听电影学英语-爱是妥协 17(在线收听

  [00:03.24]Let her figure things out for herself. 让她自己慢慢探索吧
  [00:05.92]I'm not talking about that, Dave. After all, she did go to medical school. 我指的不是那方面 毕竟她念的是医学院
  [00:09.68]Hey, hey, hey. Not in front of the kids. 别在孩子面前说这些
  [00:13.88]So, what do you see that you like? 你想吃什么?
  [00:17.88]-What are you having? -I don't know. -你吃什么? -我不知道
  [00:20.92]You know, I'm looking at the grilled salmon.... 我想吃烤鲑鱼
  [00:29.48]-Who would like what? -Mom, are you okay? -你们要点什么? -妈,没事吧?
  [00:33.84]-Sure you're okay? -Yeah, no, I'm fine. I'm.... -没事吗? -我很好
  [00:38.32]-I'm fine. -You sure? -我很好 -确定?
  [00:39.24]-Oh, yes. -Good. -确定 -那就好
  [00:41.60]If we wanted pasta, we could get the fresh rigatoni. 要吃通心粉可以点水管面
  [00:45.00]Grilled free-range chicken teriyaki.... 日式照烧烤放山鸡
  [00:49.04]I'm not sure. What about you? 我不确定耶,你呢?
  [00:52.72]I'm sorry. Maybe I need a little air. 抱歉,我先失陪一下
  [00:54.72]-Are you okay? -Fine. I'll be right back. -你还好吧? -很好,我马上回来
  [01:02.56]-Excuse me. -I'm sorry. -对不起 -抱歉
  [01:03.96]I.... 我…
  [01:07.32]-Hey! -Hello, Harry. -你好 -你好,哈利
  [01:12.84]Hi. 你好
  [01:14.28]-Hi. -I don't know if you know.... -你好 -你认不认识…
  [01:29.12]God, I'm so stupid. 天哪,我太天真了
  [01:34.56]-What? -Erica! -干嘛? -爱莉卡!
  [01:38.44]-Harry, I gotta go. -Slow down! -哈利,我要走了 -慢一点
  [01:40.76]You wanna kill me? 你想害死我吗?
  [01:44.44]Taxi. 计程车!
  [01:45.52]Erica. 爱莉卡!
  [01:47.28]-She's just a friend. -Oh, yeah. -她只是普通朋友 -对
  [01:48.40]-She looks like a buddy kind of girl. -Come on. -你们只是哥儿们般的朋友 -别这样
  [01:51.96]-Just a dinner. -Harry, look. -只是吃顿晚饭 -哈利…
  [01:56.88]Here's the problem. 问题就在这儿
  [01:57.72]I really like you. 我很喜欢你
  [02:00.24]-I really like you. -Yeah, but I “love you” like you. -我很喜欢你 -但我是“爱你”的那种喜欢
  [02:04.32]I do, I love you. 我真的很爱你
  [02:19.20]I think that we should consider... 我觉得我们应该…
  [02:23.68]...maybe we're getting ahead of ourselves. 先彼此了解之后再说
  [02:24.40]-Do you? -Yeah. -是吗? -对
  [02:26.16]I am like the dumb girl who doesn't get it. 我太笨了,搞不清楚状况
  [02:29.88]I've never been the dumb girl before. It ain't great. 我以前没这么笨,感觉真糟
  [02:32.24]Let's just calm down. 先冷静一下
  [02:34.24]I had these plans before I even met you. 我认识你以前就约好这摊了
  [02:36.08]-I mean, I do like seeing you. I do. -Yeah. -我很想再见到你,真的 -是喔
  [02:40.96]-I'm always surprised by it. -Surprised by it? -连我自己都很讶异 -讶异?
  [02:45.28]What was I thinking? 我到底在想什么啊?
  [02:45.36]I have never lied to you. 我没对你说过半句谎言
  [02:48.12]I have always told you some version of the truth. 我告诉过你的 都是真实版本的真心话
  [02:54.88]The truth doesn't have versions, okay? 真心话是没有分版本的
  [02:55.80]Will you cut me a little slack? 就请你饶了我吧
  [02:58.56]-My life has been turned upside down. -Mine too! -我的生活彻底改变了 -我也是
  [03:03.04]Well, then let's just each get our bearings. 我们先各自调适吧
  [03:04.84]I don't want my bearings. 我不想调适自己
  [03:08.40]I've had my bearings my whole goddamn life. 我这一辈子都在调适自己
  [03:11.28]I felt something with you that I never really knew existed. 我对你有种前所未有的感觉
  [03:16.68]Do you know what that's like, after a 20-year marriage... 经过了二十年的婚姻生活
  [03:17.36]...to feel something for another person that is so...? 居然会爱上另一个…
  [03:23.32]That.... 那个…
  [03:25.72]Right. Right. Not your problem. 对,不关你的事
  [03:28.20]God. Do you know that I've written this, but I never... 天哪,我剧本里常提到感情 但我却从来没…
  [03:34.08]...really got it. 体会过
  [03:36.04]Do you know what this is? 你知道这是什么感觉吗?
  [03:39.36]No. 不知道
  [03:50.04]This is heartbroken. How's that for impervious? 这是心碎,这不叫不为所动
  [03:54.32]You're killing me. 你别折磨我了
  [03:56.12]I just wish that it had lasted more than a week. 真希望能持续超过一个礼拜
  [04:02.60]Me too. 我也希望
  [04:07.56]That is a terrible thing to say. 你说这句话太过分了
  [04:11.32]You know, the life I had before you... 我在认识你之前的生活…
  [04:15.92]...I knew how to do that. I could do that forever. 我过得非常得心应手 我可以那样过一辈子
  [04:19.60]But now look at me. What am I gonna do? 但现在呢? 我该怎么办?
  [04:21.20]What am I gonna do with all this? 我要如何自处?
  [04:26.04]Taxi. 计程车!
  [04:28.84]Erica. Can you wait just a second? 爱莉卡,请你等一下
  [04:31.52]The truth is, l.... I just.... 其实我只是…
  [04:37.28]I don't know how to be a boyfriend. 我不知道怎么当个好男友
  [04:41.56]That's what you have to say? 你只说得出这种话吗?
  [04:43.84]That you don't know how to be a boyfriend? 不知道怎么当个好男友?
  [04:46.80]That's not a small thing. 这可是个大问题
  [04:51.60]Are we done? 结束了吗?
  [04:54.08]I don't know. 我不知道
  [05:00.08]Oh, my God. 天哪
