听电影学英语-复制娇妻 13(在线收听

  [00:01.04]I know you've got the kids. 我知道你接了孩子
  [00:04.24]Pete, Kimberly! 皮特,金芭莉!
  [01:08.60]Oh, boys. 嘿,男孩子们
  [01:14.20]Welcome. 欢迎
  [01:32.08]Where are my children? 我的孩子在哪儿?
  [01:32.20]- They're perfectly safe. - Where are my children? - 他们非常安全 - 我的孩子在哪儿?
  [01:36.76]- You'll see them soon. - Where's Walter? - 你很快就会见到他们 - 沃尔特呢?
  [01:45.52]How could you do this? 你怎么能这么做?
  [01:48.56]Ever since we met, you've beaten me at everything. 从我们认识开始,你样样比我强
  [01:52.84]You're better educated. 学历比我高
  [01:54.44]You're stronger, you're faster. 比我强壮,比我敏捷
  [01:56.44]You're a better dancer, a better tennis player. 舞跳得比我好,网球打得比我好
  [02:01.00]You've always earned at least six figures more 你挣得总是比我做梦能想到的
  [02:03.40]than I could ever dream of. 还要至少多六位数
  [02:03.60]You're a better speaker, 你的口才比我好
  [02:07.96]a better executive. 一个非常好的主管
  [02:08.48]You're even better at sex. Don't deny it. 甚至在性的方面你也比我强 不要否认
  [02:11.12]I wasn't going to. 我不是有意的
  [02:15.40]You got me. 你有我啊
  [02:18.12]No, I got to hold your purse. 不,我得帮你理财
  [02:20.80]I got to tell the kids that you'd be late again. 得告诉孩子们你又迟到了
  [02:24.76]I got to tell the press that you had no comment. 帮你告诉媒体你无可奉告
  [02:26.68]I got to work for you. 我得替你工作
  [02:26.96]With me. 和我一起工作
  [02:29.04]Under you. 在你手下工作
  [02:31.72]All of us. 我们所有人
  [02:33.32]We married wonder women. 我们嫁给了女强人
  [02:34.88]Supergirls. 女超人
  [02:37.12]Amazon queens. Well, you know what that makes us? 亚马孙族女王 你知道这让我们变成什么吗?
  [02:41.60]Smart, worthy, lucky. 聪明,出色,幸运
  [02:44.16]We're the wuss. 我们是软脚蟹
  [02:48.16]The wind beneath your wings. 你们怀里的小鸡
  [02:49.64]Your support system. 你们的后勤系统
  [02:51.40]- We're the girl. - And we don't like it. - 我们才是女孩 - 而我们并不喜欢这样
  [02:52.20]- No, we don't. - Yeah, that's right. - 对,我们不喜欢 - 对,没错
  [02:55.32]- You're damn right. - Yeah. That's right. - 你他妈太对了 - 对,说的对
  [02:56.56]And is this your answer, to kill us? 而这就是你们的解决办法 杀了我们
  [02:57.28]Oh, no. Nothing like that. We help you. We perfect you. 噢,不,没那回事儿 我们使你们变得完美
  [03:02.96]By turning us into robots? 通过把我们变成机器人?
  [03:04.84]Does any fraction of these women still exist? 这些女人还有属于自己的部分吗?
  [03:08.40]Of course. Almost everything. 当然,几乎所有部分
  [03:09.72]- Shall we show her? - Show me what? - 我们要不要给她看看 - 给我看什么?
  [03:12.08]It's a promotional thing I've been working on for when we go global. 这是一个我正在研究的 我们全球化时准备推出的
  [03:20.32]Walter, I don't think you've seen this. 沃尔特,我想你也没有看过
  [03:34.36]Some guys ask, how do we do it? 有人问,我们是怎么做到的?
  [03:38.24]In layman's terms, it's really pretty simple. 对于外行来说 真的是非常简单
  [03:39.84]Come on along. 来吧
  [03:50.96]First, we take a gloomy, dissatisfied woman. 首先,我们找一个忧郁,不满的女人
  [03:52.56]Then, in a very private experience between husband and wife, 然后,夫妻俩在一个独特的环境下
  [03:57.32]he gently places her in our female improvement system. 他轻柔地把她放到 我们的女性改良系统里面
  [04:03.36]It's fully automated. 是全自动的
  [04:07.08]And then, abracadabra. 然后变变变
  [04:09.76]Her transformation begins. 她的改造开始了
  [04:10.24]First, we locate her brain. 首先,我们定位她的大脑
  [04:15.40]We insert a few nanochips. 我们植入一些微芯片
  [04:16.20]Then we program them. 然后对它们编程
  [04:19.56]Also, we add some secret, special ingredients. 另外我们加入一些秘密的特殊成分
  [04:27.32]To avoid any accidents, 为了避免任何事故
  [04:29.32]her husband is kept at a comfortable distance. 她的丈夫得在安全距离之外
  [04:31.08]Safety first. 安全第一
  [04:37.56]Finally, we enhance her, 最后,我们对她进行强化
  [04:38.16]to fit the ideal Stepford Wife specifications. 以符合理想的斯戴福太太的标准
  [04:43.52]And... 最后…
  [04:46.60]... voilà! … 成功!
  [04:50.36]Everything is copasetic. 一切都是极好的
  [04:56.84]Welcome to the future. 欢迎来到未来
