听电影学英语-爱是妥协 12(在线收听

  [00:01.16]-Haven't you? -Never, not even close, I swear to God. -没有吗? -从来没有,连边儿都没沾上
  [00:05.00]I'm saying this because for two people convinced they've got life beat... 我把话摊开来说 因为你们俩都自以为是
  [00:07.08]...there was something cooking in the kitchen other than pancakes. 昨晚在厨房不只在做煎饼而已
  [00:28.76]I waited a reasonable amount of hours before calling... 等了好久才打电话给你
  [00:31.76]...even though you've been on my mind since I woke up at 5:1 5. 我5点15分起床就一直想你
  [00:34.32]When could we have dinner again? I have to work the next few nights. 几时才能再约你? 我明后天都要值夜班
  [00:37.24]If we wait too long, you'll chicken out. So how's Friday? 我怕等到下礼拜你就会打退堂鼓 星期五可以吗?
  [00:40.12]It's a date night, but that's a good thing. 那天是小周末,约会的好日子
  [00:43.76]Who is this? 你是哪位?
  [00:45.76]I'm kidding. 开玩笑的啦
  [00:48.16]Funny. 真好笑
  [00:49.36]-Can you meet me at The Grill at 8? -Okay. Yes. Seems fine. -八点在餐厅见? -好啊,我没问题
  [00:52.96]I look forward to seeing you too. 我也迫不及待想见到你
  [01:03.28]-He's all yours. -Stop that. How'd he take it? -他是你的了 -别闹了,他的反应如何?
  [01:06.28]He just took care of it for me. He was an ace. 他平静以对,他很善体人意
  [01:11.40]Elegant. He said our fate was to be friends. 又优雅,他说我们注定 要当普通朋友
  [01:13.48]Oh, my God. 天哪
  [01:18.68]He was breaking up with me. I didn't even.... 他想和我分手 我居然一点…
  [01:19.24]-He's a genius. -That's not possible. He wouldn't. -他太厉害了 -不可能,他不是那种人
  [01:22.36]He absolutely did. And you know what? 真的是这样,而且你知道吗?
  [01:24.92]It doesn't matter, because we're done and we both feel fine about it. Okay? 无所谓啦,反正分手了 我们都以平常心看待
  [01:29.92]Clean slate. 他重获自由了
  [01:33.60]I gotta go. 我先走了
  [01:35.48]Okay. 好吧
  [01:36.84]Now, Erica. Try to think of this... 爱莉卡,就当这是你为 自己做过…
  [01:39.72]...as the absolute smartest thing you've ever done for yourself. 最明智的一件事吧
  [02:50.44]Candles? 蜡烛?
  [02:51.04]Romantic. 好浪漫啊
  [03:21.32]-I'm sorry, l-- -For what? -对不起 -干嘛道歉?
  [03:25.04]-I just kissed you, and l-- -No, honey. -我刚才吻了你… -不对,亲爱的
  [03:29.40]I kissed you. 是我吻了你
  [03:39.24]I know that one was me. 这次是我主动
  [03:42.52]Try not to keep score. 别计较好吗?
  [03:55.36]-Soft lips. -I'm so glad they still work. -好柔软的双唇 -幸好还宝刀未老
  [04:00.20]I haven't used them for kissing in such a long time. 我很久没用它来接吻了
  [04:03.40]More like for, you know, wearing lipstick and whistling and-- 只用来涂口红、吹口哨
  [04:25.36]Well, well. Now look who's got something that works. 你瞧瞧,看来有人起生理反应了
  [04:30.64]You didn't even take any Viagra-- 你没吃威而刚…
  [04:48.32]This could be world-class interesting. 这下可会爽死了
  [04:52.68]Having any doubts? 有任何顾虑吗?
  [04:58.04]Me too. 我也有
  [04:58.76]Yes. 有
  [05:01.32]But so far... 但目前为止…
  [05:05.24]...the kissing is spectacular. 你的吻功一流
  [05:07.48]I'm not grading you, I'm just mentioning it. Like.... 我不是在给你打分数 只是说说而已
  [05:11.16]Like, brilliant. 你真有一套
  [05:30.88]I can't get past your damn turtleneck. 我亲不到了,你穿着高领毛衣
