听电影学英语-变形金刚 11(在线收听

  [00:02.24]Get back! 退回去!
  [00:04.92]Stop! 快跑!
  [00:09.32]God! 跑呀
  [00:10.80]What is your problem, Sam? 你有什么毛病啊?
  [00:12.28]Okay, there's a monster right there! It just attacked me! 有一个怪物,它攻击我
  [00:14.68]Here he comes! All right, get up. Get up and run! You have to run! Okay. 它来了,起来,快逃
  [00:27.12]Sam, what is that thing? 那是什么东西?
  [00:28.56]- Get in the car. Trust me. Trust me! - Sam. 上车!
  [00:28.68]- You have to get in the car. Get in. - I don't want to. 快上车,相信我
  [00:31.36]Get in! Go, go, go, go, go. 快走...快走...
  [00:47.28]Go, go, go, go! 快走...快走...
  [00:53.04]Oh, God! We're gonna die! We're gonna die! 我们死定了
  [00:54.64]No, we're not. No, we're not gonna die. 放心,我们不会死
  [00:55.32]- Oh, my God! - Trust me. He's a kick-ass driver! 天啊 相信我,它很会开车
  [00:58.08]Oh, my God! No! 啊,我的天,不!
  [01:01.08]We're gonna die! 我们死定了!
  [01:09.44]Oh, my God! 我的天啊
  [01:27.60]We're locked in. 我们被锁在车里
  [01:30.12]The car won't start. At least we ditched the monster, right? 车子不肯发动,至少我们甩掉了怪物
  [01:40.52]Okay. 好吧
  [01:42.32]Time to start. 发动吧
  [02:47.52]He's got me! Oh, God! 它抓住我!
  [02:57.88]He's going to kill me! 它要杀死我!
  [03:02.88]No. No, no, no! 不!不!
  [03:16.88]Get off! 滚开!
  [03:32.28]Kill it! Kill it! 干掉它!
  [03:33.84]Get it, get it, get it, get it! 抓住它,抓住它,抓住它
  [03:43.44]Not so tough without a head, are you? 你没有头就吓不了人了
  [03:51.24]Here, come on. 走吧
  [04:08.36]What is it? 那是什么?
  [04:10.84]It's a robot. 机器人
  [04:13.16]But like a... 不是一般的机器人
  [04:15.92]Like a different... You know, like a super-advanced robot. 而是超级先进的机器人
  [04:20.40]It's probably Japanese. 大概是日本人做的
  [04:20.56]Yeah, it's definitely Japanese. 没错,一定是日本人做的
  [04:24.56]What are you doing? 你在干嘛?
  [04:27.92]I don't think it wants to hurt us. It would have done that already. 它想伤害我们早就下手了
  [04:29.00]Really? Well, do you speak robot? 真的吗?你会说机器语吗?
  [04:32.60]Because they just had, like, a giant droid death match. 它们才刚打了一场生死决斗
  [04:36.68]- I think it wants something from me. - What? 我想我有它要的东西 什么?
  [04:40.76]Well, 'cause the other one was talking about my eBay page. 另一个提到我的拍卖网页
  [04:45.24]You are the strangest boy I have ever met. 你是我见过最怪的男生
  [04:46.32]- Can you talk? - XM Satellite Radio... 你会说话吗? 卫星收音机...
  [04:49.40]Digital cable brings you... ... Columbia Broadcasting System... ...欢迎收听节目
  [04:52.08]So you... You talk through the radio? 你透过收音机说话?
  [04:56.56]Thank you, you're beautiful. You're wonderful, you're wonderful. 谢谢大家,你们太热情了
  [04:59.56]So, what was that last night? What was that? 昨天晚上是怎么回事?
