听电影学英语-杯酒人生 23(在线收听

  [00:01.18]- He's very considerate. - That's great. -他非常能替人着想 -太好了
  [00:05.30]So how are you doing? 你最近如何?
  [00:09.34]Since the last time we spoke? I don't know. -自从上次我们说话后 -我不知道
  [00:11.82]Could be better. Could be worse. 可以更好,也可以更坏
  [00:13.42]- So what's happening with your book? - Um, universally rejected. 你的书怎么样了?
  [00:19.98]- Strike three. - Oh, Miles, that's awful.
  [00:20.22]麦斯,那太糟糕了 你要怎么办?
  [00:21.90]What are you gonna do?
  [00:27.14]Back to the drawing board, I guess. Or not. 回到发想阶段,或者不,我不知道
  [00:28.46]I don't know.
  [00:33.42]So, anyway, you're married. 不说这个,你结婚了
  [00:33.70]Congratulations. You look happy. 恭喜,你看起来很快乐
  [00:38.06]- I am. - Good. -我是很快乐 -很好
  [00:42.06]Seems like everybody's getting married. 好像大家都要结婚了
  [00:44.42]Last year was all divorces. This year it's all weddings. 去年都是离婚,今年都是结婚
  [00:48.42]- Cyclical, I guess. - I guess. 我想这是循环性的
  [00:55.06]Well, uh, what do you say we hit the reception? 不如我们去参加宴会?
  [00:58.98]Have some champagne, toast the newlyweds, huh? 喝点香槟,向新人敬酒
  [01:02.54]Not me. I'm not drinking. 我不喝酒
  [01:04.54]You quit drinking. Really? 你戒酒了?
  [01:09.38]I'm pregnant. 我怀孕了
  [01:12.98]I see. 是吗?
  [01:17.34]Yes, I see. Great. 是的,我了解,太好了
  [01:20.62]Well, congratulations again, Vicki. 再次恭喜你,薇朵 那真是个好消息
  [01:23.90]Boy, that's wonderful news.
  [01:27.46]- See you over there, Miles? - Yeah. -我们那边再见,麦斯 -好
  [01:37.82](Car Door Closes)
  [03:43.46](Boy) "The marrow ofhis bone, ' I repeated aimlessly. 他的骨髓,我茫然重复地说着
  [03:46.14]"This, at last, penetrated my mind. 这至少贯穿了我的心思
  [03:50.42]"Phineas had died from the marrow of his bone... 菲尼亚彻底的死透了
  [03:50.94]"flowing down his bloodstream to his heart. 血液不再流入心脏
  [03:55.58]"I did not cry then or ever about Finny. 我当时没哭,后来也没为小菲哭
  [04:00.06]"I did not cry even when I stood... 就算我站着看着他
  [04:01.26]"watching him being lowered into his family's straitlaced burial ground...
  [04:04.86]"outside of Boston.
  [04:05.46]被放入波士顿肃穆的家族墓园中 我也没哭
  [04:06.90]"I could not escape the feeling that this was my own funeral... 我无法不去想如果这是我的葬礼
  [04:12.18]and you do not cry in that case. '" 你就不会哭
  [04:14.98]Should I keep reading the next chapter, Mr. Raymond? 要不要接着念下一章,老师?
  [04:18.94]Uh, no, no. We'll pick up there Monday. 不用了,星期一再念吧
