听电影学英语-爱是妥协 5(在线收听

  [00:05.68]Oh, I'm sorry. Your granddad's gonna be okay. 抱歉,你爷爷不会有事的
  [00:07.32]Oh, thank you so much. 谢谢你
  [00:08.08]We're not related. 我们没血缘关系
  [00:10.08]-He's a friend. -Sorry. -他是我的朋友 -抱歉
  [00:13.28]I'm Dr. Mercer. 我是莫瑟医生
  [00:17.32]Mr. Sanborn did have a mild heart attack. 赛伯恩先生心脏病发作
  [00:18.72]I gave him something to dissolve the clot, and it worked. 我替他消除栓塞,效果不错
  [00:22.80]He's very lucky. 他很幸运
  [00:23.32]Another half-hour, I don't.... I don't know if this would have worked. 再拖半小时 就不知道救不救得回来了
  [00:31.72]This was very intense. 害我紧张得要命
  [00:32.92]-He's doing great. -Yeah. -他恢复得很好 -很好
  [00:34.92]I gave him something to help him sleep. 我给他吃了安眠药
  [00:37.32]It might make him a little loopy at first but then it should knock him out. 刚吃下去会迷迷糊糊的 但很快就会昏睡
  [00:41.20]-You're Mrs. Sanborn? -No! Oh, no. No, I'm just-- -你是赛伯恩太太? -不是,我只是…
  [00:46.04]No, I'm Erica Barry. 不是,我是爱莉卡贝瑞
  [00:47.88]He had dinner at our house. I met him this afternoon. 他在我们家吃晚饭 我今天下午才认识他的
  [00:50.24]You're Erica Barry? 你是爱莉卡贝瑞
  [00:52.84]-Yes. -The playwright? -对 -剧作家?
  [00:55.32]-Yes. -What a pleasure. I'm a huge fan. -对 -幸会,我是你的超级剧迷
  [00:56.80]-Really? -Huge fan. -真的吗? -超级剧迷
  [00:59.40]Thank you. 谢谢你
  [01:00.68]Wow! 哇!
  [01:04.04]Thanks. 谢谢
  [01:08.44]Thank you, doctor. 谢谢你,医生
  [01:13.20]-Erica. Green tea. -Oh! That's hot. -爱莉卡,绿茶 -好烫
  [01:16.88]-Thank you. -You're welcome. May l? -谢谢 -不客气,我可以坐下吗?
  [01:19.24]This is very sweet of you. 你真体贴
  [01:19.56]Yeah. Yeah, sure. Yeah. 好,好啊
  [01:22.96]In med school you learn what keeps you up without making you nuts. 念医学院就是要学着保持清醒
  [01:27.80]You know I heard you had a house in the Hamptons. 听说你在汉普敦有栋房子
  [01:31.72]I am a big fan. I've seen every play you've ever written. 我很喜欢你的剧作 你写的每出剧我都看过
  [01:32.56]Some were written before your time. There's some Marin's never seen. 有些是在你出生前写的 连犸琳都没看过
  [01:37.96]No, I'm pretty sure I've seen them all. 我真的每出都看过
  [01:40.64]-I saw the last one twice. -Julian, a walk-in may need stitches. -最后一出我看了两遍 -刚送来一个病患,可能要缝伤口
  [01:43.84]Okay, thanks. 好,谢谢
  [01:47.00]If he's asleep, you might want some shuteye. Come back in the morning. 若他睡着了 你们就可以回去,明天再来
  [01:50.36]Great to meet you, Erica. Ladies. 幸会,爱莉卡,各位女士们
  [02:01.20]Okay. 好的
  [02:02.40]Now, that's the perfect guy for you. 这种男人才适合你
  [02:04.40]He's adorable! 他很讨人喜欢
  [02:05.76]Mother, I've never seen a man less interested in me. 妈,他对我比较没兴趣
  [02:09.84]Or more interested in you. 他对你倒是很有兴趣
  [02:12.52]Me? 我?
  [02:14.36]-He's 30 years old. -No, he's older than that. -他才三十岁耶 -不只啦
  [02:17.52]Who cares how old he is? I mean, he's not my type. 谁管他几岁? 他不合我的胃口
  [02:19.20]He's a gorgeous doctor. He's perfect for you. He's hot for you. 他是帅哥医生 他哈死你了
  [02:23.68]-Which makes him really perfect. -Okay, stop it. -所以绝对适合 -够了,别说了
  [02:25.08]He likes my work, not me. 他喜欢我的作品,不是喜欢我
  [02:25.88]I would never-- 我从来没…
  [02:27.24]Shut up. 闭嘴!
  [02:32.52]-Oh, God, is he all right? -Harry! -天哪,他还好吧? -哈利!
  [02:37.80]Harry, over here. 哈利,过来这里
  [02:43.16]Honey, I wanna go home. Can you call Leo...? 亲爱的 我想回家,请你打电话给里欧…?
  [02:49.20]Harry! You've got to get back into bed. 哈利!回床上躺好
  [02:51.28]Woman, you saved my life. 感谢救命之恩
  [02:56.88]Get a nurse. Nurse! Nurse! 去叫护士,护士!护士!
  [02:59.96]I thank you from the bottom of my.... 我打从心底感谢…
  [03:02.44]Even unconscious, he's a letch! 神智不清还这么好色
  [03:03.64]-Get off! -You shouldn't be standing. -走开啦! -你不应该站起来
  [03:09.40]It's all right. Thank you. 没事了,谢谢
  [03:17.64]I gotta take a whiz, girls. 我要尿尿
  [03:19.72]We'll take care of that for you. 我们帮你弄
  [03:21.72]Okay, I'd like to see that. 我倒想看看
  [03:22.20]Okay, here we go. 好,来吧
  [03:24.32]I'd love to see that. 我倒想看看怎么帮
  [03:30.00]Somebody better get it. 有人帮忙把尿再好不过了
  [03:33.24]Now, what can I do you for? 有什么事吗?
  [03:35.52]I'm here to pick up Harry Sanborn. 我来接哈利赛伯恩
  [03:38.20]Hi, I'm Dr. Mercer. Come on, I'll take you to him. 我是莫瑟医生 走吧,我带你去找他
  [03:41.12]And you are? 你是?
  [03:43.40]I'm Leo Hoffman, I'm Harry's personal assistant. 里欧霍夫曼,哈利的助理
  [03:47.68]Do a little chef, a little driving, party planning... 我替他煮饭、开火、办派对
  [03:50.04]-...whatever the man needs. -lt sounds like an interesting job. -就是打杂工啦 -很有趣的工作
  [03:54.36]I'm going on six years and never a dull moment. 替他工作了六年,从来没无聊过
  [03:58.88]Okay, Harry, looks like we're gonna have to let you go. 好了,哈利 我们要让你出院了
  [04:05.48]Take it easy, kids. 别紧张
  [04:07.64]I just... 我只是…
  [04:08.84]...sat up a little too fast. 太急着坐起来了
  [04:11.32]Doc, tell them. 医生,告诉他们吧
  [04:15.84]Am I in good shape? 我还好吗?
  [04:16.60]How were my tests this morning? 上午的检查结果如何?
  [04:18.76]He's doing extremely well. 他好得很
  [04:21.40]-Can I hug him? -Absolutely. -我可以抱他吗? -当然可以
  [04:25.04]Yeah. Okay. 没事
  [04:30.24]Okay. Okay. 好了,好了
  [04:32.08]Let's not get goofy. 别这么感伤
  [04:35.28]We got nothing but good news here. 我不会有事的
  [04:37.28]Knock, knock. 有人在吧
  [04:37.64]-Hi. -Hey. -嗨 -嘿
  [04:40.96]-I'll catch you on the way out. -Thanks. -待会儿再去送你 -谢谢
  [04:51.60]So... 嗯…
  [04:54.20]...I'm some great date, huh? 和我交往很特别吧?
  [04:56.24]Yeah, Mr. Excitement. 对,太刺激了
  [04:58.32]Tell me something. 告诉我…
  [05:00.72]We haven't actually had sex yet, have we? 我们还没上过床吧?
