听电影学英语-初恋50次 17(在线收听

  [00:09.80]Well... 各位...
  [00:11.00]Okay, you guys. Thanks for coming to say goodbye. 谢谢你们来送行
  [00:15.88]Be careful 保重
  [00:17.36]You make sure your father doesn't get eaten by a shark. 看好你阿爸,别让鲨鱼吞了他
  [00:26.20]Thank you, buddy. What does that mean again? 谢了,兄弟,那是什么意思?
  [00:31.88]Oh, okay. You got it. 好吧,没问题
  [00:34.48]Come here. All right. Love you guys. 过来,我爱你们
  [00:37.88]My shirt size is medium husky. 我的T恤尺寸是M
  [00:43.44]Hey! Kikikuloa! 死小孩!
  [00:47.32]No flippies off the dock! You could get hurt! 别乱跳水!会受伤的!
  [00:51.20]No! All right. Let the master show you how to get it done. 好吧,让大师来跳给你们看
  [01:04.80]Now you kids go down there and find my nuts. 你们快帮我找鸟蛋吧
  [01:08.96]Sure you don't want to take Doug? 你真的不带道格一起去?
  [01:10.96]Hey! What the heck are you guys doing here? 你们怎么来了?
  [01:14.16]I spoke to the harbormaster and he said you were setting sail today... 我跟港务局长谈过 他说你今天出航...
  [01:18.12]...so we thought we'd wish you bon voyage. 所以我们来祝你一路顺风
  [01:22.12]This is from Nick and Sue. They send their best wishes. 这是大胖和阿苏送的
  [01:25.80]That's very nice. Spam and Reese's. All right. 真好,火腿罐头,好耶
  [01:29.84]Ilove Spam and Reese's. Can I have it? 我超爱吃火腿,可以给我吗?
  [01:31.52]I guess. 可以吧
  [01:35.00]- Doug! - That's all right. -道格! -没关系啦
  [01:35.04]- I' m sorry. - So... -真抱歉 -那个...
  [01:39.20]...how's Lucy? 露西还好吧?
  [01:43.68]Actually, she's living at the institute. 她现在住疗养院了
  [01:46.24]- When did that happen? - Three weeks ago. -这是什么时候的事? -三周之前
  [01:50.24]Said she didn't want to be a burden to me and Doug anymore. I don't know. 她说她不想再拖累我们了
  [01:53.88]I couldn't talk her out of it. You know what? 我没办法说服她
  [01:55.40]She's doing really great up there. 她在那里过的很好
  [01:58.88]She's teaching an art class and she gets to paint every day. 她在那里还开班教划划
  [02:03.48]In fact, she's even singing again. 她甚至又开始唱歌了
  [02:05.52]Hey, look, I got a little gift for you too. 亨利,我也有个小礼物送你
  [02:05.96]It's just a little something from one sailor to another one. 水手送水手的礼物
  [02:11.60]You take care of yourself out there. 出门在外要小心
  [02:25.72]Henry did not tell me about you. 亨利没跟我提过你
  [02:28.52]Your fisherman muscles. 还有你的雄壮肌肉
  [02:31.96]Can I touch? 我能碰一下吗?
  [02:33.56]Sure. 当然
  [02:41.76]Yes. 好耶
  [02:50.36]The Beach Boys? 海滩男孩?
  [02:50.88]How nice of him to give me a CD that will remind me... 这家伙竟然送我一张CD 让我想起...
  [02:54.04]...of all the wonderful times I shared with his daughter. 我跟她女儿的美好恋情
  [02:59.60]What an asshole! 真是个老混蛋!
  [03:20.68]Oh, why? 为什么?
  [03:22.48]Why would you do this to me? 你为什么这么对我?
  [03:23.48]You sick bastard! 你这个死老头!
  [03:30.64]Oh, my God. 我的妈呀
  [03:34.00]Is he trying to tell me something? 他是不是想告诉我什么?
  [03:40.08]She only sings on days she meets you. 她只在遇见你的日子唱这首歌
  [03:45.32]She remembers me? 她记得我?
  [03:46.32]Holy shit! 哇靠!
  [03:51.24]She remembers me! 她记得我!
  [03:59.56]Julia, that looks great. 茱莉,你划的很好
  [04:01.04]Excuse me. What am I doing? 借问一下,我在干嘛?
  [04:02.56]You're painting a picture. And you're doing an excellent job. 你在划划,你划的很好
  [04:07.32]Oh. 这样喔
  [04:10.88]Holy crap! I suck. 妈啦,我真烂
  [04:21.44]Hey, hey, hey. 等等
  [04:22.92]- Can we help you, sir? - Yes. I have an appointment. -先生,有事吗? -我有预约
  [04:25.92]- What's your name? - My name? -你的名字是? -我的名字?
  [04:31.48]Dude, he forgot his name. I feel bad for him. 他忘了啦,真可怜
  [04:35.96]Just go on up. And good luck with that memory problem. 上去吧,祝你记忆能恢复
  [04:36.80]Yeah. Thank you. 谢谢
  [04:40.28]What? 干嘛?
  [04:44.72]Lucy! 露西!
  [04:46.40]Lucy! 露西!
  [04:47.88]- Hi, I' m Tom. - Hey, I met you before. I' m Henry. -你好,我是汤姆 -我们见过,我是亨利
  [04:49.96]Maybe you can help me. I'm looking for Lucy Whitmore. 我找惠露西
  [04:52.84]Any idea where I can find her? 你知道她在哪里吗?

  [04:56.24]Oh. Thanks anyways. 真多谢了
  [04:56.64]Hi, I' m Tom. 你好,我是汤姆
