全国公共英语等级考试四级 b1(在线收听

  [00:00.00]Part B  You will hear a talk on newspapers in Britain.
  [00:07.99]Answer questions 6-10 while you listen.
  [00:14.05]Use not more than 5 words for each answer.
  [00:19.59]You will hear the recording twice.
  [00:23.95]You now have 25 seconds to read the questions.
  [00:30.20]1.How large is the daily circulation of the Daily Mirror and the Daily Express?( )
  [00:32.37]2.What is the total weekly circulation of local newspapers in Britain?(  )
  [00:34.46]3.What naturally influences the content of the local papers?(  )
  [00:40.59]4.Who are regular suppliers of news for local papers?(  )
  [00:42.63]5.What is essential for the success of a newspaper?(  )
  [00:47.49]Visitors to Britain are sometimes surprised to find
  [00:55.64]that newspapers there have such a large circulation.
  [01:01.49]The Daily Mirror and the Daily Express
  [01:06.85]both sell about four million copies every day.
  [01:12.70]British families generally buy a newspaper every morning
  [01:19.15]and frequently take two or three on Sundays.
  [01:24.90]Apart from the national papers,
  [01:28.95]local newspapers have a weekly circulation of 13 million.
  [01:36.42]Almost every town and country area has one,
  [01:42.56]Nearly all of them hold their own financially
  [01:48.02]and many of them are very profitable.
  [01:52.56]These papers are written almost entirely for readers interested in local events
  [02:00.71]--births,weddings,deaths,Council meetings and sports
  [02:08.18]--but the content is naturally influenced by the kind of community they serve.
  [02:15.52]Editors prefer to rely on a small staff of people who all know the district will.
  [02:23.39]A great deal of local news
  [02:28.14]is regularly supplied by clubs and churches in the neighborhood
  [02:34.28]and it does not get out of date as quickly as national news.
  [02:40.55]The editor must never forget
  [02:45.38]that the success of any newspaper depends on advertising.
  [02:52.15]He is usually anxious to keep the good will of local businessmen for this reason.
  [02:59.30]But if the newspaper is well written
  [03:04.06]and the news items have been carefully chosen to attract local readers,
  [03:11.50]the businessmen are grateful for the opportunity
  [03:17.15]to keep their products in the public eye.
  [03:22.40]questions 6-10 according to Part B
  [03:24.54]1.How large is the daily circulation of the Daily Mirror and the Daily Express?( )
  [03:26.58]2.What is the total weekly circulation of local newspapers in Britain?(  )
  [03:28.61]3.What naturally influences the content of the local papers?(  )
  [03:30.68]4.Who are regular suppliers of news for local papers?(  )
  [03:32.72]5.What is essential for the success of a newspaper?(  )
  [03:38.96]Now you will hear he recording again.
  [03:43.40]Visitors to Britain are sometimes surprised to find
  [03:49.64]that newspapers there have such a large circulation.
  [03:55.21]The Daily Mirror and the Daily Express
  [04:01.27]both sell about four million copies every day.
  [04:07.12]British families generally buy a newspaper every morning
  [04:13.75]and frequently take two or three on Sunday.
  [04:19.42]Apart from the national papers,
  [04:23.47]local newspapers have a weekly circulation of 13 million.
  [04:31.02]Almost every town and country area has one,
  [04:36.87]Nearly all of them hold their own financially
  [04:43.12]and many of the are very profitable.
  [04:47.76]These papers are written almost entirely for readers interested in local events
  [04:56.59]--births,weddings, deaths,,Council meetings and sports
  [05:03.83]--but the content is naturally influenced by the kind of community they serve.
  [05:10.78]Editors prefer to rely on a small staff of people who all know the district will.
  [05:18.64]A great deal of local news
  [05:23.00]is regularly supplied by clubs and churches in the neighborhood
  [05:29.35]and it does not get out of date as quickly as national news.
  [05:35.60]The editor must never forget
  [05:39.64]that the success of any newspaper depends on advertising.
  [05:46.10]He is usually anxious to keep the good will of local businessmen for this reason.
  [05:52.97]But if the newspaper is well written
  [05:57.80]and the news items have been carefully chosen to attract local readers,
  [06:05.24]the businessmen are grateful for the opportunity
  [06:11.28]to keep their products in the public eye.
  [06:16.50]questions 6-10 according to Part B
  [06:18.54]1.How large is the daily circulation of the Daily Mirror and the Daily Express?( )
  [06:20.58]2.What is the total weekly circulation of local newspapers in Britain?(  )
  [06:20.97]3.What naturally influences the content of the local papers?(  )
  [06:23.04]4.Who are regular suppliers of news for local papers?(  )
  [06:25.15]5.What is essential for the success of a newspaper?(  )
  [06:29.91]That is the end of Part B.
  [06:33.77]Part C  You will hear three dialogues or monologues.
  [06:45.42]Before listening to each one,
  [06:49.76]you will have time to read the questions related to it.
  [06:55.01]While listening, answer each question by choosing A.B.C or D.
  [07:04.55]After listening,you will have time to check your answer.
  [07:10.40]You will hear each piece once only.
  [07:15.96](1) Questions 11--13 are based on a special TV news report
  [07:23.12]about the three astronauts returning from a space flight.
  [07:29.15]You now have 15 seconds to read questions 11--13.
  [07:36.42]11.According to the report,where did the spacecraft splash down?
  [07:39.37]12.Where would the astronauts join with their families?
  [07:41.51]13.How long had the astronauts been in space?
  [07:45.82]We interrupt this program to bring you a special news bulletin.
  [07:52.48]The three astronauts have splashed down safely in the Pacific Ocean,
  [07:59.04]145 miles southwest of Hawaii,
  [08:04.68]only six miles from the aircraft carrier
  [08:09.54]that was dispatched for the recovery mission.
  [08:14.08]The space capsule floated down on three parachutes
  [08:19.83]and landed right-side-up in the water.
  [08:24.48]Mission Control in Houston,
  [08:28.45]which is in constant communication with the astronauts,
  [08:33.99]confirmed that the parachutes and landing systems had functioned properly.
  [08:41.46]Mission Control has advised the astronauts to remain inside the capsule
  [08:48.70]until they are lifted aboard the aircraft carrier.
  [08:54.05]An Air Force helicopter is already hovering above the capsule
  [09:00.29]and seven divers are in the process of attaching lines to the spacecraft.
  [09:07.24]The astronauts have returned after fifteen days in space.
  [09:13.77]Possibly one of the most important accomplishments of this mission
  [09:19.91]was the extensive photographing of the sun's surface.
  [09:26.36]After two days of physical examinations and observation,
  [09:32.71]the astronauts will fly to Houston
  [09:37.28]where they will be reunited with their families.
  [09:42.22]They plan to return to Mission Control on Thursday to hold a news conference.
  [09:49.77]Ladies and gentlemen,
  [09:53.22]we have confirmation that the astronauts are now aboard the aircraft carrier.
  [10:00.56]They seem to be in very good condition
  [10:05.21]as they prepare for the welcoming ceremonies.
  [10:10.25]For more about the splash-down,
  [10:13.99]watch the seven o'clock news report on Channel 12,NBC.
  [10:23.83]You now have 30 seconds to check your answers to questions 11--13.
  [10:33.00]Question 11-13 according to Part C(1)
  [10:35.04]11.According to the report,where did the spacecraft splash down?
  [10:37.18](A)in the Atlantic Ocean  (B)six miles from Hawaii
  [10:39.22](C)145 miles from Hawaii  (D)on an aircraft carrier
  [10:41.28]12.Where would the astronauts join with their families?
  [10:43.32](A)aboard the aircraft carrier
  [10:45.36](B)aboard the Air Force helicopter  (C)in Houston  (D)in Hawaii
  [10:47.42]13.How long had the astronauts been in space?
  [10:49.46](A)for two days  (B)for three days
  [10:51.52](C)for twelve days  (D)for fifteen days
