us allocate spending to different categories such as mortgage, education, groceries, etc.
  B: Yes,that makes sense.
  A: Secondly, I need you to bring all of your receipts for the last two to three months. That way, we can determine what your average expenditures are and see which category you are spending money on the most. Usually, your fixed costs are higher and we cant do much about that, but we can usually trim your variable costs such as entertainment or clothing.
  C: Great!  We will do that then!  Now how about we treat you to a nice dinner?
  A: That’s another thing.  If you really want to stop spending so much money, throw away at least half of your credit cards!
  skyrocket vi. 陡升, 猛涨
  Prices skyrocketed.
  budget vt.为 ... 做预算
  Congress has approved the new educational budget.
  out of control 失控
  The bus got out of control and ran into a wall.
  allocate vt. (常与to连用)分配; 配给
  We must allocate the money.
  frankly speaking 坦率地说
  Frankly speaking, he is not so bad as you might think.
  capital n.资金
  finances n.资金
  to  bring in the dough 来挣钱
  breadwinner  n. 养家糊口的人
  to  itemize 分条详述, 详细列举

  A: Carnwell夫妇,欢迎你们来。请坐。
  A: 我理解你们的家庭开销飞涨,你们要开始预算。
  A: 我们有2个孩子,都有津贴,要支付他们和我们信用卡上的花销,更不用提抵押和车贷。由于经济下滑,我丈夫的生意受到重创,我们需要征询下一件来制定家庭预算。
  A: 有道理。
  A: 是的,我们会照做的。我们请你吃一顿晚饭如何?
