AP 2011-03-05(在线收听

1. The government will not shut down, at least for now. President Barack Obama says he will sign a stop-gap bill, cutting billions of dollars and keeping the government running for a couple of more weeks.


2. In Germany, the airport says two of its airmen have been killed, two wounded in a shooting outside the Frankfurt Airport. Gunman, a citizen of Kosovo, opened fire on a bus of the airmen.


3. A small Kansas church snares a victory at the US Supreme Court with Justices saying the First Amendment protects church member rights to protest outside military funerals. The church says the deaths

are in response to America's tolerance for gays.


4. The world's first-ever robot marathon in Japan. These tiny racers went the distance 26.2 miles, taking 55 hours and a few battery changes along the way.
