听电影学英语-天气预报员 03(在线收听

  [00:06.92]You should carry more than $1 , David. 你不应该只带一美元, 戴维
  [00:09.08]You're a grown man. 你是个成年人了
  [00:12.72]Let me just move this letter from Hello America. 让我把这封"你好美国"节目 寄来的信拿开
  [00:53.24]My father is Robert King Spritzel. 我父亲是罗伯特.金.斯埔里泽
  [00:56.08]He won the National Book Award when he was 28. 他在28岁就获得了国家图书奖章
  [01:00.40]And the Pulitzer when he was 33. 33岁获得普立兹奖
  [01:00.88]President Carter called him a national treasure. 卡特总统称他为国家的财富
  [01:05.84]They played racquetball in a regular game. 他们还一同参加了一次壁球比赛
  [01:08.24]He was a great writer. 他是个了不起的作家
  [01:11.80]But what was the cost? 那代价是什么呢?
  [01:14.40]No, he didn't. 没有
  [01:16.56]He was a fine father. 他是个好父亲
  [01:19.76]More than that, really. 而且不止这些, 真的
  [01:20.72]lt's fruitless for Shelly to be dancing. 雪丽去学舞蹈毫无收获
  [01:23.40]She should find another interest that would be more rewarding to her... 她应该尝试别的对她有益的爱好....
  [01:28.12]that she can take more from, David. 这样她可以学到东西, 戴维
  [01:31.36]-We've talked about that. -Well, you should do something, Son. -我们讨论过 -那你应该做些什么, 儿子
  [01:33.24]We've tried a couple things. We'll keep trying, so.... 我们已经试过几项了, 并且还在努力....
  [01:38.44]How's Michael? 迈克怎么样?
  [01:40.36]l think that was an overreaction on Noreen's part. 我想诺玲的担心有点过头了
  [01:42.44]l don't think he has a problem with pot. 我想他不会去吸大麻的
  [01:46.00]Let's hope. 但愿如此
  [01:48.56]How's the weather business? 你的气象预报呢?
  [02:01.48]Last September... 去年9月份...
  [02:02.68]l had encouraged Shelly to explore some other activities and interests. 我鼓励雪丽去尝试一些别的兴趣爱好
  [02:07.96]She picked archery. 最后, 她选择了箭术
  [02:11.28]So l took her to an archery range in Bolingbrook. 于是我带她到柏林布鲁克的一个射箭场
  [02:13.76]lt was a 90-minute drive. 开车要90分种
  [02:14.04]lt was a 90-minute drive. 开车要90分种
  [02:16.00]We purchased a junior bow-arrow kit... 我们买了一套初级弓箭套装...
  [02:20.12]and a leather wrist/forearm guard. 以及一个皮革护腕和护臂
  [02:23.36]Okay, we'll take that. 好的, 就买那个了
  [02:23.56]And private lessons. 还进行私人授课
  [02:32.12]All right, Shelly. 好了, 雪丽
  [02:33.44]You take that one... 你握住了...
  [02:35.80]and go right ahead. 然后向后拉
  [02:45.84]All right. Okay, just remember... 没事, 要记住....
  [02:48.84]pull it straight back, parallel to your ear, okay? 向后拉到于耳朵平行, 好吗?
  [02:51.80]You can do it, Shelly. 你能行的, 雪丽
  [03:01.72]We purchased a five-pack lesson plan. 我们购买了5次课程的套餐
  [03:06.92]We haven't been back. 但到现在还没上完
  [03:14.16]Hello? 喂?
  [03:15.68]-Hey. -Hey. 嗨
  [03:16.12]Can you pick up Mike at the mall on North? 你能去北区的超市接迈克吗?
  [03:19.64]l thought he was at a friend's house. Paul Norris. 他不是在他朋友家吗? 叫保罗. 诺李斯
  [03:22.64]They went to the mall. He just called me. 他们去逛超市了, 他刚刚给我打电话
  [03:25.48]-He finished his rehab. -Okay. -他从戒毒所出来了 -好吧
  [03:36.36]-That's one of my counselors. -ln your program? -他是我的一个辅导员 -你的戒毒辅导员?
  [03:38.72]Don Boden. He's pretty nice. 堂.波顿.他人很好
  [03:41.92]-He swears all the time, though. -Swears? -虽然老说粗话 -说粗话?
  [03:42.08]Yeah. To relate, l guess. But he's pretty nice. 是的, 我猜是为了强调吧 但他人很好
  [03:58.28]Hey, Don. 嗨, 堂
  [04:00.20]-What are you guys doing? -Looking for clothes. -你们在干嘛呢? -买些衣服
  [04:03.08]You're just looking for clothes. 你们在买衣服
  [04:04.04]-Yeah. -That's great. -是的 -太好了
  [04:07.16]l'm looking for clothes. 我也在买衣服
  [04:12.52]Okay. 好啊
  [04:14.80]-This is Paul. -What's up? -这是保罗 -你好啊
  [04:15.88]Hey. 嗨
  [04:18.20]lt's cold today. 今天很冷
  [04:20.16]-Yeah. -Yeah, no kidding. -是的 -没错
  [04:21.36]What is it, like, 20 or something? 多少度来着?华氏20度?
  [04:23.08]Yeah, like 22. 是的, 差不多22度吧
  [04:23.24]Yeah. Fuck. 没错, 操
  [04:26.32]Yeah. 是啊
  [04:29.28]Hey. 嘿
  [04:32.28]-Yeah, l like this. -lt's good-looking. -我很喜欢 -挺漂亮的
  [04:35.60]Yeah, l've been looking for something like this. 我一直在找这样的
  [04:37.68]Chuck it in here. 放我这里吧
  [04:41.84]-What? -Chuck it in. -什么? -放我这儿
  [04:42.84]l'm loading up. l got a discount card. l'll get it for you. 算我的.我有打折卡 我帮你买
  [04:45.60]-That's all right. -Mike, big deal. -不用了 -迈克, 我说真的
  [04:47.20]-l can get it. -Bro, l got a serious discount. -我买得起 -老弟, 我可以打折很多
  [04:52.40]lt's gonna cost, like, $7. 只需要大概7美元
  [04:58.04]-l'm gonna take off. Nice to meet you. -You, too. -我要走了, 很高兴见到你 -我也是
