听电影学英语-变形金刚 12(在线收听

  [00:01.96]Message from Starfleet, Captain... Throughout the inanimate vastness of space... 来自宽广无限外太空的信息
  [00:04.92]Angels will rain down like visitors from heaven! Hallelujah! 就像天堂访客,哈里路亚
  [00:07.12]What are you, like, an alien or something? 你是外星人或异形吗?
  [00:07.20]Visitors from heaven? What... 天堂访客?
  [00:17.88]Any more questions you want to ask? 你们还想问什么?
  [00:18.56]He wants us to get in the car. 我想他要我们上车
  [00:22.40]And go where? 然后去哪里?
  [00:26.28]Fifty years from now, when you're looking back at your life, 50年后,等你老了
  [00:27.88]don't you want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car? 不缓后悔没胆上车吗?
  [01:00.36]I know. 是啊
  [01:06.12]I'm not going to sit in that seat. He's driving. 我才不要,它在开车耶
  [01:06.68]Why don't you go sit in that seat, there? 你为什么不坐过去?
  [01:09.16]Yeah. 嗯
  [01:13.20]You're right. 你说的对
  [01:16.20]- Well, maybe you should sit in my lap. - Why? 你可以坐在我大腿上 为什么?
  [01:20.76]Well, I have the only seat belt here. You know, safety first. 只有一条安全带,安全第一
  [01:26.12]- Yeah. - Okay. 好了
  [01:30.28]There, see? That's better. 瞧,好多了吧
  [01:33.48]- Okay. - Okay.
  [01:38.88]You know, that seat belt thing was a pretty smooth move. 用安全带这招泡妞挺聪明的
  [01:41.64]Thank you. 多谢夸奖
  [01:43.80]You know what I don't understand? 有一件事我不懂
  [01:46.72]Why, if he's supposed to be, like, this super-advanced robot, 如果它是超级先进机器人
  [01:50.40]does he transform back into this piece-of-crap Camaro? 为什么要变成这辆破车?
  [01:54.16]Oh, see? No. Get... No, that doesn't work. See? 这下可好了,你说错话了
  [01:54.56]Whoa! Whoa! 哇!哇!
  [01:58.32]Great, now... See? 你看吧
  [01:59.64]Move it, you moron! 让开,猪头!
  [02:03.04]Fantastic. 太好了
  [02:05.00]Now you pissed him off. 你把它惹毛了
  [02:07.68]That car is sensitive. 那辆车很敏感
  [02:07.96]I mean, $4000 just drove off. 四千块钱买的车就这么跑了
  [02:24.32]What? 怎么会?
  [03:28.80]This is you... 这是你…
  [03:33.84]Oh, my God! 天啊
  [03:43.40]Come on, let's go. 我没见过这么酷的景象
  [03:51.84]This is the coolest thing I've ever seen! Explosions everywhere! 到处都在爆炸
  [03:53.04]This is easily a hundred times cooler than Armageddon. I swear to God! 绝对比“世界末日”好看一百倍
  [03:58.44]Fire, fire, fire, fire! 到处都起火,然后砰!
  [04:12.16]Whoa! Sweet! 哇塞,帅呆了
  [04:16.08]'cause he is so boned! 不然他的麻烦可大了
  [04:16.12]Oh, dude, I hope this guy's got asteroid insurance, 这家店东最好有保陨石险
  [04:21.76]What is that? 那是什么?
  [04:23.24]There's something in the tree, dude. 树上有东西
  [04:27.04]No, there's something in the thing by the tree! 在树旁边!
  [04:29.96]Could you guys just give me a space rock? 可以给我一块陨石吗?
