听电影学英语-变形金刚 19(在线收听

  [00:13.96]EDA ended at 170 hours, 48 minutes. 电子数据传讯结束于170.48小时
  [00:15.92]More than just a pile of Martian rocks. 火星不是只有石头
  [00:19.52]This is the image from Mars. 这是来自火星的影像
  [00:22.28]Here's the image your Special Ops team was able to retrieve from the base attack. 这是基地受到攻击时拍摄的影像
  [00:28.88]We believe they are of the same exoskeletal type, 我们相信他们是同类型机器人
  [00:32.76]and obviously not Russian or North Korean. 而且不是俄国或北韩发明的
  [00:36.44]Are we talking about an invasion? 他们准备侵略地球吗?
  [00:38.52]We intercepted the message from your Special Ops team. 我们拦截到这些信息
  [00:42.36]These things can be hurt by our weapons and now they know it. 我们的武器能伤害他们 他们也知道了
  [00:44.08]That's why the virus shut us down, 所以利用病毒把我们关闭
  [00:48.44]so we can't coordinate against their next attack, 我们就不能统筹进行反攻
  [00:50.04]which I would bet my ridiculous government salary is coming soon. 我打赌他们很快就会发动攻击
  [00:59.56]Get word to our fleet commanders over the National Guard frequency. 通知国民兵指挥官
  [01:00.28]It's a shortwave radio channel. It might be still working. 也许还能使用短波无线电
  [01:05.32]Tell them to turn their ships around and come home. ASAP! 告诉他们立刻返航
  [01:07.04]And inform all commands to prepare for imminent attack. 通知指挥中心准备下一波攻击
  [01:20.76]Captain Lennox, we need you and your team to come with us right now! Let's go! 蓝尼队长 你和你的小组马上跟我们走
  [01:31.28]She's in here. 她在里面
  [01:32.76]What's going on? 怎么回事?
  [01:35.56]You're coming with me. 你要跟我来
  [01:38.64]- You're going to be my advisor. - Me, too? 当我的顾问 我也是吗?
  [01:41.44]Who's this? 他是谁?
  [01:43.84]- He's my advisor. - He comes, too. 他是我的顾问 那他也要来
  [01:56.36]- So... - What'd they get you for? 所以... 他们为什么把你抓来?
  [02:01.64]I bought a car. Turned out to be an alien robot. 我买了一辆车,结果是外星机器人
  [02:07.68]Who knew? 谁会晓得?
  [02:25.36]Make a hole! Watch your back! 走直线!小心你身后!
  [02:37.20]Please, let this work. 希望这会成功
  [02:41.76]Fire it up, Optimus. 启动吧
  [02:44.92]The code. The code on these glasses indicates the All Spark is 230 miles from here. 眼镜上的密码显示 火种源距离这里230英哩
  [02:52.48]I sense the Decepticons are getting ready to mobilize. 我有预感狂派变形金刚会马上出动
  [02:57.36]They must know it's here, as well. 他们一定也知道位置
  [03:01.56]We can't just leave him to die and become some human experiment! 我们不能就这样让他死 成为人类的实验品
  [03:01.84]What about Bumblebee? 大黄蜂怎么办?
  [03:06.24]He'll die in vain if we don't accomplish our mission. 我们不达成任务,他会白白牺牲的
  [03:10.68]Bumblebee is a brave soldier. This is what he would want. 大黄蜂是英勇战士 他也会希望我们这么做
  [03:13.00]Why are we fighting to save the humans? 我们为什么要拯救人类?
  [03:18.36]They're a primitive and violent race. 他们是原始和暴力的种族
  [03:23.20]Were we so different? 难道我们就不同吗?
  [03:28.80]They're a young species. They have much to learn. 他们是年轻的种族,还有很多事要学
  [03:31.68]But I've seen goodness in them. 我看到他们的善良
  [03:34.28]Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. 自由是所有生命体的权利
  [03:39.40]You all know there's only one way to end this war. 结束这场战争只有一个方法
  [03:44.72]We must destroy the Cube. 我们一定要摧毁方块
  [03:46.76]If all else fails, I will unite it with the spark in my chest. 如果任务失败 我会把火种放进我胸口
  [03:50.44]That's suicide. 那简直是自杀
  [03:53.16]The Cube is raw power. It could destroy you both. 方块的强大力量会毁灭你的
  [03:56.80]A necessary sacrifice to bring peace to this planet. 我的牺牲将拯救这个星球
  [04:00.08]We cannot let the humans pay for our mistakes. 不能让人类为我们的错误而绝种
  [04:07.16]It's been an honor serving with you all. 我很荣幸能和你们并肩作战
  [04:09.36]- Autobots, roll out! - We rolling! 博派变形金刚,出发! 出发!
  [04:24.76]Team attention! Present arms! 立正!敬礼!
  [04:28.12]At ease. Captain, Sergeant. Got your intel. Excellent work. 稍息,上尉和中士 你们获得情报,干得好
  [04:33.48]Thank you, sir. What about the gunships? 谢谢你,枪炮呢?
  [04:34.68]They're being retrofitted with sabot rounds now. 它们都重新装上穿甲弹
  [04:37.60]If they hit us again, we'll be ready for them. 敌方攻击,我们有所准备
  [04:37.76]But it won't do us much good if we can't get world communications back up. 但是全球通讯不恢复就没用
  [04:43.52]Hey, kid. 小子
  [04:46.72]I think we got off to a bad start, huh? 咱们一开始有误会
  [04:47.52]You must be hungry? 你一定饿了
  [04:49.32]You want a latte? HoHo? Double venti macchiato? 你要喝拿铁或玛奇雅朵咖啡?
  [04:51.76]Where's my car? 我的车子呢?
  [04:52.68]Son, I need you to listen to me very carefully. 小子,我要你仔细听好
  [04:56.96]People can die here. 可能会有人丧命
  [04:59.24]We need to know everything you know. We need to know it now. 我们要知道你知道的一切 现在就要知道
