AP 2011-03-16(在线收听

1. Japan has declared a state of emergency at another earthquake-affected nuclear plant where higher than permitted levels of radioactivity were measured. Japan also said authorities at another plant have resorted to using sea water to cool a second reactor in an attempt to prevent a meltdown.


2. Japan's prime minister says his country is facing its most severe challenge since World War II. Officials say at least 1,400 people were killed. But the police chief of Miyagi state says the death toll there alone could pass 10,000.


3. Passengers and witnesses to a New York City bus crash that killed 14 people are contradicting the driver's story that he was clipped by a tractor-trailer. A law enforcement official tells the AP that passengers say the driver swerved at times to the right for no reason before sliding off the road.


4. And a pair of snow leopards has moved into new lairs at a zoo in Hungary. Keepers hope to begin a new breeding program for the endangered animals.
