CNN 2011-03-30(在线收听

Tokyo told CNN that it found traces of plutonium in five different locations at the Fukushima nuclear facility,three different types of the mean time there were other developments today.Large quantities of water highly radioactive water.Some of them has been found of reactor no.2 and also then found in tunnels for electric cables outside reactor no.2.What they would like to do is put that water somewhere else pumped out of the areas they found it but they have no more space and any containers in which to place it.

Opposition fighters expect a big and bloody battle.They have now managed to gain back more ground they have ever controlled since the uprising began and they will say that is because of the international support because of those air strikes that literally bombed Gaddafi's military back from Bangazi,all the way westward clearing it out for them to be able to push forward.Since the fighting began this morning they say that Gaddafi's troops have been firing tanks and artillery around are found and they have been firing back with artillery as well to clear the rival as they continue to push westward.

This gentleman Troy David claims he didn't do it but they have the wrong man and they executed him innocent,innocent man that they pulled it off.In this case it's really important about that for appeals and just win it a D* can make this kind of plans. His supporters which include the pope from President Jimmy Carter entertained and  he's got a number of high profiles for his backing and this execution goes ahead innocent man be put to death.He's explained that he is the wrong person,they got the wrong man and he should not be put to death for the crime and his appeals have been going on for years and years the Supreme Court just a few years ago had allowed the executions to go ahead and then sparked the last minute. So this case has been up and down for years.This case can have huge preparation or other death may remain to claim that they do are innocent of his crimes.

And more than two weeks after the earthquake and tsunami hit, Japan was still getting frightening new image these pictures.They are similar to other images you have seen slamming into coastal,fishing village towns, taking away everything in its path.
