听电影学英语-变形金刚 04(在线收听

  [00:02.68]Get your clown cousin and get some hammers 曼尼,去找你的小丑表弟
  [00:06.72]and come bang this stuff out, baby! 拿根榔头把凹痕敲掉,把这家伙搞定
  [00:07.56]... greater than man... …比人类伟大…
  [00:08.84]That one's my favorite, drove all the way from Alabammy. 我超爱这辆车 大老远从阿拉巴马州开来
  [00:30.24]$4,000. 四千块钱!
  [00:42.84]Steve. 史提夫
  [00:44.76]Hello, Mr. Secretary. 你好,部长先生
  [00:48.36]They're so young. 他们都好年轻
  [00:49.20]They're the top subject matter experts, sir. 他们是这方面的顶尖专家
  [00:52.12]NSA's recruiting right out of high school these days. 国家安全局直接从高中征召
  [00:55.60]Guys, that's the Secretary of Defense. 大伙儿,那是国防部长
  [00:59.44]I am so underdressed. 我穿得太随便了
  [01:00.88]Ladies and gentlemen, the Secretary of Defense. 各位,美国国防部长
  [01:05.40]Please be seated. 请坐
  [01:08.40]I'm John Keller. 我是约翰凯勒
  [01:12.60]Obviously, you're wondering why you're here, so these are the facts. 你们都想知道为什么被找来 我就说出实情吧
  [01:16.16]At 1900 local time yesterday, 昨天早上当地时间七点整
  [01:18.16]the SOCCENT Forward Operations Base in Qatar was attacked. 卡达的美军指挥中心遭到攻击
  [01:22.76]So far as we know, there were no survivors. 据我们所知,没有生还者
  [01:25.32]The objective of the attack was to hack our military network. 敌方的目的是侵入军事电脑
  [01:29.08]We're not sure exactly what they're after, 我们不确定他们要找什么
  [01:35.16]which would lead us to assume that they're going to try it again. 所以我们假设他们会再重新尝试
  [01:37.36]Now, no one's taken responsibility for the attack. 没有人承认犯下攻击行动
  [01:40.64]And the only real lead we have so far is this sound. 目前的唯一线索是这个声音
  [01:53.36]That's the signal that hacked our network. 这就是侵入电脑的讯号
  [01:57.64]NSA's working at full capacity to analyze it 国家安全局正在尽全力分析
  [01:58.48]and intercept further communications, 并拦截这个讯号
  [02:01.72]but we need your help to find out who did this. 我们需要你们查出敌方的身分
  [02:04.36]Now, you've all shown considerable ability in the area of signals analysis. 你们都是讯号分析顶尖高手
  [02:08.04]We're on a hair-trigger here, people. 现在情况危急
  [02:10.24]The President has dispatched battle groups 总统已经派遣战斗部队
  [02:13.20]to the Arabian Gulf and Yellow Sea. This is as real as it's ever gonna get. 前往波斯湾和黄海,这是真正的战争
  [02:18.28]Now I'm gonna leave you to your officer-in-charge. 你们要听官员的命令
  [02:19.20]You'll break up into teams and you'll start your work. 分组开始进行分析
  [02:22.20]Good luck to us all. 祝好运
  [02:33.12]All right, Mojo. I got the car. Now I need the girl. 魔汁,我有车了,现在我要女友
  [02:40.00]I need money to take out the girl is what I need. 交女友也需要钱
  [02:44.36]Zero bids. 没有人出价
  [02:44.52]Great. Broke. 太好了
  [02:48.12]Come on, Mojo. You want your pain pills? 魔汁,你要吃止痛药吗?
  [02:53.20]Good. What's up? 怎么样?
  [02:53.60]No. Premature. 还没,痘痘还没出来
  [02:55.96]Nothing. You know, just driving my car. Driving my car. 没事,只是在开车
  [03:01.64]It's like clockwork. All right, I know you get wasted on these things, 我知道你吃了这药后会很high
  [03:04.52]but if you piss in my bed again, you're sleeping outside. Okay? 不过如果再尿在床上就得睡外面
  [03:05.20]That's it for today. No more. Crackhead. 就这样,没有了,毒虫
  [03:08.80]- Ron, this one is uneven. - Yeah. Probably. 朗,这一块不平 是啊,有可能
  [03:13.64]This one is wobbly. 这一块摇摇晃晃的
  [03:15.84]- Yeah. I'll take care of that real soon. - Couldn't we have hired a professional? 好啦,我待会就去处理 我们不能找专家吗?
  [03:17.64]- Sam... - What? 山姆
  [03:19.60]I do not like footprints on my grass. 我的草坪不能有鞋印
  [03:21.24]- What foot... There's no footprints. - That's why I built my path. 哪来的鞋印? 所以我才铺了步道
  [03:24.48]So why don't you go from my grass onto my path, okay? 拜托你走我铺的步道
  [03:25.68]- It's family grass, Dad. - Well, when you own your own grass, 这是我们家的草坪 你有自己的房子就会了解
  [03:28.00]- you'll understand. - This... I can't do it anymore. 我再也受不了了
  [03:31.44]- You're putting girl jewelry on a boy dog. - What? 你替公狗戴女生的首饰
  [03:34.24]He's got enough self-esteem issues as a Chihuahua, Mom. 他是只小吉娃娃已经够自卑了
  [03:36.04]I want you home at 11:00! 11点钟一定要回家
  [03:36.24]That's his bling. 那就是他的特色耶
  [03:38.20]- Yeah, all right. - 11:00! 好啦 11点整
  [03:40.08]Please, for the love of God, drive safely. 拜托你小心开车
  [03:51.72]Wow. You are so cheap. 你真是有够小气
  [03:56.92]Well, it's his first car. Supposed to be like that. 第一辆车本来就应该是便宜货
  [04:03.76]At this time, we can't confirm whether there were any survivors. 目前我们不能确定有生还者
  [04:11.92]Oh, my God. Our bases worldwide are, as of now, at DEFCON Delta, 全球美军基地进入D级紧急状况
  [04:13.08]our highest readiness level. 最高的备战状况
  [04:17.80]We're dealing with a very effective weapons system that we have not come across before. 敌方拥有前所未见的先进武器
  [04:20.28]But our prayers are with the families of the brave men and women... 不过我们为美军指挥中心 英勇的男女士兵祷告
  [04:24.12]Honey, Daddy's gonna be okay. 爸爸会没事的
  [04:27.12]I've never seen a weapons system like this. 我没见过这种武器系统
  [04:29.32]The thermal shows this weird aura around the exoskeleton 它的外壳被奇怪的光气包围
  [04:31.52]like it's cloaked by some kind of invisible force field. 好像是某种隐形的力场
  [04:35.60]That's impossible. There's no such thing as invisible force fields 不可能,没有隐形力场这玩意
  [04:38.96]except in, like, comic book stuff, right? 只有漫画才有,对吧?
  [04:39.04]- Man, I don't know. - What is that? 我也不知道
  [04:42.04]My mama, she had the gift, you know? 我老妈有超感应力
  [04:44.72]She saw things. I got the gene, too, 她能看到东西,我也可以
  [04:46.20]and that thing that attacked us? I got a feeling it ain't over. 攻击我们的东西 我有预感它们还会再来
  [04:52.20]How about you use those magic voodoo powers 你不如用巫术
  [04:53.68]and get us the hell out of here, huh? 把我们救出去
  [04:54.76]When I took that picture, I think it saw me. 当我拍那张照片,我觉得它看到我了
