听电影学英语-变形金刚 18(在线收听

  [00:03.72]Easy, you two. 你们要小心点
  [00:14.36]No! No! No, Sam! Sam, don't drop me! 山姆,别放手
  [00:18.00]Sam, don't! Sam, don't! I'm slipping! I'm slipping! 我滑下去了
  [00:22.92]- Hold on! - No! 抓紧了
  [00:28.04]Sam! 山姆!
  [00:34.40]All right, we've got him pinned. We've got him pinned in the river. 找到它了,它在河里
  [00:38.32]I'm in for the shot. 准备开火
  [00:40.80]Stop! Stop! 住手!
  [00:42.36]Wait! No! 等!不要!
  [00:48.04]- Take the shot, get him. - Take the shot. 马上开火!
  [00:51.72]No! 住手!
  [01:06.84]No! Stop! 住手!
  [01:11.64]Stop! 住手!
  [01:13.28]Get down on the ground! Get down! Get down! 趴下来!
  [01:19.84]Look, he's not fighting back! 瞧,它没有反抗
  [01:21.92]Freeze it! Freeze it! Freeze it! 冻住它!冻住它!
  [01:32.20]Stop hurting him! 别伤害它
  [01:43.12]Don't let him move! 让他别动!
  [01:43.88]I got him here! 我抓住他了
  [02:10.88]No! 不要!
  [02:13.20]Happy to see me again? 又看到我高兴吗?
  [02:17.40]Put him in a car with his little criminal friend. 把他和他的坏朋友带上车
  [02:27.84]I want that thing frozen and ready for transport! 把那玩意冰冻准备运走
  [02:36.80]Hang back. Let me check it out. 等一下,我去看看
  [02:42.24]Optimus, 擎天柱
  [02:45.16]are we just gonna stand here and do nothing? 难道我们什么都不做吗?
  [02:49.44]There's no way to free Bumblebee without harming the humans. 想要救大黄蜂就会伤害到人类
  [02:52.68]- But it's not right. He... - Let them leave. 这样不对 让他们走吧
  [03:06.92]The Chinese and the Russians are nearing our area of operations 中国和俄国军队
  [03:10.80]in the western Pacific. 在西太平洋部署
  [03:12.76]We feel like this could get out of hand real fast. 情况可能很快失控
  [03:12.96]But the next couple of hours may just define his presidency. 总统要在这几个小时控制住情势
  [03:20.36]US and Chinese task forces approaching 100 nautical miles 中美军队接近彼此的导弹射程范围
  [03:23.24]of cruise missile range. 一百海里内
  [03:26.00]Tell the strike group commander that he's not to engage unless fired on first. 除非受到攻击,否则不准开火
  [03:28.56]- Yes, sir! - Mr. Secretary? 是,长官 部长先生?
  [03:34.04]Tom Banachek. I'm with Sector Seven, Advanced Research Division. 汤姆班纳契 我隶属第七区高等研究部
  [03:39.72]Never heard of it. I'm a little busy, Tom. I think you can see that. 没听过,我很忙,你应该看得出来
  [03:44.08]- What's going on here? - I don't know. 什么状况?
  [03:50.64]Sit rep! Talk to me! 告诉我!
  [03:52.72]- The whole room's gone down, sir. - I can see that! 所有的电脑都当机 我看得出来
  [03:56.72]The virus was coded to shut us down. 病毒把我们全都关闭了
  [03:57.80]- General? - I'll take a seat. 将军? 我先坐下来
  [04:02.00]What do you mean, "shut us down"? 关闭是什么意思?
  [04:03.96]They used our network to spread out to the whole world. 他们利用电脑网路散布病毒
  [04:06.16]We have no communications, satellite and land lines are dead. 失去所有卫星和电话通讯
  [04:06.68]The blackout's global. 全球通讯网路都断了
  [04:08.92]You mean to tell me that I cannot pick up this telephone and call my family? 你是说我不能打电话给我家人?
  [04:20.80]Mr. Secretary? I'm here under direct order from the President. 部长先生,总统直接命令我来
  [04:25.04]You really need to see what I have in the case. 你一定要看我带来的资讯
  [04:31.80]You'll have to accept that there are certain things 有些事情
  [04:32.48]you won't understand right away. 你不会马上了解
  [04:35.28]Sector Seven is a special-access division of the government 第七区是政府的秘密单位
  [04:40.04]convened in secret under President Hoover 80 years ago. 80年前由胡佛总统成立
  [04:42.12]You may remember NASA JPL lost the Beagle 2 Mars Rover. 你也许记得几年前太空总署 失去小猎犬二号火星探测车
  [04:47.92]We told them to report the mission a complete failure. It wasn't. 我们请他们说任务完全失败 这并不是实情
  [04:54.88]Beagle 2 transmitted 13 seconds. 小猎犬二号传送了13秒影像
  [04:57.88]This was classified above top secret. 这是最高级的机密
