听电影学英语-拜见岳父大人 16(在线收听

  [00:01.86]∮ Oh, for once in my life
  [00:04.34]∮ I got someone who needs me... ∮
  [00:06.06]To Greg! 为阿基干杯!
  [00:07.02](All) To Greg! 为阿基干杯!
  [00:10.14]- (Dina ) Where is Greg? - In the rest room. - 阿基呢? - 他在洗手间里
  [00:14.10]Yes, I've tried every shelter in the north shore. 对,我到处都找过了
  [00:16.78]He's a brown and black Himalayan with an all black tail. 粽黑色的喜玛拉雅猫 尾巴全是黑色
  [00:20.82]Mr. Jinx. 名叫黑仔
  [00:24.66]Yeah, you check. I'll call back. 好,你去找找,我再打来
  [00:28.02]- Hey, it's the man of the hour. - Hey-hey! 嗨,现时重要人物
  [00:31.30]Sorry, folks. Had to pay a visit to the urinal fairy. 对不起,我得去探探尿神
  [00:40.06]Greg, nice work with the cat today. 阿基,你找到猫真棒
  [00:43.90]Thanks, Jack. Glad I could help. 谢谢,很高兴我能帮忙
  [00:45.62]Hey, we never did finish that little convo in the den. 我们在地下室的话还没说完
  [00:48.46]So there is still something I'd like to talk about. 我还有话想跟你说
  [00:53.58]We'll get right to it as soon as we get back. 我们回去后立刻谈,我答应你
  [00:54.94]I'm gonna hold you to that. Circle of Trust. 我要你保证,“信任圈”
  [00:59.62]Guess who's back in the Circle of Trust? 猜猜谁回到“信任圈”了?
  [01:31.82]Oh, poor k evin looks lonely. 可怜的凯文很孤单
  [01:34.70]I should ask him to dance. What do you think? 我请他跳舞,你说好吗?
  [01:38.78]Sure. He could, uh, whittle a private dance floor for you two. 当然,他可以为你俩 削一个私人小舞池
  [01:42.86]I'm serious. I saw some beechwood outside. 我是认真的 外面有些山毛榉
  [01:46.26]He's very handy. He's an extremely handy... 很方便,他的手又巧...
  [01:50.10]and crafty craftsman. I shouldn't say that, but... 一个有技巧的手工匠 我不该那样说...
  [01:54.02]Come on, seriously. Part of you wishes you ended up with him. 来吧,老实说 你有点希望选了他吧
  [01:58.90]Yes, he's very talented. 是,他很有才华
  [02:00.18]But it would have never worked out. 可是我俩不会有结果
  [02:04.62]Why not? 为什么不会?
  [02:06.50]I was never in love with k evin. 我从来没爱过凯文
  [02:12.46]I'm in love with you. 我爱你
  [02:16.66]- That's a good explanation. - Think so? - 是个好解释 - 是吗?
  [02:20.46]- Thought you'd like that. - I do. - 你喜欢吗? - 我喜欢
  [02:21.06]I'm glad. 我很高兴
  [02:23.82]No, Jinx. Mr. Jinx. I called you half an hour ago. 黑仔,我半小时前打过电话
  [02:30.10]Ok, I already... I already described it. 好,我已...已经描述过了
  [02:32.14]Airline. 航空公司
  [02:36.02]Uh, it's, um... 是...
  [02:36.82]It's...brown... 是...粽色的...
  [02:40.50]With a little bit of black...trim. 有一点黑色的...边
  [02:45.38]'Please enter your four-digit code.' (Entering numbers ) 请输入你的四位数字密码
  [02:45.90]Yes. 对
  [02:51.34]'Jack, it's Hank from next door. 喂,杰克,我是你邻居汉克
  [02:54.26]'Guess who wandered over here today? 你知道谁今天到我家来了?
  [02:56.10]'Mr. Jinx. He's not wearing his collar, but it's Jinxy. 黑仔,它没戴颈圈 但我认得它
  [02:59.62]'So just give me a jingle when you guys get home, 回来后打个电话给我
  [03:03.98]'and I'll bring the rascal over.' 我把它送过去
  [03:07.06]Ok, just, uh, keep checking, please, and I'll call back. Thanks. 请你继续找,我再打来,谢谢
  [03:14.02]- Any luck? - No, they're still looking. - 找到了吗? - 没有,他们仍在找
  [03:15.98]Jack, this is a great party. 杰克,这个派对真棒
  [03:18.22]Sometimes things just come together in their own...kookie sort of way. 世上的事有时是... 车到山前必有路
  [03:24.18]Yeah. Like the way you found Jinxy at that animal shelter, huh? 就像你在动物收容所 找到黑仔一样
  [03:28.26]Yeah-huh. Right. 哦,对
  [03:31.10]- Well, he's home now. - Yes. - 它已经回家了 - 是的
  [03:31.90]You know, something about that ball of fur 你了解那只猫吗?
  [03:35.18]just puts a big smile on my face. 它真的令我很开心
  [03:38.90]- Mm. - Yeah. 是
  [03:41.14]You haven't seen his new tricks? 你没见过它的新把戏吧?
  [03:41.22]No. Mm-mm. 没有
  [03:43.86]- Well, I'll show you. - We don't have to do it tonight. - 我给你看看 - 不必今晚看
  [03:54.86](Linda ) Honey, I'll drive. 宝贝儿,我来开吧
  [03:58.98]- Hey, Larry, why don't I drive? - Good idea! - 拉里,让我开好吗? - 好,注意!
  [04:03.22]I've atways wanted to test-drive a Benz. 我一直想开宾士
  [04:05.54]Be my guest, Focker. 随便吧,发先生
  [04:08.98]- Sweetie, what are you doing? - Larry said I could drive. - 宝贝儿,你要干什么? - 拉里说我可以开
  [04:14.34]Oh. 哦
  [04:15.74]- Let's go. Hurry, hurry. - Bye, guys. - 走吧,快,快 - 再见
  [04:18.10]- (Linda ) Thanks for driving, Greg. - (Tires squealing) 谢谢你开车,阿基
  [04:25.10]- Drives better than a Taurus, huh? - Yeah. - 这车比福特快吧? - 对
  [04:29.78]- Get in the car, honey. Hurry up. - Ok, Ok. - 上车吧,宝贝儿 - 好,好
  [04:34.26]- (Tires squealing) - (Dina ) Whoa, Nelly! 哇,赶什么?
  [04:36.90](Larry ) Everybody comfortable? 后面人人坐得舒服吗?
  [04:41.22]You're a little wild man at that wheel! 你开起车来像野人似的!
  [04:44.38]That's a ride, man! 就这样,伙计!
  [04:47.58]Got your seat belts on back there? 后面扣好安全带了吗?
  [04:54.82]Oh, Jesus, Focker! 天啊,阿基!
  [04:59.30]- Jeez, take it easy! - Benz drives like a dream. - 悠着点儿! - 开宾士就像做梦
